CliqueClack TV

Hey NBC, don’t be a dick: bring back Life!


I hate NBC right now. Sure, they’re the home of some of my favorite shows: The Office, 30 Rock, Chuck, Medium, and of course, the Law & Order franchise, but I am about fed up with this network. My problem started, as my problems often do, with Jay Leno. Forcing him off of The Tonight Show was a boneheaded move, and it took about four years for NBC to actually realize this. It was right around the time Conan O’Brien was pissing his name on the Tonight Show set to mark his territory (that giant leprechaun knew he won the lottery, is what I’m sayin’).

Anyway, in order to atone for their colossal screw up, NBC ceded their last hour of primetime to Leno. That means that we are losing five hours a week of shows. That’s all well and good if Crusoe is what we’re going to have to live without, but now it looks like Life may be getting the ax. What the hell, NBC?

I watch a lot of cop shows, and outside of the ones with Law & Order in the title Life is far and away the best on television. Yes, the fact that Damian Lewis is ridiculously hot doesn’t hurt, but more than that, it’s well-written, well-acted and consistently interesting week after week.

What makes Life better than almost any show on television (cop show or not), is the fact that it manages to strike a perfect balance between a procedural and an ongoing drama. It’s enough of a procedural so that you can jump in anytime, but the mystery of who framed Charlie Crews rewards loyal viewers to come back week after week.

Things were looking good for the series at the beginning of its sophomore season; Lipstick Jungle crapped the bed, so Life got its plum Wednesday night slot. NBC seemed to be showing faith in the fledgling series, despite the fact that it had been off the air for months due to the Writers’ Strike.

More and more people I knew seemed to begetting into it, but the ratings didn’t support my anecdotal experience. The season finale, which is easily one of the best hours of TV I’ve seen in the past two years only managed to snag a paltry 4.6 million viewers, leaving some to say it’s as good as dead.

With the possible exception of Parks and Recreation and Southland, NBC hasn’t managed to put a single decent show on the air this season, which ordinarily, would be good for Life‘s chances. However, they made that damn deal with Jay Leno, in which he’s going to pollute my TV before I’m in bed. That in and of itself is bad enough, but if it kills Life, I’m coming for Jay Leno’s head.

Photo Credit: NBC

42 Responses to “Hey NBC, don’t be a dick: bring back Life!”

April 19, 2009 at 10:12 AM

Save Life. I’m sure there’s a cereal campaign out there somewhere.

What frustrates me is how often fans have to think up this kooky things. Because Network television continues to make stupid move after stupid move. They wonder why quality television has erupted on cable in the last 4-6 years. Between Life and Journeyman, I don’t see why NBC still greenlights scripted Dramas anymore if they can’t make those two incredible shows popular.

April 19, 2009 at 10:21 AM

Life ratings suck.

However Jay Leno also sucks, on TV, nice guy. They should have only made Leno’s show 3 days a week or something. Of course NBC should have done a lot, like keep him on The Tonight Show, so nothing is shocking.

April 19, 2009 at 10:34 AM

Life will come back, I’m sure of it. I’m not willing to whine about NBC possibly not bringing it back or begging them to bring it back because it’s a logical decision simply to bring it back because it is a valuable asset.

If they don’t bring it back they can just can the whole network.

April 19, 2009 at 10:44 AM

What pisses me off is that so many good shows get on air via the networks when you know they would be far better suited for cable. Something like Life would be perfect for a Showtime or USA or whatever, but instead it’s battling for survival.

April 19, 2009 at 2:14 PM

Last time I did TV Talk Radio, Shaun and I were talking about Life maybe not getting renewed. We agreed that if it doesn’t come back to NBC, USA would be a perfect place for it. It could get paired with Psych, Criminal Intent, or any number of current USA shows and the audience would overlap.

I understand, from a business perspective why NBC may not want to bring it back, but if they can find a viable way to keep it around on USA, they would be stupid not to.

April 19, 2009 at 10:46 AM

How is Life a valuable asset? It’s been doing terribly for the network, and there’s no way they’ve been making money off the show. Lets forget about the shows quality for a second and just think about NBC as a network wishing to make money. It makes no sense for them to keep Life around if it’s 4 million viewers. It wasn’t going well during season, but they renewed it. It wasn’t doing well during the midseason, but they still ordered the back end of the season. It’s still not doing well, and you expect them to keep it around. It’s not a dickish move to cancel a show that people aren’t watching, especially after you’ve given the show 2 seasons to find an audience.

