CliqueClack TV

Lost – A lot can happen in three years

LostAlright, I totally have to geek out for a minute and admit that this episode made me “squeee!” more than once. Well, they were inner “squeees,” because I don’t think I’ve ever actually “squeeed” out loud, but you know what I mean. In any case, it was a really great episode. Along with the previous two, we’ve been set up nicely for the rest of the season (and series?). With all of the characters converging we should be in for some interesting times for final episodes.

How cool was it to see the four-toed statue in all it’s enormous majesty? I just wish we had gotten a better look at it, and maybe a little context. Oh, well.

So … Juliet and Sawyer, huh? It seemed inevitable didn’t it? Even at the end of last season with the two of them left on the beach, it seemed like it was a foregone conclusion that we would see them together at some point. As much as I am not a fan of the love triangle/square/trapezoid/whatever-the-hell-shape-it-is at this point, I have to admit that I was kind of digging Juliet and Sawyer together in this episode.

At this point in the series, Jack and Kate have proven themselves, at least in my opinion, to be seriously flawed individuals. Jack’s craziness speaks for itself. That beard he was sporting for a while may have been the craziest thing I’ve seen on this show, including the smoke monster, backwards-talking visions of Walt, and room 23. Clearly, he is not a mentally stable individual. Kate seems to be a good match for him. She may not be as crazy, but we’ve seen that she likes to run: run from relationships, run from trouble, and as far as we know, run from her “son.” Stable is not a word I would use to describe Kate, that’s for sure.

Juliet and Sawyer seem like much more honest people, even though Sawyer spent most of his life as a con artist. His character has certainly grown while on the island, seemingly switching places with Jack to become the altruist “hero.” Early in the series Jack was running around the island rescuing people while Sawyer was stealing medication and calling people names. Now it’s Sawyer who’s throwing himself from helicopters to save his friends (and still calling people names), while Jack is self medicating and ruining relationships. As for Juliet, I’ve always liked her and felt that she was just trying to do the best that she could.

I guess what I’m trying to say is: I like Sawyer and Juliet together. Of course, with “Freckles” returning to the island, things are about to get a whole lot more complicated. I can’t wait to see where this season is going! Too bad we all have to wait two weeks for a new episode.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Lost | TV Shows |

30 Responses to “Lost – A lot can happen in three years”

March 4, 2009 at 11:24 PM

Due to cable provider difficulties I missed 25-30 minutes of this episode. My DVR had a frozen screen of Wheel of Fortune!

Who did Sawyer kill in the jungle? Anyone we know? Or just some generic Other? How can Alpert make it through the defenses? Was that explained? Or is everyone in the dark on that too?

I missed the statue! Bummer!

I read somewhere that the father of Aaron will be revealed at some point. Wow!

March 5, 2009 at 12:04 AM

Didn’t we already see Aaron’s father in season one? He was Claire’s (ex-)boyfriend, Thomas (I think that was his name), who bailed on her when he became scared of the idea of being a father.

March 5, 2009 at 8:42 AM

You are right. I read the information wrong. Any time I see baby, I think Aaron. :)
Here’s what I read.

March 5, 2009 at 1:21 PM

I am pretty sure the parentage of the baby is the one we saw born last night. I am guessing then that Goodspeed is not the daddy.

March 10, 2009 at 9:24 PM

Hi bsgfan2003, Hi Akbar, Hi Dorv….It’s just me here….and I don’t have a clue of what is going on. I have the dvd’s and I am halfway through the first season. Do you think I could catch up by, say, tomorrow? Ha Ha….

March 10, 2009 at 9:58 PM

Er… Imagine making the jump from ‘Tigh Me Up Tigh Me Down’ to ‘Revelations.’

I mean, you’ve got a whole season and a half left, so you’ve got time to catch up.

March 10, 2009 at 10:53 PM

I am glad you are getting caught up Tim-1. I’ll be curious to see who you like and don’t like.

March 5, 2009 at 1:06 AM

So why the dual use of three years?

The 06 were gone for three.

Sawyer and Co. are back in the 70s for three years.

Was it just to be less confusing with all of the time jumping? Or is that something important.

Interesting that Dharma and the Others had a truce (or have we known about that before but I forgot it?)

BSG2003, Richard said “that fence will keep other things out, but not me. In fact, the only thing keeping us out is our truce.” No real explanation was given unfortunately.

