CliqueClack TV

Life – Charlie’s gonna need a bigger gun


Well, now we know what happened to Dani.

Look, it was pretty obvious over the last few weeks that Detective Reese was not really working for the FBI. Unless FBI stands for ‘Fake Bureau of Imagination.’ With all of the questions they were throwing at her during the lie detector sessions, there was clearly something else they were looking for. We just didn’t know what it was. It could have been a play to connect Charlie to the “death” of Mickey Rayborn, considering what they were throwing at Reese.

That doesn’t seem to be the case at this point. In fact, after the very last scene, it looks like there is only one main culprit …

… Roman Nevikov. Whether Roman is working alone or with one of the Conspiracy members will hopefully be answered in next week’s season finale (yes, I said season finale). Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised to see either Mickey or Jack Reese involved in this. Though, thinking about it more, I wonder if Jack Reese also disappeared thanks to Roman.

Regardless, Roman is in some big ass trouble next week. Face it, you don’t want to get Charlie angry; you wouldn’t like it when he gets angry. When he gets his dander up, Charlie’s finely-tuned zen is ripped away and replaced by a finely-tuned rage that can cause some serious damage in a fella. With Roman out of prison and Dani in his clutches, we’re looking at a potential throwdown on next week’s show.

Good thing this time around is that Charlie has some support. Whereas last season he found the true killer of the Seybolt on his own, this season there are a few more people involved in his secondary investigations. Ted, for one, has become a more important player in Charlie’s little project. Oh, he knew about the Conspiracy Wall and everything last season, but he was more of an observer than a participant. By helping to engage Amanda in a search for Dani, then going on the investigation with her, he is now in the thick of things.

Captain Tidwell is another participant, though for other reasons. It’s pretty obvious he’s  going to be in it to rescue Dani, whom he truly cares for. But, I also think there will be a piece of him who wants Charlie to rip Roman into tiny pieces. I mean, having Roman pay someone to serve his sentence while he freely galavants around the city is a blight not only to his record but to the record of the Los Angeles Police Department.

So, with all of the pieces in place, it looks to be slam-bang season finale for Life. If we’re lucky perhaps another big piece of the Conspiracy puzzle will be put in place. And, if we’re even luckier, we’ll see a third season of the series in the fall.

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

11 Responses to “Life – Charlie’s gonna need a bigger gun”

April 2, 2009 at 1:09 PM

This is definitely the best series television going, IMO…. if NBC cancels it and doesn’t renew they might as well just toss it in. What a great innovative bit of work Life has turned out to be! I hope Sarah Shahi can return after her baby is born… she and Crews have such great partner chemistry, and even the thing with Donal Logue has become believable.
Garrett Dillahunt plays bad guy like no one else.

April 2, 2009 at 3:34 PM

Of course she was with the FBI.

The FBI is the one protecting Roman. That is why Charlie couldn’t get him the first time (when he murdered the prostitute.) The FBI claimed he was an informant. The evidence was too much for the FBI to protect him the second time(when he killed the three Russians and held hostages under his club), although now it looks like they probably helped him avoid prison again. Charlie really needs to put a bullet in Roman.

April 2, 2009 at 4:35 PM

I sure as heck would love to see Charlie go off on Roman that snake! Can you imagine if he really lit into him?! Carnage at it’s finest!
I also hope twice as much we don’t see Life get canceled! NBC you better watch out as you have a bad habit of taking good shows and throwing them by the wayside. You had better heed the calling and realize Life is worth taking a good shot over and KEEPING in one time slot and allowing dedicated viewers and followers a chance to grow with it–and with NBC. Otherwise, what other drivel do you have for us…..
Go Charlie Crews! Go get Roman and let’s keep Life on NBC!! Or heck, even on DirecTV with NBC!!

April 2, 2009 at 4:47 PM

This is is _really_ good (too lazy for HTML tags).

April 3, 2009 at 2:11 AM

Wow. Not only can I not provide commentary worthy of the show, I can’t even complete a damn sentence.

April 3, 2009 at 1:44 AM

Yep, another ridiculously great episode…this season has just been getting better and better.

April 3, 2009 at 10:06 AM

I liked that for once the gun company owner was not a fat old white guy with a string tie. And that Plum (!) allowed her employees to carry guns made by their competitors and not just by P&K.

April 3, 2009 at 10:35 AM

Danian Lewis is fantastic as Crews and Life is a terrific series. Looking forward to NEXT season (and the season two finale).

April 3, 2009 at 4:27 PM

OMG thanks very much for saying “SEASON finale”. :)
I’m tired to hear useless rumor about the 3rd season! We are going to know the answer only in May. ONLY IN MAY. I just want to enjoy the season finale, hoping the love between Reese and Tidwell will survive! :)

April 5, 2009 at 11:21 PM

I just found out that the investigator, Amanda , is Charlie’s wife in real(off screen) life.
It’s amazing how well those Brits can do an American accent… Damian Lewis and Hugh Laurie as well. I really hope it’s a season finale, and not a series ender.

April 12, 2009 at 9:27 PM

I love the song that plays at the beginning of this episode when they find the dead body in the hot tub…it’s “The World” by Earlimart and I was wondering if anybody could help me find a video clip? I just wrote about this song on my blog at and would love to include a video clip.

For some reason, they use a different song on the webcast vs. when it was actually on TV…the Earlimart song was only on the televised version. Any help in tracking down this clip is much appreciated. Thanks

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