CliqueClack TV

Lost – Daniel Faraday has mommy issues


Daniel and Charlotte

It was the 100th episode of Lost, and while it didn’t feel like an “extra special super fantabulous extravaganza,” it was a great installment. We got everything that a good episode of Lost has: answers to some questions, more questions introduced, crazy connections revealed, and a death!

As I thought, everything is falling apart for our friends in the Dharma Initiative. It wasn’t hard to predict, as once you start holding hostages tied up in your closet, it’s pretty much over for you in any situation. I’m very, very curious to see how all of our castaways are going to get out of the DI and where they will end up. My best guess at this point is that they will somehow end up back in the present(ish) day (it’s really 2007 in Lost “present”) on the island with Sun, Locke, Ben, and the others.

Bonus points go to everyone who predicted that the “Ellie” that we saw back in 1954 was Ms. Hawking. I didn’t see it myself, and thought that it was a bit of a stretch at the time. Shame on me. I should know better with Lost by now, everything and everyone is connected. It was no surprise, then, when it was revealed that Widmore was Daniel’s father.

This whole episode played out like a real Greek tragedy, ending with the death of Daniel at the hands of his own mother, who didn’t know exactly what she was doing. We have seen people come back from just about everything on the island (see: gunshot to the chest, gunshot to the gut, brain fried by sonic fence, cancer, spear to the chest, etc), but I don’t think Daniel is Heroes dead. They previews certainly made it look like the crazy scientist finally met his end, and in quite the poetic manner. The whole episode certainly spoke in favor of destiny, didn’t it?

There were a lot of great connections to the past of the show in this episode that I really enjoyed. If you recall from the Swan orientation video way back in season two, Dr. Chang (Candle in the video) spoke of an “incident.” It’s three years later and we’re finally getting an idea of what that incident was. You have to appreciate a show that can string you along for that long. The burn is so slow, but I love it. It was also nice to see a lot of Daniel’s story get wrapped up, particularly why he was so nuts (from experimenting with himself) when we first saw him watching the footage of the fake plane crash. It was refreshing to see that Daniel didn’t have any daddy issues in his past… instead he had mother issues!

Did you all think this was as good of an episode as I did?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Lost | TV Shows |

23 Responses to “Lost – Daniel Faraday has mommy issues”

April 30, 2009 at 1:56 AM

Was completely non-plussed by this episode. I mean, 100th episodes are generally jammed packed, and the marketing leading up to tonight certainly set that up.

Basically, it felt like instead of suprises, tonight we just got confirmation of what had already been speculated on.

We did get some lead up to what will probably be the the finale (‘Spoiler Alert: “The Incident” indeed).

Also of note about tonight’s broadcast. ABC began airing promotions (thought more viral-esque than specific marketing) for ‘Flash Forward,’ the time-shifting pilot that it hopes to air next season (cough cough, I think someone around here, may have done a Script Review, cough cough). What’s interesting about these ads is that Flash Forward still hasn’t been, at least officially, picked up yet.

April 30, 2009 at 2:12 AM

The episode was “ok” for me too. I really do enjoy having the gang all together in a room, emotions sizzling.

And, I’m looking forward to Flash Forward too. (If it makes it.)

April 30, 2009 at 8:12 AM

Im gonna miss Faraday he was a great character and really made the show watchable with his wacky theories. What an ending as well, shot by his mother!! I wonder though why his mother never stopped him from going to the island, if she knew she would kill him in the past ? And what does lie under the shadow of the statue ? This show doesnt really bring any answers, only more questions. LOST RULEZZZZ !!!!

April 30, 2009 at 3:01 PM

Here season 5 hasn’t aired yet and I just know what I found in reviews about so I am not sure of the timeline. Didn’t he had do go back to fix the bomb so that everyone on the island (and the island?) is safe from that? Or was he timejumping before and had that already acomplished before his mother send him to the island?

April 30, 2009 at 8:23 AM

So who died Bob? Desmond was alive and Faraday… well he had his eyes open that’s all. Ben wasn’t dead either. Jin wasn’t dead. Dead is when people put Sand on other people.

