CliqueClack TV

Come on, Greek, what’s wrong?

Greek- Dale and RustyI don’t know what’s going on with Greek, but something’s missing for me so far this season. And I’m not just talking about the hopscotching cast (more on that later). Some piece of the show that made it so fresh in seasons past is just absent this time around. Let’s see if we can figure it out together.

The new characters are far from clicking: Jordan (Johanna Braddy) is a dud. And not just because she doesn’t fit in as a ZBZ (in fact, that’s a plus!) All of a sudden, she’s more comfortable around guys than girls; that came out of left field. Her whole KT over ZBZ preference felt really icky to me (not to be confused with IKI), and, at the very least, I hope that Rusty (and Andy) wakes up from his obsession with her fast. Speaking of Andy: he’s awesome! Where was he this past week? The writers have been dropping the ball on character and plot development, and as a result, Andy’s currently stuck in second gear. Which brings me to my next point.

What’s up with the missing arcs?: This season has been terrible at incorporating all of the show’s characters into each episode. Dale goes missing every other week. Cappie was all but MIA this time around. Max (Michael Rady) drops in occasionally (nothing wrong with that), and Calvin only exists to further Evan’s spinning out of control. What gives? Instead, we’re treated to a …

Focus on irritation: Yes, I mean you, Frannie! Talk about pathetic; Frannie turned a blind eye to Evan’s cheating, accepting that she’d lost Evan but insisting on hanging on to Chambers. While she may have come around by the end of the hour, that stupid statement plummeted her from a five to a negative in my book. Ashleigh’s been given more of a bump, too, what with her ZBZ presidency and all. Which means we’re treated to more of her making herself look like an airhead. What happened to Ashleigh the strong supporting character, instead of Ashleigh caught in the headlights? The writers made a bad decision about how to expand the character.

As you can tell, I’m getting very frustrated with this season of Greek. But I refuse to depress us all; as can always be expected, there were some gems this week:

  1. Rusty’s attempt at a nickname for Andy has stuck: go Andylicious!
  2. Beaver’s take on Rusty’s major: “Man, science sounds hard.”
  3. The KTs have an annual ampersand movie marathon.
  4. Mr. Purrs-a-lot. Enough said.
  5. Cappie reveals to Rusty that Casey’s the girl of his dreams. Get lost, Max!
  6. Dale, to Rusty: “I just try to lead by example, like Jesus.”
  7. Dale wooed the rental agent, Sheila (Kristen O’Meara), in order to save him and Rusty from eviction, following their impromptu KT house party. Apparently, purity pledges turn her on!
  8. Dale records The View so he can watch it as a marathon.
  9. Rusty and Max stage an intervention for a suddenly housebound Dale. When asked by Rusty, “Are you avoiding something out there?”, Dale responds, “Yeah; vegans and Coldplay fans.”
  10. Dale’s the house-wife!

You see, Greek writers: Dale is gold! What are you thinking?

Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Come on, Greek, what’s wrong?”

April 29, 2009 at 3:16 PM

I enjoyed the episode only because ale. I think the writers might need to hire some females. The male characters they have added seem good, but all the female characters have always been weaker.

They need to refocus on the main (male) characters, and somehow make the females more, more something, I don’t know what they are missing. You are right about Calvin, he should leave the frat, and get a boy toy or something. He is just sad all the time, and he was such a great character, he wasn’t a lame gay stereotype. Now I feel at times they forget he’s even gay.

“Rusty and Max stage an intervention for a suddenly housebound Dale. When asked by Rusty, “Are you avoiding something out there?”, Dale responds, “Yeah; vegans and Coldplay fans.””

That was my favorite line of the night as both normally annoy me. Of course it comes from the wonderful dale.

You forgot about the nachos through, their secret downfall is nachos! :)

April 30, 2009 at 9:40 AM

Yeah. While I love the male characters, and think they need to get even more airtime, I think you make a really good observation; the women are very weak. What happened?

Wait, what nachos? I can’t remember!

April 30, 2009 at 5:20 PM

Cappie was talking about how Nachos were the secret weakness of the KTs. :)

And yes this show is still better and more loving and true to life than most, but does that say anything about Greek or does that say something to the garbage that TV normally is.

April 30, 2009 at 12:03 PM

I would have loved to see the treasure hunt, instead of just hearing about it.

April 30, 2009 at 4:10 PM

In defense of GREEK, I’m really digging Jordan (Johanna Braddy) and am really loving the season as I’ve loved every season of this underrated ABC Family gem.

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