CliqueClack TV

The Wire virgin’s diary – The end is near

omar(Season 5, Episodes 7-9)

Well, just one episode of The Wire left. I was a little nervous at first, figuring that there was too much to wrap up, but then I saw that episode ten is an hour and a half long. Thank goodness. I was a little upset that this season was only ten episodes, but in terms of running time, it’s the same as the previous seasons.

The action really heated up in these three episodes, setting us up for the end of the series. There were more deaths, a nasty conclusion to Clay Davis’s case, and more Machiavellian tactics by Freamon and McNulty.


Clay Davis. Clay Davis! Grr. Argh! I can’t believe that snake got off. I was looking on with as much shock as Rhonda and the State’s Attorney. I will be sorely disappointed if he gets off scot free at the end of the series, but with time ticking, I’m afraid that is exactly what is going to happen.

The look on Scott’s face when he got a call from the “serial killer” was a thing of pure beauty. It makes you wonder what he’s thinking about. Is he thinking that the whole story is a fake? Not that I think he would really care, given his track record….


I was afraid it was coming, and in this episode it finally did: Omar was killed. For me, he was such an emblematic character for the show, it was a shame to see him go, even this late in the run of the series. He at least deserved a better death. To be killed at the hands of Kenard is just embarrassing. Ah well, I guess the guy never really stood a chance. It was really interesting to see how it was reported in the newspaper too.

If there was ever any doubt left in my mind about Scott Templeton, this episode removed all doubt. This guy is a liar and a cheat. It was fun watching the homeless veteran tear him a new one. I can’t imagine that Templeton is going to escape justice like Clay Davis is….

The greatest part of this episode, and maybe this whole season so far, was when the profilers were describing the serial killer to McNulty, and they were describing Jimmy, himself, almost perfectly. Hilarious.

“Late Editions”

Well, it’s obvious that the season is winding down. This episode featured the rounding up and imprisonment of just about all of Marlo’s crew. After all this time and work from Freamon and company, I am really hoping some of these charges stick and that the illegal manner in which they gathered the information is ignored. It’s probably not likely, especially given the track record of this show, but I would love to see it end on a positive note.

The story with Michael really got intense in this episode. There was the scene between him and Snoop that ended up with Snoop dead, and then there was the goodbye scene with Dukie. Michael has definitely changed, and not for the better. I’m very afraid for Dukie.

Photo Credit: HBO

One Response to “The Wire virgin’s diary – The end is near”

March 24, 2009 at 12:49 AM

Hey just thought I would pop in and thank you for this diary as it got me hooked on The Wire. Glad you’ve finally work up to what I think is the most satisfying series finale in the history of television (not to overhype it). In terms of Dukie’s journey it’s a fairly depressing road ahead but having Bubble’s story to juxtapose Dukie troubles bring at least some hopefulness.
And the one thing that lingers with me the most about Omar’s death is that it didn’t even get printed in the paper. I know someone had mentioned this before about season 5, but it does indeed do a great job of highlighting just how much of what is really going on isn’t even reported.

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