CliqueClack TV

Thank you, Ronald D. Moore – Guest Clack

Ronald D. MooreIvey West is back Clacking for us again, this time about something he usually has a lot to say about every week, though maybe not so much after next week.

I would love to say that I’ve been a fan of the new Battlestar Galactica from the second the mini-series premiered. Unfortunately, I missed that boat. I did not then (nor now, really) hold the Original Series in that high regard, so I skipped it. However, when the reviews of the British premiere of the series started hitting the interwebs, I decided to get on board. At that point, I was hooked.

The mini-series, and season one, gave us some pretty incredible drama. Roslin’s reluctant acceptance of power, the first “So Say We All” speech, the horror of ’33,’ Starbuck stranded… (I can keep going on, but I’ll stop) were all very good. As with the original, we were introduced to a society faced with the concept of forging on after an apocalyptic event that which we can’t really fathom. However, the new version was infused with deeper themes of religion and politics, as well as character dynamics that seemed to be more relevant than the plot itself.

RDM also introduced his podcasts about 2/3rds of the way through season one. To my knowledge, no show-runner has ever offered what are basically “Director’s Commentaries” for their product on a same day basis (OK, for the MOST PART on a same-day basis). Getting that first-hand knowledge of the series as it was produced pulled me, and many others, in even deeper.

In the interim between then and now, we’ve seen pretty much everything. Character developments and death (and resurrections), planetary occupations, civil wars and uprisings, unforeseen alliances, unexpected Cylon reveals…. Heck, even a particular song altered the way in which we watch the show. Its been a ride like few other the medium of television has provided for us.

For me, personally, BSG has also been a portal to a greater online community. I’d always been one to follow Movie & TV news online as the various sites developed over time, but never really participated in the discussion. Until, that is, Battlestar Galactica. First at TV Squad, and now here, fandom of BSG has been defined by the people that have inhabited these sites.

Those that know me know that The West Wing is my favorite television show ever. That is still the case, but there is a very big difference. I’m not ready to say goodbye to this show, as I was with TWW. I’m going to miss the show, the access, and the fandom.

Photo Credit: SciFi

6 Responses to “Thank you, Ronald D. Moore – Guest Clack”

March 20, 2009 at 11:20 AM

I know Dorv, I’m gonna miss it all too. Very sad.

March 20, 2009 at 2:20 PM

Is this Dorv? Nice! I too didn’t catch the initial BSG mini and wrote it off as some silly Sci-Fi channel craptascular movie even though Ron Moore was one of my favorite writers/producers of current TV. Between his work on fleshing out the Klingons from Star Trek, running DS9 which is my favorite ST, to the criminally under-rated Carnivale, I’ve loved almost every project he’s been attached to, but for some reason BSG just wasn’t doing it for me. That is until I saw the episode 33. Hands down, when that episode aired I knew that this show was something special and Ron Moore was to thank. So as your title says Dorv, THANK YOU RON MOORE for bringing us your re-imagined version of BSG, but darn you for taking it away so soon!

At least we have “The Plan” (and hopefully more movies) to look forward to in the near future.

March 20, 2009 at 8:24 PM

Dorv? Is that you?

March 20, 2009 at 8:47 PM

Mayhab it is, mayhab it ain’t (2 pts for that reference).

We will miss you at the live chat, as I assume you won’t spoil yourself in the chat for the eastern broadcast.

March 20, 2009 at 11:44 PM

I’ll see you on the post’s, Dorv. I am not a big drinker but I had an extra brandy tonight, watching this finale. It is the end of an era, in a way. Oh how I will miss you guys!

March 21, 2009 at 12:21 AM

Keith and I tried to have some scotch in difference of RDM drinking scotch during the podcasts.

However, I remembered that I don’t like scotch, and thus don’t have any at the house.

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