Aside from that I guess it’s time for another “called it” when it comes to the idea that all that happens is the 815ers present and that Faraday might have now said the right things to Charlotte for her not to come back, meaning he will have prevented Charlotte from going on the Freighter. Which would be another thing I called. God I’m so full of it today, aren’t I?

This way or the other I think that’s the reason for Faraday not to be dead. And that I don’t think his mother will set off the Bomb herself now but that Faraday is still needed.

April 30, 2009 at 8:49 AM

Oh and I didn’t think this episode was great. I hate Daniel’s mother, I hate Widmore, I can’t stand Penny and if Faraday is really dead and Charlotte DOES go on the freighter and dies this whole thing was just mindless and boring.

I mean look at the final result – Greek tragedy and all. Faraday would’ve been wrong, his mother would’ve killed him, he’s the son of Widmore and didn’t know about it, Sawyer and Juliet are captured, the future can’t be changed the only thing that would be “good” about this episode would be that they are really there because they are supposed to be there and we still don’t know what purpose that is and most likely won’t find out until mid-season 6. Feels like filler to me – all we would have found out is that Faraday was wrong all along and all he did EVER on the show was moot. If you call that a great revelation I don’t know what to say. He better be alive or he better be right about it and dead with Charlotte surviving and him maybe returning via a different timeline to get back together with her. Because the whole Kate/Jack/Saywer/Juliet story is boring me to death and I like Charlotte ’cause she’s cute and intelligent ;-) and I want her to return (yeah I know and because she’s a redhead Dorv :-P )

April 30, 2009 at 10:29 AM

Admission: Dorv has a redhead thing, too.

April 30, 2009 at 10:10 AM

The episode was actually rather bad. The time traveling scientist doesn’t know about the “grandfather paradox”?!?! The LOST writers are just getting lazy.

April 30, 2009 at 12:09 PM

Faraday’s ego led him to think that he could overcome destiny, and he failed to heed his own warning to Jack that anyone could die. And, what happens to people with hubris on the island?

So, I think the writers knew what they were doing.

April 30, 2009 at 11:13 AM

… maybe Daniel will survive now that Jack is with him? For Daniels mother it was quite important to get Jack there at least … lets see ;)

April 30, 2009 at 12:53 PM

We finally found out what the true purpose and reason of the button pushing at the Swan station. We knew that pushing the button was real, we just didn’t know the why. That’s pretty big. The electromagnetic charger that build up every 108 minutes had to be released or there would’ve been another incident. When Desmond didn’t push it on time it brought down a commercial airliner. We’ll find out in the season finale what happens after the incident.

The fail safe that Desmond enabled released an electromagnetic charge. It’s the unique electromagnetic properties of the island that have something to do with the time travel of the island among other things. That is why Desmond is different. He received a direct dose of electromagnetic radiation. It wasn’t just a cop out on the writer’s part.

April 30, 2009 at 2:39 PM

Uh Dan, I don’t want to burst your bubble, but this has been clear for about three years now. First when “someone” didn’t push the button. Then when Desmond was known to be the person. And now Faraday said that they tapped an Energy Source. All we know is that they might’ve drilled too far and that it was an accident, so maybe if they hadn’t it would’ve changed something.

Which brings me to another point: the whole idea that Faraday was on the mainland “researching” is totally ridiculous when he was already shown to be in the construction site in an earlier episode when we first saw the worker collapse. Meaning the following: if Daniel KNEW that they would find that energy source, why the #%$& didn’t he just stop them drilling instead of coming back to the island like a lunatic and telling everybody idiotic stories? Reason? The Equations in his notebook – he thought that they might now convince the heads of Dharma to evacuate (namely Dr. Chang). Which can only be logical if he has worked out those equations half a second before he got back to the island. The equations are the key to this “game changing” episode. Daniel thinks he found out that things can be changed while before he thought something else. But still: why the #%$& didn’t he just use telecommunication? *sigh* Ok maybe they don’t have outside contact but still. This is the explanation for Daniel’s behavior. Doesn’t explain why he runs around with a gun. First at the Dharma car repair, then with the Others. He basically committed suicide by running around with the gun like that. I hate it when supposedly intelligent people do stupid things.

