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Lost in Lost – Midseason evaluation, theories, and speculation

LostHere we are, halfway through the season. I was under the impression that the season was going to be shown straight through without any repeats, but as we saw this week, I was misinformed. In any case, I thought it would be a good time to take a step back, evaluate the season so far, and discuss what may lay ahead.

The big reveal at the end of last season was John Locke, dead and in the coffin, which we had been speculating about for an entire year. It was very clear at that point that the Oceanic Six needed to get back to the island. I, for one, was pretty sure that it was going to take the entirety of season five to get our favorite characters back to the island. Well, half way through season five, they are back on the island, and a whole lot more has been revealed….

As the second half of the season begins, our castaways find themselves split up once again. This time they are not separated by a body of water; this time they are separated by three decades. The majority of our group is stuck in 1977, having acclimated to life in the Dharma Initiative. The other castaways, including John Locke and a cadre of fresh faces, find themselves back on the island in present day. We can only assume that this group includes Frank and Sun. Where Sayid is, I have no idea.

I have to say that I haven’t been let down by anything this season. It’s been a great ride so far and I’m looking forward to a strong second half, as the series begins to see its long awaited climax. My one true regret is that Charlotte met an unfortunate end, and not just because she’s on my fantasy team. I think her and Daniel could have had an interesting storyline moving forward.

Speaking of moving forward, let’s talk about what’s in store for our favorite show. We know that there’s going to be some awkward moments between Kate, Sawyer, and Juliet, now that Juliet and Sawyer are shacked up together. Beyond that, there is much uncertainty.

I’m really looking forward to seeing Locke back on the island, along with Ben. When Ben first turned the wheel to move the island, he was under the impression that he would never be allowed back on the island. Well, he’s back. Are there going to be any consequences because of this? Maybe the monster will be hunting for the bug-eyed other. I’m wondering how big of a role the new characters are going to be playing. It seems like Caesar and Ilana will be some of the characters from Ajira 316 that we will be following. I’m curious about their backstory, particularly Ilana and what she was doing with Sayid in the airport. Could she be an agent for Widmore? Or is she just a law enforcement agent of some kind?

And what about Des and Penny? I can’t imagine that Lost is done with Desmond just yet. For his sake, I hope he doesn’t end up back on the island, but I’m sure Penny’s dad isn’t through with the Scot just yet.

What about you? Any theories on the rest of the season moving forward?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | Columns | General | Lost | TV Shows |

7 Responses to “Lost in Lost – Midseason evaluation, theories, and speculation”

March 17, 2009 at 5:51 AM

The other castaways, including John Locke and a cadre of fresh faces, find themselves back on the island in present day. We can only assume that this group includes Frank and Sun. Where Sayid is, I have no idea.

I’d assume they are in the same time frame as Freckles, Jack and Sawyer etc… They all crashed in the same plane. We just havent seen them yet.

The question is how do they get back to the current time frame. As Ben didnt know them and hadnt met them – unless he had and didnt say anything….

March 17, 2009 at 8:03 AM

Well, Caesar was telling Locke how he saw the “big guy with the curly hair” sitting next to him on the plane disappear during the crash, with the same special effect/sound used for on-island time jumps. I assumed that this meant they (Kate, Jack, etc) jumped in time, not just space.

Beyond that, Locke et al were seen exploring a deserted Hydra Station, which leads me to believe they are in the current time period.

We’ll know for sure soon enough though. Stupid re-runs.

March 17, 2009 at 5:44 PM

I’m most curious about what happened with Ben at the marina and if he killed Penny or not. And if he did what will Widmores next play be? And I can’t wait to see Locke and Ben together again. That should be an interesting conversation.

March 17, 2009 at 6:25 PM

Man, my heart will be broken if Penny winds up dead. The writer’s wouldn’t do that to us, right? RIGHT?!?

March 18, 2009 at 8:59 AM

Please can anyone help – I think Im up to date and have seen every single episode but I don’t recall seeing Penny or Ben trying to kill Penny or even seeing Desmond and Penny – last I heard he left because he didn’t want to be in the plane back to the island and that’s it – what have I missed??!!

March 18, 2009 at 5:25 PM

Ben told Jack at the Lamp Post that he had to take care of a promise. Then later Ben called Jack from a payphone at a marina asking Jack to pick up Locke because he wouldn’t be able to. He had blood all over him and it looked like someone got a few licks on him. It’s all speculation right now because they havn’t shown what happened yet. But Penny was at a marina in their boat so it could be her that Ben went after. Especially since Ben promised Widmore that he would kill his daughter. Maybe Desmond stopped him and beat Ben up. That’s what I’m hoping for.

March 23, 2009 at 7:37 AM

Thanks! I hope someone explains who did Ben harm that day before he called Jack from a payphone… and soon, because I really want to know where’s Desmond and if they kill Penny, what’s his state of mind.. I can’t imagine, after all those years they waited to be together again. Plus I cannot remember a conversation where Penny’s father asked John to kill his daughter… but hey it must be my memory, I seem to forget things!

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