March 5, 2009 at 12:04 PM

Umm because the Oceanic 6 come back 3 years later and the fact that they weren’t time jumping for more than a few days after the island moved (any more they would be with Charlotte) so we needed to catch up to where the ones left behind were 3 years years later… when the 6 come back to the island.

March 5, 2009 at 1:25 PM

Except we are dealing with two time lines.

The 06 got off the island and lived their three years before going back.

Sawyer and Co. time jumped (lets just say for 4 days) then Locke stopped it. That left them in the early 70s. They became apart of Dharma and then three years later in THEIR TIME; Jack, Kate and Hurley showed up.

So why exactly did Sawyer and Co. go through three years? Why did not Sawyer and Co. be working for Dharama for 5 years, or 2, or even 10? Unless its important for some reason, it makes no sense for them to both have the same amount of time apart before getting back together.

March 5, 2009 at 1:36 PM

No clue. At best, I am a yellow belt on this show. ;)

March 5, 2009 at 2:20 PM

akbar – Let me preface by saying that I know you know all this, I’m just typing it out so it makes sense to me too.

As far as i can tell, it’s just because that’s how much time had really passed off of the island before Bentham showed up in their lives. Locke left the island what, a couple days after the flashes started? He ended up three years later, and set the Bentham events in motion. Meanwhile, back on the island, the leftovers settle in for the next three years, much like the oceanic 6 back on the mainland(s). When Locke stuck the wheel back in the groove, the island stopped skipping and landed in the 70s.

– brief aside, Daniel’s talk of the island spinning again but them being on the wrong song I have to think was somehow foreshadowing Des’ return – making his own kind of music. Awesome. –

But time still passes in the same way (I think), so the ‘window’ for them to get back to the island in 2009 would have also been opened on the island three years later on the island time. If Locke had landed 5 years later, the window would have been 5 years later on the island as well. The fact that the oceanic 6 were off the island for three years really has no relevance, it’s just all set in motion by the appearance of Locke/Bentham.

I dunno if that really explains anything, but it makes sense in my head.

March 5, 2009 at 2:29 PM

That is a possibility just seems kind fishy.

If everything was “perfect” all of the 06 would have been pulled in the time flash to the same period. Obviously, Sun Ben, Frank and Zombie Locke weren’t. Hawking did predict there would be consequences if everyone wasn’t there (Desmond, Walt, Aaron.)

I just seems rather convenient to me that they were all away from each other roughly the same amount of time.

March 5, 2009 at 3:18 PM

look at it this way: The 6 get off the island and are planning the big lie on the boat around the same time that Locke is fixing the wheel. The leftovers meet up with Dharma in the 70’s, let’s say a few months later Sawyer and Juliet are hooking up around the same time as happy Jack and Kate. Sawyer is promoted to head of security around the same time Sayid starts working for Ben. Now ’cause we haven’t had a whole season of the Dharma life like we had for the 6 last year, i’m not sure what was happening to the leftovers when Hurley reentered Santa Rosa, or Sun met with Widmore – but they were also living their lives out in the 70’s. Three years go by, to both parties, ’05-’08, and ’74-’77 (or was it ’71 to ’74? not sure) and Bentham/Locke appears to the 6 in ’08, setting in motion crazy Jack and the return to the island. Even on this show, time is a constant, and although they’re living in two different time periods, the same amount of time had passed. It makes sense to me, though I can see where you’re coming from… and I definitely agree the reason everyone didn’t flash back was due to the recreation not being ideal as Hawking warned.

March 5, 2009 at 2:14 AM

Random thought.

So Alpert meets Sawyer and is informed he knows about the bomb and Locke and all that.

So, Alpert sees Locke being born. Proves Alpert comes back and tests young Ben and he obviously isn’t ready. Maybe at that point Richard actually gave up on Locke. However, perhaps Sawyer set him off again and so Alpert tried to get Locke again with the whole science camp thingy. So time period when Sawyer and Co. join Dharma is shortly in time before Locke is offered the science thing. Lostpedia says that was when Locke was 16. So 1972.

Or I could totally just be trying to connect something totally not necessary.

March 5, 2009 at 8:56 AM

Is anyone else starting to appreciate how the use of time as a story telling element is subtly and gradually evolving from character to plot development?

March 5, 2009 at 6:44 PM

Lost has always been one of the superior shows on television in regards to storytelling technique. It’s a testament to the quality that as the show evolves, so do the storytelling techniques.