April 26, 2009 at 1:36 AM

It’s sad, but your logic is sound. Which is probably why I’m so angry. For networks to continue using such an archaic system as “ad space” which relies on “ratings” to make money is just ridiculous. I’m pretty sure that I only have ONE friend (out of at least 50) that has actually seen a commercial recently. Not only do the majority of my friends have a DVR, most of them only use it for the channels who’s shows aren’t uploaded to torrent sites, posted on hulu, or available for download on iTunes. NOBODY actually watches real-time TV anymore. They simply pick and choose the shows that are appealing to them (even if they air at the same time) and watch them when they get around to it. It is for this reason that only the crap reality shows and incredibly EASY to follow scripted shows get to stay on the air. The archaic system the networks are using to make money is only “rating” stupid people. I think it’s time we change this. Does anyone else?

April 26, 2009 at 11:23 AM

I agree that its time for a change but to say that NOBODY watches TV live is a misnomer. For every one of your friends that doesn’t watch TV live, you could probably call your parents and ask them for one of their friends that does.

Again though, with that being said, it is time for a change. But, at the end of the day, the networks make their money from Advertisers, not from viewers.

April 27, 2009 at 7:23 PM

Damn, good point. Still though, I think that if they had a way of rating not only DVR recordings but online viewing as well, we’d find that a lot of the shows getting canned would still be on the air and many of the shows on the air would’ve gotten canned. That’s, of course, assuming that the networks could make money off of such ratings. Again, good point.

April 27, 2009 at 8:47 PM

That being said, I do most of my watching of a Mac Mini rocking Boxee ;)

May 14, 2009 at 4:37 PM

Get your factg straight, LIFE is home for over six and a half million viewiers….every week. It is my families fav show and if NBC cans it, I am done wiht them. I hope to god USA picks it up, becasue it is a brilliant show that we all can wathc together. Can 30 rock, that show sucks! And Jay Leno, please….so over him!

April 19, 2009 at 11:08 AM

I also think they should bring back Chuck but I’m not holding my breath. I’m wasting my breath screaming to keep the show on the air. Some other shows like Medium or Heroes need to get the boot for our shows to survive.

April 19, 2009 at 11:46 AM

I will bet you $100 Chuck will be back.

1. It’s easily an 8pm show.
2. Someone at NBC publicly loves the show.
3. The ratings are fine considering it’s on NBC.

April 19, 2009 at 4:18 PM

Some seem to forget that Life was going up against Lost and American Idol. To pull the numbers it did with that competition shows that there is life in Life.

April 19, 2009 at 4:25 PM

Oreo, it may be doing fine on NBC, and any other year it’d most probably be back, but NBC has lost 5 hours of prime time next year due to this Leno deal. It’s all about space now. That’s why seem to do a “will Chuck make it” every few hours! I think, and hope, it comes back, but who knows. They only have 2 hours a night now. Heroes will be back, Southland looks like it’ll be back, The Office, 30 Rock, Parks and Recreations will all be back, The Celebrity Apprentice will probably be back. I think it all depends on what new shows they pick up. Chuck isn’t going to be a solid lead in for any new shows if they are planning on trying to improve their ratings. They may be getting 8 million max this year, but I doubt they’re going to renew everything and stay at that number instead of try and improve.

April 19, 2009 at 8:31 PM

And NBC still has a crapload of hours to fill. Heroes is coming back for what will most likely be a finale season. Chuck is an 8pm show and NBC doesn’t have a lot of those. There is also midseason. I see Chuck coming back midseason, for 13 episodes and then have a full season after that to fill in for Heroes and Law and Order and several other shows.

April 19, 2009 at 7:02 PM

I for one would love to see Life brought back. I agree with the reviewer that it is one of the best all around shows made, especially so since it is a cop show. Wonderfully scripted, cast and produced, this show’s main undoing is obviously ratings–or lack thereof. However, to do it justice, would be to put it on a single solid night where viewers that aren’t the run of the mill tv nuts like those of us posting here could see it and know when and where to return to see it again. Can you hear us NBC? Or is it going to be another Nothing But Canceled for us and you?

April 20, 2009 at 5:23 PM

NBC can screw itself if it cancels Life and Chuck. I don’t care if Life finds itself on NBC or a cable channel.. just bring it back. We need quality programming…. not NBC.

April 21, 2009 at 8:33 AM

Any major network should be able to easily promote an excellent cop show. If The Mentalist on CBS has great ratings, there is just no excuse NBC can’t promote Life properly. The Mentalist doesn’t even have hot female leads on the show.

