CliqueClack TV

What did you think of Caprica?


As I mentioned earlier this week, the Caprica movie/pilot was released on DVD and online download this past Tuesday. Surely by now at least several of you have seen it, and I’d really like to know what you thought. Did it meet or beat your expectations? Was it a complete waste of time? Are you anxious to watch the rest of the series?

I won’t go into my own thoughts too much here, as I did that in my preview post. However, I will mention a few aspects of it below that I didn’t want to spoil before, but will now since you can readily get it yourself.

As I said before, I really like the believability of the technology on Caprica. First up was the “V Club,” which I didn’t want to mention before because that first scene where it’s revealed should’ve been left a surprise. I liked that this club the kids created had a little bit of everything they wanted to do or try, all wrapped up in one place with different rooms.

I’m a little concerned that Zoe the Cylon could come across rather hokey. Having the girly voice come from the huge robot was … a little weird. How can her friend possibly save her while she’s in that state? It’s simply fascinating to think that all of what made Zoe Zoe is inside a robotic body. The question of the existence of a soul must come into play at some point.

Let’s hear what you’ve got to say. I’ll likely write up more once this makes it to air next year. And if you haven’t seen it yet, you still have until 5 PM EST today to enter our giveaway!

Photo Credit: Universal Home Entertainment

9 Responses to “What did you think of Caprica?”

April 24, 2009 at 1:30 PM

Keith: Have you listened to the commentary yet? Is it worth purchasing the (physical) DVD for, or can I just get it from iTunes and be happy with just the show? Any other worthy extras?

April 24, 2009 at 1:36 PM

I haven’t listened to the commentary yet, but I did start out listening to some of it. So far I’d say it’s not worth it if you don’t want to pay the $$.

April 24, 2009 at 2:00 PM

I look at it this way… It costs the same from iTunes vs. Amazon, but I know I’ll be much less pissed 18 months from now when I buy the S1 DVD sets which include this if I don’t already own a physical copy.

April 24, 2009 at 1:39 PM

I really like it, the actors where great, and the Zoe character was a real pain in the ….. hope hat was the intention of the writers!!!

April 24, 2009 at 3:52 PM

I really liked it too, much more than I thought I would, and I didn’t even watch BSG. I can imagine that the BSG fans will probably like it more than they thought too, b/c there is a lot of techie stuff and deep characterization to match what I know BSG had, and I’m expecting a good vs. evil theme. I’m fascinated!

April 25, 2009 at 5:10 PM

Wow. I wasn’t aware of the R rating so i was quite shocked when this first started playing.

Pretty cool pilot. I’ve got to acquire one of those holo-bands. Talk about the ultimate club.

I think Zoe is one badass genius! I really want to know what her plans for cyber Zoe were. Her skills are so much better than her dads. It sucks that with the real Zoe dead, they can’t explore that more. She probably would have made the first skin-job. I know it.

I wasn’t expecting that dude to blow up the train either. It is pretty cool that the “one true god” started with the humans & transferred through to the cylons from Zoe.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I liked the movie. I hope that they don’t get rid of Alessandra (Zoe) cuz she’s cute. It’s also great to so Magda (Andi from Kyle XY) in another show. I wonder how she’s going to help Cylon Zoe out. 1 year is a looooonnnnnnngggggg time…

April 25, 2009 at 11:55 PM

I really disliked it. It was boring, which a futuristic show (technologically at least) about proto-killer robots should not be. Also the religious themes are played quite heavy handed, much like the dreadful BSG finale.

Still, the premise of the show is great, and the last few minutes were excellent. If they give Polly Walker some more screen time, it may actually become watchable.

April 26, 2009 at 11:24 AM

Ryan: Then you should move on. I think religion is going to be a major theme on this show, and if its not for you…

April 28, 2009 at 9:36 PM

Just wanted to chime in that I’m the one commenting on T:SCC and Heroes and will watch Caprica. This is some other Ryan.

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