CliqueClack TV

How I Met Your Mother – Funnier than a public dry hump


This episode was… wait for it… completely hilarious. Yep, you heard it here first: I thought How I Met Your Mother was funny tonight. Funnier than tickets to Wrestlemania, funnier than a monkey in two tuxedos; yes, even funnier than a public dry hump.

Sometimes this show really comes together for me, like a perfectly emulsified balsamic vinaigrette. This episode had it all: clever writing, one-liners to beat the band, the classic HIMYM buildup that I have grown so fond of, and of course a Robin gun joke.

The fact that “Sorry Bro” took place entirely in the bar, save for the flashbacks, just heightened its brilliance for me. HIMYM doesn’t need any gimmicks to be funny. If the writers just do what they know how to do, it works; or it can work, every time.

The clever writing

This showed up mostly in the Marshall storyline. Yeah, he forgot his pants. And there was so much hype leading up to this that it could have fallen flat, because the hype was so funny that it would be tough for anything to live up to that, right? Not right, and it wasn’t just Barney that carried this thread.

What made it work was that it wasn’t all revealed at once, and the writers allowed it to build throughout the episode. Because the build part was funny, it almost didn’t matter what the reveal was. And then it went beyond the reveal, and we got to see why Barney thought it was so much funnier than everyone else did.

The quotes

“She was such a douche.” — Lily, about Ted’s ex, Karen
“She was the heiress to the Massengil fortune.” — Marshall

“A hug is like a public dry hump.” — Barney
“I think you’re hugging wrong.” — Marshall

“Ted, Marshall forgot to bring his pants to work today and you are still the stupidest person at this table.” — Lily to Ted regarding his sleeping with Karen

“Why’d you have to paint Marshall naked anyway?” — Ted
“Because he ate my bowl of fruit.” — Lily

The classics

  • We got our Barneyism in the four motives to asking an ex to lunch.
  • Robin and her penchant for firearms; someone tell me why this never gets old.
  • Hiding Lily’s (or Alyson’s) baby bump behind a globe in her classroom — yeah, that’s just inspired.
  • Robin again, this time on the floor of her kitchen, sleep eating leftover ribs. So gross, yet so laugh-out-loud riotous.

So, what did you think? Did you appreciate this episode as much as I did?

Photo Credit: CBS

4 Responses to “How I Met Your Mother – Funnier than a public dry hump”

March 10, 2009 at 11:16 AM

Other than the Skank of the Week for Ted the episode was quite funny. Alyson Hannigan and Cobie Smulders were acting really good, of course NPH stole the show like always, Josh Radnor was meh and if I see Jason Segel naked one more time I’m going to vomit. One word: Beertits. I don’t get the appeal, sorry.

There were so many good one-liners that you could go on for hours. The sleepwalking was hilarious:

“…Turgeon shoots… GLOVE save!”

That was soooo cute – and showed another way to hide the belly (Ted’s drawing desk) :-)

March 10, 2009 at 11:20 AM

Oh, I don’t think there’s an appeal to naked Jason Segel. You aren’t missing anything! ;-)

Every time he’s shown shirtless, Keith and I dry heave a bit, so we’re with you!

March 10, 2009 at 11:28 AM

Robin: “…You’re telling me you have no stories for me?”

Lily: “What can I say, weeks are just like that. Its the same thing over and over.”

See, I thought that Lily was talking to you and me, Debbie. :)

March 10, 2009 at 12:41 PM

Oh, I think you left out part of the quote. Didn’t it go something like, “What can I say, weeks are just like that. Its the same thing over and over, Ivey and Debbie.” ;-)

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