April 21, 2009 at 1:09 PM

Don’t forget that Life was moved 3 times this season and if going against Lost and Crap Idol. It would be a great show for FX or USA. I love this show. NBC blows.

April 21, 2009 at 3:32 PM

Canceling Life would be a huge mistake, and why take Leno off late night just to move him before the news, that isn’t going to last NBC is going to see a huge plummet in ratings people want drama or real comedy, not to be reiminded that it’s bedtime.

April 23, 2009 at 5:11 PM

Why is it, that when we find a good show like LIFE on tv, the station(s) decide that it isn’t bringing in the younger generations. I for one, think that older viewers are the ones that have a loyal following. If NBC, wants or cares about us, they will bring back LIFE.


April 24, 2009 at 1:15 PM

I’m hugely annoyed that two great shows such as Life and Chuck might be forced off the air for the barely watchable Leno. NBC is a waste outside of these shows The Office and 30 Rock – I might not watch it ever if this holds course.

April 25, 2009 at 6:48 PM

We love Life at our house. I can guarantee NBC that we won’t be watching Leno. Some network has to pick this show up. Despite how badly handled it was on NBC, Life managed to get a following. Of course what do I know? The only reality show we watch is Escape to Chimp Eden on Animal Planet.

April 26, 2009 at 12:21 PM

Here’s the thing with network television. They are still stuck in this silly 1950’s paradigm of an off season. Geez, people switch on the lights upstairs. There is no off season. This is the land of twitter and facebook and 24/7 news cycles. Why then would we only have decent television for 1/2 the year? Why not have new tv all year long? Everybody wins.

We get to keep great shows that are on the proverbial bubble and there is something new to watch all year long. It’s even good for the economy because people stay employed. I’m not saying turn a season into fifty shows, but have new stuff on when other folks are running reruns. For pete’s sake – think outside the box. You get to attract viewers all year long not just during the Feb and Nov sweeps.

Life and other shows like it deserve the chance to shine without getting what 30 eps bounced around on three different nights, subject to press conferences, being pre-empted by sporting events and other odd occurrences to build a following and maybe there’d be something decent to watch. As it is, I am nearly done with network television. I don’t want to watch talent shows, weight loss contest, people eat worms or dance with washed up stars – I want to watch real dramatic television – great shows like Law and Order, Life, Saving Grace, Battlestar Galactica. Stuff that takes me outside my ordinary life.

If I want to watch a bunch of people bicker and scheme, heck I can get that at home. Don’t need or want Survivor, Dancing/Singing/Eating or Video Gaming with the Stars, Leno five nights a week or any other mindless drivel. Snap out of it, it’s the freaking 21st century – stop thinking like a bunch of dopes in poodle skirts at the water cooler and be bold.

And lest, everyone think I’m super negative…. Life is absolutely a treat. Rich, textured stories, characters and witty writing. The cinematography is a treat and I am enamored of both Damian Reese and Sarah Shahi, top notch actors both. And I live overseas so I have to work to watch the show. I download it over sluggish internet connections on trips all over the middle east, but it’s worth the effort. I am not alone when I say that if NBC cancels Life they’ve lost me as a viewer and lost my money as a consumer. So think about your options and consider doing something better than your competition. Redraw the lines and set the bar higher. There are shows out there worth the investment – Life is one of them

April 28, 2009 at 2:59 PM

NBC plugs the wrong shows…case in point Bionic Woman (which really super sucked) was on before Life on the Monday night time slot. NBC tried to shove that show down our throats, but nothing for Life, just a little minute blip on the screen. I love LIFE and hope it continues, but I doubt it because the execs at NBC are Not Bright Chaps!!! Whoever questioned the Life cereal, there is a campaign going on but it involves sending rolls of Lifesavers…but the cereal idea is good too! Too bad it won’t work. To LIFE!!

May 1, 2009 at 12:12 AM

I agree, shove Leno back to 11:30pm (where he belongs) and renew Life, Chuck and Medium (the only NBC shows I watch). Who cares if Conan goes, he’s not that funny anyway. If you want funny watch Craig Ferguson (CBS), he has no budget, but he makes that show funny as heck.

But NBC will make another programming screw up, like they did with Journeyman… I loved that show and they dorked up and canceled that also…

May 4, 2009 at 12:23 PM

I watch life on and I bet a lot of others do, I doubt they consider those in their ratings??? It’s not the “live” numbers. Live TV is dead, on demand is the new thing. i want to watch shows on my time, and I don’t mind commercials. In fact the ones on are too short, I can’t even take a bathroom break! (Oh wait, I can pause it!)