To your point, it’s pretty amazing that the first two seasons were pretty much all set up and character development and managed to be great. A lot of shows can’t manage to establish character and plot in a couple episodes without being boring (ahem, Dollhouse).

March 5, 2009 at 11:07 PM

Well, who does the baby turn out to be? Ethan?

March 5, 2009 at 11:47 PM

we dont know that yet. More than likely that is what it theorized.

March 6, 2009 at 12:37 PM

could be caesar…

March 6, 2009 at 2:32 PM

What makes you think it could be Caesar?

March 6, 2009 at 3:34 PM

absolutely nothing, akbar, just throwing it out there :)

March 6, 2009 at 2:27 AM

Definitely one of the best closing scenes ever. A lot of internal squeeeeing going on for me when they all started getting out of the van. Soooo wonderful. I loved seeing the statue. I still expect the statue to be someone we know, why else would they only show it from the back? I too love the slow burn and the fact that we’re still getting more questions even as older answers are being revealed. I just hope it doesn’t end up like Alias, where the big reveal just was a total dud, at least for me. I’m not worried though, Lost has been superior to Alias since its inception.

March 6, 2009 at 10:13 AM

Here is how it all goes down.

Ben Linus is now on the island at the same time as his younger self. He is definitely going to be spending the next however many years indoctrinating his younger self with all the events that are going to take place.

Read my full theory and be prepared to have your mind blown

March 6, 2009 at 12:16 PM

Brad, I don’t even have to go to your link to tell you your theory is incorrect.


Ben is in “the future” (be it 2008 or some other future time) with Locke, Sun, Frank and the other Ajira air people.

March 7, 2009 at 10:52 AM

I am in total agreement with Cab Driver. Here’s just some ramblings…Why don’t any of the characters ever asked any questions or demand some explanations? And why aren’t they freakin out about the time travel. Jack seems to trust Ben now….so why didn’t he ask Ben what the hell was up on the island and why he was always trying to kill them!! Why doesn’t Locke tell Jack about the time jumping on the island when he see’s him (and that he saw the young Charles Widmore). Ugh!!!

March 7, 2009 at 11:14 AM

Again, I understand the complaint, I just don’t share it. If I did, I don’t think I could watch the show.

March 7, 2009 at 7:10 PM

“Why don’t any of the characters ever asked any questions or demand some explanations?”

– From whom? Contact between the Others and the crash survivors has been limited, and in the interactions that have been had the Others have proven reluctant to relinquish any information to them (besides in most of those interactions the survivors haven’t really been in the position to demand anything).

“And why aren’t they freakin out about the time travel.”

– Freak out how? They were confused at first, but Faraday explained their situation. How would freaking out help resolve anything at this point?

“Jack seems to trust Ben now….so why didn’t he ask Ben what the hell was up on the island and why he was always trying to kill them!!”

– Jack is intent on getting back to the island, and with Locke now dead, Ben seems to be his best shot at making that happen since he seems committed to the idea as well. Beyond that, has Ben really proven to be the most trustworthy of sources for information?

“Why doesn’t Locke tell Jack about the time jumping on the island when he see’s him (and that he saw the young Charles Widmore).”

– Why would he have expected Jack to believe him on that? Locke tried a pretty forthright approach with Kate, and she came to believe that he was crazy. Jack’s even more of a skeptic than she is, and worse, has a lot of animosity towards him of which he is fully aware.

– Locke instead chose to use the comment by Christian to try and sway Jack, and though Locke didn’t get to see it, that indeed did seem to have the right effect on him.

March 5, 2009 at 10:31 AM

DHARMA = “Department of Heuristics And Research on Material Applications”.

They said before in one of the orientation videos that the DHARMA Initiative were scientists, there to perform experiments and examine the “unique” properties of the island.

As for Juliet, the survivors did ask her questions before about what the Others are doing on the island and I think her response was “Do you think they tell me everything?”.

March 5, 2009 at 6:41 PM

As I see it:

-John had to die to convince Jack to go to the island, which eventually brought everyone back. Aside from that, he also needed to play the Christian Shephard role of “corpse.”
-We have yet to see how they will facilitate the saving of those left behind on the island, but there’s a lot of show left.

I understand a lot of your frustration regarding the asking questions. It’s something I’ve joked about myself, but it never frustrates me. I love the slow burn.

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