CliqueClack TV

24 – I totally did not see that coming


Just when I thought I had 24 pegged this season, they threw something at me that made me go, “Oh my gosh! Really?!”

Oh sure, it’s not like it didn’t cross my mind. I mean, anything is possible on this show. People come and go. People die and come back from the dead. People betray other people. And friends kill their best friends, all in the name of justice and honor.

Still … this one threw me for a loop. And I’m refraining from talking about it on the outside chance that someone hasn’t watched this week’s episode yet and will get very angry at me for giving it away before the jump. So there you go.

No, I’m not talking about Kim showing up and seeing Jack. And what the heck? If I was his daughter, I would NOT just leave when he told me to — not if there was a chance the stem cell treatment would work. Unless we’re looking at a season eight without Jack, I’m guessing she comes back or is still hanging around the building.

What I’m talking about is Tony killing Larry Moss so he could get his mitts on the bioweapons canister. Do you think Tony has really turned traitor again? It sure didn’t seem like it when he was talking about taking responsibility for his crimes right before that. Do you think there’s something else going on here? Like maybe he’s working with Chloe somehow for the good of all? Or maybe he’s working with Bill Buchanan from beyond the grave? Did Tony know something about Larry Moss that we don’t? Give me something here!

Photo Credit: Fox

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “24 – I totally did not see that coming”

April 15, 2009 at 2:27 PM

Hard to say. Either he needed the day to get rid of the people above him to get to more powerful things like the canister to really go through with his revenge to the highest ranks in the US government, getting all the people at CTU killed or discredited in the process OR he needed to do that to expose the higher ups in the insurgency because he was never able to identify those people higher than the people giving him orders.

Who knows. At least the show stays interesting.

April 15, 2009 at 3:20 PM

Just when I was thinking “24 has been great this year, but there really hasn’t been a lot of twists”, they throw this in our face. I thought the last few episodes was going to consist of Jack chasing Tony, who just tried to escape, or something lame like that. I doubt they planned this all along though.

April 15, 2009 at 3:43 PM

I just became a 24 fanatic this season; so I really don’t know what happened in the previous seasons. I think it might be to early to tell if Tony is turning his back on Jack, but I he is becoming a traitor. I wouldn’t just up and kill anyone I was working with until no one noticed just like in this week’s episode. We never did see Tony communicate with anyone from Starkwood and Co. either; so maybe he is going to do a sneak attack on them even more than blowing up the rockets. It’s really just crazy like Lost; keeps you addicted and asking more questions as others get answered.

April 15, 2009 at 9:49 PM

Kim will be around till the end of the season. Her’s is a seven episode arc.

I won’t even address the Tony situation because i have no clue whatsover.

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