But still: just furthers my opinion that Charlotte won’t be dead in Season 6.

April 30, 2009 at 3:00 PM

“But still: why the #%$& didn’t he just use telecommunication? *sigh* Ok maybe they don’t have outside contact but still. This is the explanation for Daniel’s behavior.”

– Because if he couldn’t convince the Dharma people he needed to be able to get access to the bomb buried by the Others to put his plan into effect, something which he couldn’t do while off the island.

“Doesn’t explain why he runs around with a gun. First at the Dharma car repair, then with the Others. He basically committed suicide by running around with the gun like that. I hate it when supposedly intelligent people do stupid things.”

– Possibly because he was working with limited time. I believe Faraday said something to the effect of them only having a few hours before the Dharma people might trigger the “incident”. He brought the gun with him to forcefully compel the Others to tell him where the bomb was buried rather than spend the time discussing and negotiating with them.

April 30, 2009 at 3:57 PM

Still stupid :-)

Effing moron.

Of course you’re right, I know that, I’m still upset about stupid deaths. I was also all like Charlie didn’t have to die but whatever he landed a guest role on “Chuck” so all worked out fine ;-)

April 30, 2009 at 7:19 PM

Let’s all remember to be respectful, thanks.

Honestly, I’m surprised so many people weren’t digging this episode. It’s rated as the third best episode this season, based on viewer votes over on Dark UFO. I thought it was a great look at destiny vs free will that is sure to play out over the final two weeks of the season. We’ll see if the future can be changed or not.

April 30, 2009 at 9:01 PM

You can count me as one of the people who liked this episode, and I thought it was one of the stronger ones of the season.

Regardless of whether or not it really provided any major answers, I liked that it used the flashbacks to touch and expand upon previous scenes and bits of information we’d seen regarding Faraday and especially that they capped the whole thing off with a poetic, “Twilight Zone”-style twist that played into the flashbacks.

They didn’t need to do something extra-special for their 100th episode, and I don’t think this is the kind of series that calls for that kind of thing, as long as they tell a good story while continuing the overall narrative.

May 1, 2009 at 8:26 AM

we still dont know how he end up on the island 30 years in the past and last time we saw him he was jumping around in times with Charlotte (and Sawyer’s gang) while she died?!?!?

May 1, 2009 at 2:30 PM

We do know. He came on the island from the freighter together with Charlotte and Miles. He jumped time with those two and Sawyer and Juliette as well as Jin who stranded after the freighter blew up. Nothing new there ChocoFrog. Charlotte died before the last jump to 1977 and was the only one who didn’t make the final jump because of that. Dead people don’t jump in time.

May 1, 2009 at 2:30 PM

to the island not on. Damn :-)

May 2, 2009 at 6:23 PM

there are so many flaws to this episode going back in time means if anything happens to them they change the if faraday dies in 1977 he will have changed the future so he wont be born and he will never have existed! its like back to the future when marty goes back and he’s fading from the future photo when his mum aint with his dad so if you die in the past how can you be born in the future?

May 2, 2009 at 7:24 PM

I think you’re a little confused. Hopefully I can help:

First of all, the show has made it clear that under their rules there is no changing the future (“Whatever happened, happened”) with the exception of Desmond. Secondly, when Daniel died in 1977 it was his present, even though he was in the past, if that makes any sense. Now, if he were to kill young Charlotte in the Dharma camp, it would change the future because she wouldn’t have existed to get on the freighter, etc. However, under Lost rules, that couldn’t happen (“Whatever happened, happened”).

It looks like in the final two episodes, we will find out if you can, indeed, change the future as Jack and gang debate whether or not to detonate the Nuke.

May 4, 2009 at 1:06 PM

Another big question is, when does Desmond return to the island, and why. Hawkings visit to the hospital, has to be more involved…Why else are the writers ‘teasing’ us with Desmond and Penny unless to bring them back into tue main storyline.

It’s always been about Desmond. As stated, he is “special”…

May 5, 2009 at 11:35 AM

Ellie cut herself short when talking to widmore saying she is sending her son back to the island to be…..?

She didnt say killed. He will become an other, like Ben and John Locke!

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