I adore life but I admit I did not watch it live, but the only tv I watch live is tv I don’t care if I miss some of it, don’t pay attention the entire time, and won’t later try to watch online. I’ve watched most of my fav shows online this year. Life, Dollhouse, Chuck, The Office, The Daily Show etc.

May 4, 2009 at 3:25 PM

i don’t watch leno. i don’t know anyone who does watch leno. when leno tanks, i will sit back and watch the episodes of life that i have saved and curse the day. save life!!!!

May 6, 2009 at 2:05 AM

I am among the many who are saddened by the killing of LIFE. It doesn’t make sense that a show this smart, sexy and entertaining didn’t make it. I blame NBC, for they seem to not be able to promote anything other than crap (Bionic Woman? Knight Rider? Celebrity Apprentice? all of it, ICK). If you twitter, there seems to be a legion sending tweets over to USA to consider the show. Hey, you never know!

May 7, 2009 at 1:10 AM

save life!!1 twitter #bringbacklife @USA_Network

May 21, 2009 at 9:26 PM

I can’t believe that I finally found a show that touches my soul and it gets cancelled. The last episode of season two left me feeling a sweet sense of peace and calm. How can anyone who is human not connect with the amazing writers and cast of this beautiful show? I don’t care where it airs just so long as we get a season three, and four, and five, to infinity!!!!! I caught one of NBC’s other little shows last night because a friend of mine was visiting from out of town and could not miss it and I thought “Are you kidding me? This is so contrived and shallow it is embarassing”. I want to watch something I can settle in to and be “In the moment”. Here’s hoping someone out there with some pull has a soul and does the right thing!!!

May 23, 2009 at 3:51 AM

I agree completely with this review. Life is a great show and I can’t imagine why they’d let it go. I hope that NBC gets a clue here– or audiences will just give up on the network.

Do they have a way of counting Hulu viewers? I hear that the demographic they want to capture watches Hulu, yet it seems that those ratings don’t count.

May 24, 2009 at 3:14 AM

They better not cancel the show!! I swear to god I will send them a letter that will bitch tnem out so bad!!! LIFE is my favorite show on TV!! It is literally one of the only shows a watch anymore!!!

May 24, 2009 at 3:34 AM

Please people whoever likes LIFE save it!! It is one of the only great shows left on TV. All there is today is reality TV. I have do deal with this crap television all the time, everyday. I just want one show that I can look forward to each week. I don’t care what network picks it up, as long as it continues!!!!

May 28, 2009 at 9:37 AM

NBC nd Leno pest off if Life gone out. Life is the best show id seen in many years (with Lost of course). If they Kill Life… I will send thousand letters with toilette paper used in my ass.

May 28, 2009 at 10:51 AM

The show has been canceled for like a month, time to move on and grow up Derek.

May 28, 2009 at 4:43 PM

To be perfectly honest, the show had its logical ending when the greater mystery of charlies demise was solved. The end, as sad as it is to admit it, was just perfect. We now know, more or less that reeves and cruise are in love, as far as that is possible, and most of the central badies, like Roman and the dickheads that set charlie up are pretty much out of the running. If they keep going now, it might just end up another Lost effect, and that would be worse than being cancelled. That being said, if they could keep it going in a good way, then by the gods, yes I would love that.


June 25, 2009 at 11:33 AM

YEah Bring Back Life I was very dissapointed when I heard Life was cancelled. Me & my daughters watched it every week. You can ruin this for us. We Loved this show

June 26, 2009 at 10:24 PM

Come on NBC plz dont ax Life

July 20, 2009 at 9:25 PM

I LOVE LIFE!!!!! It is my favorite show by far! I look forward to it every week….please don’t cancel it. There are far more shows I could name to cancel. I love the whole jist of the show…it is AWESOME!!!! Love it…cancel some reality shows/dance shows…there are enough out there. Let’s keep a good show on air!!!

July 24, 2009 at 11:44 AM

Im a Uk watcher, and after seeing 1 ep of season 2 (currently only just released in UK) I brought the entire season 1 box set and watched them all before the next ep aired a week later.

IT IS MY FAVOURITE show, I am totally hooked. I am devistated to hear they have cancelled it, when finally there is something good to watch on tv.

I hope another channel picks it up…

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