CliqueClack TV

American Idol – Eight is enough!

paula-abdul season 8 IdolYeah, no, I’m not talking about for the run of the show. Although, believe me, I can’t stand the fact that 99% of the people who’ve made it through the auditions in the seven years that I’ve been watching have been unable to sing. We can certainly agree to disagree, but this year Danny Gokey is the only contestant with some semblance of vocal talent.

Rather, I reference the fact that, American Idol producers, it is time to send Paula Abdul out to pasture. Well, not so much that it’s time, but rather, it’s past time (eight years past), and at this point, it’s more a question of: without talent AND with her and Kara‘s combined total lack of musical IQ, what’s the point in tuning in? Simon can only carry you so far. And, okay, he may not be intelligible all of the time, but Randy does make some sense.

To be honest, I never really cared about the rumors swirling around Paula; the affair with a contestant, drugs, drinking, etc. My problem with her has always been rooted in one simple fact: musically, she has no idea what she’s talking about. Okay, make that two, because her inability to speak English can also be frustrating. And this year she’s added a bit of a twist: her voice quivers and cracks every time she speaks. It sounds to me as if she’s self-conscious, or even scared, of opening her mouth. As well she should be, because she hits a new low each and every time!

I mean, come on, this is a singing competition (the major reason why it bothers me that the contestants can’t sing!) What sense does it make for her to say, “First of all, you look great!” Who cares? And then, she rambles on about people’s souls, their inner beauty, whatever. Is she a guru? Even so, I would take all of that over her attempts at dispensing actual vocal critiques. Besides the fact that she generally uses colloquial instead of musical vernacular to express herself, she also lacks a full understanding of the words’ applications. Not to mention her inability to steer herself out of trouble: when she uses a word improperly, or one it’s clear she didn’t expect to have pop out of her mouth, she needs to course correct in order to say what she wants to. Instead, Paula barrels ahead down an unknown path, usually resulting in the most ridiculous of quotes. There’s a reason that Simon always says “I didn’t understand a word of that.”

And I’m not complaining because I disagree with her tastes, although, since she is always positive about everyone it’s kind of impossible not to regularly disagree with her. I take issue with all of the judges for our lack of mutual opinion, but some of that has to do with a lack of perspective when you witness live performances. Or just different tastes (i.e. Adam Lambert is consistently one of the worst performers to ever appear on the franchise, hands down. For some reason the judges always get that one wrong!)

This isn’t brain surgery, and it’s not high quality programming. But that doesn’t excuse the people over at Idol for providing us with someone who hasn’t even the dimmest of lights on in their musical brains. Paula has none, and she is only doing herself and the program a disservice by branding it with her lack of ability. I’m sure she is a lovely person, but she sounds like a buffoon, and really has no place judging others in singing. Dancing, that’s debatable, but not singing. And, if her opinion carries any weight in the decisions that are made on the show, than 19 Entertainment has a viable lawsuit on their hands for reckless something or other. I find it a bit mind boggling that Simon Fuller doesn’t seem to care.

Anyway, that’s just me. But if there really needs to be a female voice in the mix, which I don’t disagree with, why not try someone who actually has the requisite knowledge? Or, at the very least, someone who would be a step up from Paula?

Is Courtney Love free?

Photo Credit: FOX

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10 Responses to “American Idol – Eight is enough!”

March 27, 2009 at 4:03 PM

I like Paula myself, but I agree with what you are saying about how she always says positive things and compliments the way they dress. I would hate to see her go because she is always weird and that thing she and Simon has going on; that was pretty funny when she got him a coloring book! I don’t like Kara though, she seems to just make up stuff to fit in there with the rest, I guess she’s more robotic than the original three. Overall Paula keeps it fun even if she doesn’t it keep it real 100% of the time.

P.S. Adam is definitely awful! I don’t “get it” either as he said Simon “doesn’t get it”…

March 27, 2009 at 4:32 PM

I did enjoy the coloring book thing! And I agree re Kara; she wasn’t even worth discussing.

And, whether or not we agree on Paula, the fact that your ears seem to work too is good enough for me!

March 27, 2009 at 4:50 PM

Wait a minute? You actually think that Idol is a singing competition? Ha-ha-ha. It’s not. It’s a reality TV show. The objective is to make a TV show that people watch. Some people watch the show to see WTF Paula does this week. She’s a train wreck. Everybody knows this.

What’s hilarious is the bloggers and critics and general hangers on that take a reality show seriously. I get special enjoyment from those that think the objective of the show is to find some great undiscovered talent and expose them to the world through song….. LOL…

March 30, 2009 at 11:18 AM

Actually, that’s exactly how it started. The first season I saw was two; what was more competitive vocally than Kimberley Locke vs. Clay Aiken vs. Ruben Studdard?

There may be an overwhelming number of contestants who discount the theory, but you can’t argue with the fact that vocals carried the above mentioned three, Jennifer Hudson, Carrie Underwood, Chris Daughtry, Jordin Sparks, Melinda Doolittle, Carly Smithson, Michael Johns, David Archuleta, and now Danny Gokey. Whatever else it may be, Idol is a singing competition. Greatly flawed, but still.

March 27, 2009 at 4:57 PM

Listening to Paula can be really entertaining, but mostly I agree that it’s just annoying. I don’t see how ANYTHING that comes out of her mouth is actually doing any good for the contestants. Paula should go, but I’m afraid too much damage has already been done. Apparently whatever is wrong with her is contagious.

Kara: I have six words for you: one of the best performances of the night!
Even my three year old can count better than that!

And that’s just the latest example. I so completely agree with you. Get rid of the ladies and bring in someone who actually knows music, or at least how to speak without sounding like a moron.

March 30, 2009 at 11:19 AM

Right. Even Ryan sitting there and making fun of Simon instead of commenting on the performances would be a vast improvement!

March 27, 2009 at 10:22 PM

Danny? Really? Danny?!?!

March 30, 2009 at 11:26 AM

Singing’s a tough one subjectively. Who’s your pony?

March 28, 2009 at 1:49 AM

Overall I agree with your assessment of Paula but she has been sharper this year and even dished out a decent amount of mild criticism far surpassing previous seasons.

To me, the biggest weakness is that Randy and now Kara are supposed to be able to provide musician and singer critiques but they often spout the same vague phrases over and over with very little musical specifics like “not feeling it”, “pitchy”, “we know you’re a great artist”, etc.

Simon is generally very good but he is woefully ignorant of musical genres outside of pop/adult contemporary. He often reacts negatively to music he doesn’t know or mistakenly praises someone for a unique cover when another artist has already recorded it that way.

March 30, 2009 at 11:25 AM

I had never put my finger on that (your take on Simon). It certainly does go a long way in explaining some of his responses. Thanks!

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