CliqueClack TV

American Idol – Michael Jackson, the L&O walk, and the phone sex line that wasn’t


Maybe I’ve just seen too many episodes of Law & Order in all of it’s various incarnations, but that was my immediate thought watching the judges walk out onto the stage last night during the opening of American Idol. They’re spaced a little too far apart to really bring out the similarities, but Simon has the head tilt down. My second thought was, if I was epileptic, I would probably be having a seizure right about now from all those sparkly flashing lights. It seemed like a lot more than usual, no?

I know I keep saying this, but I am just so impressed by some of the Idol contestants this year. Of course there are always a few clunkers, which people are bound to disagree with me on. Bring it! I’ll go in order this week for a change.

Lil Rounds was decent. She just doesn’t strike me as anything unique. But seriously, is she taking style tips from Paula and Kara? All three of them were frou-froued to the max last night, with huge bows and feathers and ruffles.

For the first time, I was pretty impressed with Scott MacIntyre. He’s nowhere near the best, but I actually felt like he was really into what he was doing for the first time and not overthinking it. I don’t think he’s long for this show, though.

Okay, here’s where I expect the commenting rage to commence: I cannot stand Danny Gokey. Sorry, his wife dying does not mean I have to like the guy. His performance was shouty and painful to watch. Of course, he will be around for a long, long while.

I hope Michael Sarver goes home this week. I wouldn’t go so far as to say he’s the bane of my existence, but he really bores me. And what is with Paula?? Is she PMSing? Pre-menopausal? She is fighting back tears every time she says something and even more incoherent than usual.

Jasmine Murray is the other one I really hope goes home. I think maybe two or three notes out of that whole song may have been on key, she was flat the rest of the time. I also can’t get over the fact that her valley girl pronunciation of vowels seeps into her singing.

Now, out of all these people, contrary to what the judges say, and to use a word that I really hate, Kris Allen strikes me as the most “current” and “marketable” person on Idol right now. He’s definitely got the whole John Mayer/Jason Mraz/Jack Johnson thing going on. When Simon said he should’ve waited a couple of weeks to bring out his wife, and they cut to her horribly offended face, I felt bad, but just a little. If she wants her husband to be famous she needs to know all his fans are going to want her to vanish.

Allison Iraheta is so young, but she has the voice of a well-seasoned professional. Paula gave her the zip-your-lips signal when Allison had one of those no-filter moments, saying “I’m not cutting myself or anything” when Simon called her dark. Honestly, I laughed out loud, then clapped my hand over my mouth. Maybe that’s offensive, I don’t know. You tell me.

Anoop … what a disappointment. “Beat It”? Really? It’s not a very … melodic choice. I almost don’t like you anymore. I know I didn’t like that arrogant look on your face after you finished singing. Maybe if you stick around you can redeem yourself.

Jorge got lost in a sea of better song choices and performers this week. He’s good, but I almost never remember him.

Megan Joy (no longer Corkrey)  gave my favorite of her performances yet, although she looks very uncomfortable on stage. How hilarious was her CAW CAW! at the end?? What a goofball, but I like her.

Adam couldn’t have picked a better song than “Black or White” — he took the social issue in the song and identified with it in a different way. To me, it was incredible that he could take such an upbeat song and put that much emotion into it, and you could tell it was very personal. Not a perfect performance vocally, but sometimes that just doesn’t matter.

Matt who? Sorry, I couldn’t pay much attention because I was too busy remembering the performance before yours.

The final performance with the special almost-was-a-phone-sex-line voting number was “dirtied up” Alexis. Since when is dirty a good thing? Those outfits are going to come back to haunt her daughter in the form of “My mommy said your mommy went on TV dressed like a hooker!” in another five years or so. Okay, okay, she sings well. I still don’t like her.

Vote in the poll and feel free to tell me I’m horrible for not drinking the Danny Gokey kool-aid in the comments!

Photo Credit: FOX

4 Responses to “American Idol – Michael Jackson, the L&O walk, and the phone sex line that wasn’t”

March 11, 2009 at 2:38 PM

If Jasmine Murray doesn’t leave the show right away it will be a shame onto the show. She was horrible, one of the worst in a very very long time. At least Sangaya had his hair going for him, she has nothing but the fact she could be a stripper.

March 11, 2009 at 2:41 PM

Stupid edit button… what’s the point of it if I can’t edit my post?

One more thing… American Idol doesn’t have enough money to either buy the 13 number or the 00 number? Both are phone sex. Just give them 50 million, which is nothing to Idol, and problem solved.

March 11, 2009 at 5:26 PM

it’s all subjective, but i thought adam was mediocre – just a lot of fluff and no fold. he looks like a cross between someone in good charlotte and the jonas brothers. maybe at 36 i am not the guy’s target demo, but i thought he was average and just screamed a lot. overall i thought the whole show was mediocre in terms of re-working some pretty classic tunes.

March 12, 2009 at 2:45 AM

You are definitely not Adam’s demo. I saw him in Wicked while I was in LA, so he definitely has the stage presence thing down. You can see him in Wicked on youtube and such. I wish Ricky Braddy was in, definitely deserved to be there than all of the wild cards that made it.

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