CliqueClack TV

Watch TV, eat, read CliqueClack Food

We know you watch TV; after all, you’re here, right? Well, we know something else about you too: you eat. Everyone’s got to eat, so unless you’re hooked up to a feeding tube, there’s something for you over at CliqueClack Food.

So please, continue to watch TV, and read about it here at CliqueClack TV. Just eat while you’re watching, and visit CliqueClack Food for inspiration.

Photo Credit: CliqueClack Food

Categories: | Clack | General |

2 Responses to “Watch TV, eat, read CliqueClack Food”

April 7, 2009 at 5:30 PM

I LOVE the Clique Clack Food Site! I’ve already picked up so many new recipes that I’m eager to try!

I like to imagine a “Point / Counter Point” type thing between Jeff Love, the redneck meat eater and Kona Gallagher, the vegetarian, but they both seem so nice and tolerant that instead of “Kona, you ignorant slut!” we’d probably get “Kona, I respect your opinions and I’ll give those veggies a try” to which Kona might respond “Jeff, I won’t eat that roadkill you recommend deboning by the side of the road, but I commend your imaginative solution to an unfortunate situation” ;-)

April 7, 2009 at 7:55 PM

Ha! To be fair, I am an ignorant slut.

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