CliqueClack TV

Lost – It’s all about the kids this week

LostThis episode was chock full of answers, wasn’t it? We found out exactly what Sawyer whispered to Kate in the helicopter, some light was shed on the fate of Ben, and we discovered what happened to Aaron before Kate returned to the island. I would say that those are more answers than your average episode addresses.

It was nice to see Kim Dickens back in this episode, as Cassidy, Sawyer’s baby mama. I was a little surprised that Kate spilled the beans so easily to her about what actually happened on flight 815. Couldn’t she have said that she was sitting next to Sawyer on the plane or something? He could have told her about Clementine as the plane was going down. I suppose the history between Kate and Cassidy built up some trust, so Kate felt that she could be honest with her, even about Aaron.

This episode was all about children, at it’s core. Aaron, Clementine, and Ben were all at the center of this week’s story. We saw that Kate was instructed to take care of Sawyer’s daughter, Clementine. As some postulated, Kate did leave Aaron with his grandmother. I’m not sure I was really buying Kate’s motivation for going back to the island, though.

That wasn’t the most interesting thing going on this week, though. That would have to go to young Ben’s situation. I thought it was great that even though there was a lot of speculation about what would happen, the writers were still able to deliver a bit of a surprise. I know I wasn’t expecting Kate and Sawyer to deliver the young Linus to the Others. It was pretty creepy watching Richard carrying him into the temple. I have no idea what he meant by Ben losing his innocence, but it was a great twist that in shooting Ben, Sayid really sealed his fate of being an Other.

And how priceless was the look on old Ben’s face at the end of the episode as he woke up to find John Locke staring down at him? It was perfect. If the previews hold true it looks like next week is going to hold even more answers for us. Ben is going to be judged, and as there was a shot of him on the docks with a gun, I have to imagine we will be finding out why he was so banged up when he showed up on Ajira 316. Just a bit of a warning: if Desmond, Penny, or their kid wind up dead next week, you’re going to have to deal with me bitching through the whole post. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Lost | TV Shows |

10 Responses to “Lost – It’s all about the kids this week”

April 2, 2009 at 1:45 AM

currently watching & just wanted to say that hurley & miles’ discussion on time travel is hilarious!
what a good way to voice whats on everyones minds. especially the coment about sayid torturing ben.

April 2, 2009 at 2:15 AM

ok now that i’ve finished the ep…
great episode & i’m glad they cleared up some questions. i think it’s pretty cool that they addressed the time travelling bit & even explained why ben doesn’t remember being shot. my question tho is does will he forget just being shot or more? he can’t lose 3 years of memory, can he?

also, if penny, desmond, or their kid die, i doubt you’ll be the only one bitching bob. i dont think desmond will die, but i bet ben holds up his promise to widmore.

oh yeah, did any one else catch that richard mentioned both ellie & charles & that he doesnt answer to them? so widmore switched sides? & ellie has been to the island?

April 2, 2009 at 2:32 AM

“ellie has been to the island?”

I think we saw her in the episode “Jughead” as one of the Others.

When they traveled back to the 1950’s(?), she was the young woman who was holding Faraday at gunpoint while he was supposed to disarm the bomb.

April 2, 2009 at 3:00 AM

Ah ok, that’s right. I was thinking of Eloise when I wrote that. Stupid me…

April 2, 2009 at 3:31 AM

“I was thinking of Eloise when I wrote that.”

Actually, my thinking is that Ellie and Eloise are one and the same (Ellie possibly being short for Eloise). Ellie might be her as a young woman which would explain why Eloise knows about the island (I believe Ellie also had a British accent).

April 2, 2009 at 3:27 AM

after reading a lil of lostpedia (damn they’re fast @ updating that) & watching a lil of jughead to see ellie, i retract my statement about widmore switching sides. i also forgot that he was an “other” all along. damn me & my memory

April 2, 2009 at 9:53 AM

I thought it was an interesting story for Jack. Because of his experiences with Ben on and off the island, he refuses to help him as a child. As a result, he might possibly be responsible for Ben becoming the man that he is.

April 2, 2009 at 11:00 AM

So Ben remembers his dad, the dharma organization, his life….but he doesn’t remember the ONE THING that made him who he is.

that’s remarkably convenient.

April 2, 2009 at 2:29 PM

yes, convenient, but not overly contrived. There is some context for this with Danielle’s crew. They were all changed by their experience in the temple… brainwashed almost. Just like the stewardess and the kids once they became others. They always seem a bit “off,” almost like a piece of them is missing and they don’t know what. Remember when Ben said he was born on the island… This is what he’s referring to.

April 2, 2009 at 4:05 PM

Hey Ben got saved. Who would’ve thought :-)

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