CliqueClack TV

House spoilers abound – if you don’t like spoilers or virgin vampires, skip this

house-castI am not going to post any spoilers in the first paragraph of this post, just in case your eye strays. You’ll have to read the full entry if you want the goods. And if you do read the entire post? Please don’t complain that there are spoilers because THERE ARE SPOILERS ABOUT HOUSE IN THE REMAINDER OF THIS POST!

I can totally understand not wanting to know anything about what happens. Believe me. I am more curious, however, than I am cautious. I know what happens on the last episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and I haven’t seen beyond season shree of the show. Some of us are completely illogical that way. I don’t fully understand it either. But I’ve prattled on enough now. You’ve been warned. Read on for the spoilers.

If you thought Season 4 had a nerve-wracking, jaw-dropping season finale, hold onto your hats. It looks like things are going to get worse. Here’s the skinny:

1. Something is going to change at the hospital.

2. That something is likely to be a bomb or bomb scare.

3. A major castmember is going to leave the show.

4. Because a major character is going to die.

5. Cuddy and House are going to kiss again.

6. Oh yeah. They’re going to have sex too.

When I read that one of the major characters is going to die, I knew immediately that it is going to be Wilson. I have no reason to think this except the pit in my stomach. I think it’s going to be Wilson because his death would rattle me the most. So, I really hope it’s Taub. A lot of commenters on the forums I saw hope it’s Thirteen.

Then again, supposedly we’re going to see a lot more of Cameron and Chase this season, so maybe that is a prelude to one of their deaths. That would suck too, but not as much as Wilson.

I really hope it’s not Wilson.

What do you think?

Photo Credit: Joseph Viles/FOX, Timothy White/FOX

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4 Responses to “House spoilers abound – if you don’t like spoilers or virgin vampires, skip this”

March 23, 2009 at 10:43 AM

I think that it will be Foreman. Cuddy and/or Wilson would upset not only the core emo/dependent triangle it would also alienate the remaining viewers that House has – especially if it is Wilson. Chase and Cameron are not major any longer. Everyone hates 13 (and Foreteen) and the spoilers I have heard said it is not someone you are expecting – so everyone that is expecting/hoping for 13 to go will be sad. Taub and Kutner will not be game changing as much as Foreman. It will break up Foreteen. It will cut off Cuddy’s liason in House’s office. He is the most major of the original cottages. He will probably die by risking himself for 13 ( who will hopefully leave from grief allowing for Amber’s twin sister to come in).

I think that House is a great show and that Hugh Laurie can do no wrong. I think that the show got significantly off track this year with the lack of focus on House/team/patient concept that was so strong and from the House/Wilson interplays (this year was just so dramatic – Wilson is leaving, Wilson likes House because he tells the truth – oh gag). Just as the Tritter and Vogler arcs were disappointing because they got away from the humor and pathos of House’s interactions, I think that this year’s interest in sex with Cuddy and Foreteen has sadly led down another soapy offshoot. And if last year’s brilliant ending had someone die then it is kind of repetitive to have someone die again this year.

Anyway, get back to looking at House’s psyche, get some laughs with Wilson, tell Cuddy she has a fat butt and allow for the interns to cringe/scheme behind House’s back. Get away from all of the pschobabble and emo.

March 23, 2009 at 11:43 AM

I think it will be Wilson in which case i too will be ditching the show for good. This seasons has been horrible to such a degree I’m amazed I watched most/all the episodes.

My favorite is I remember an interview by the creators saying they wouldn’t make the show into ER with shootings and bombs. They said this after the episode where the guy had a gun and the squat team blew up a wall. Now there will be a bomb and someone dies.

Chase, Foreman, and 13 need to all die, now that would bring the show back to life.

March 30, 2009 at 4:34 PM

I hope it’s Foreman, because he annoys me no end with his wishy-washiness…. but I think it’s Taub, who can’t imagine living the not-so-high life.

April 5, 2009 at 8:16 AM

IF the producers of HOUSE are smart, they will NOT kill Wilson. It would shock me alright, but I would be FURIOUS!!

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