CliqueClack TV

Damages: I was wrong about Patty Hewes

glenn_close_damages_022509OK, so I was wrong about Patty. After last week’s episode of Damages, I said that Patty would never take a hit for Uncle Pete the way he did for her. But this week’s episode proved me wrong. Or at least, I think it proved me wrong. Uncle Pete died, so we have no way of knowing whether Patty would have taken the high road with him. In the hospital, she told him, “You give them whatever you need to. Save yourself.”

But you could tell Uncle Pete was all broken up about it. He was really stuck. He either turns Patty over to the feds -– and Lord knows he’s got a lot to put her away –- or he rots in prison while his sickly wife tries to survive without him on the outside.

At one time, I agreed with Ellen. Listening via wire outside the hospital in a van with the feds, she said, “There’s no way she’ll let him talk. She’ll kill him.”

But this week, after learning the backstory between Patty and Uncle Pete -– how he stepped in to take care of her and her mom after Patty’s deadbeat dad left them -– I’m convinced that Patty would have figured out a way to both save Uncle Pete AND herself. She’s cunning that way.

And the rest of this story is that we now know that Patty is the person Ellen is threatening with a gun in the flash-forward. After Uncle Pete dies, his wife gives Ellen a file with her name on it. I’m guessing it contains evidence that Pete’s thugs were the ones who tried to kill Ellen when she was staying in Patty’s apartment (this would be Patrick, who decided that Uncle Pete couldn’t be trusted if he ended up working with the feds, and thus snuffed out Pete’s life in the hospital).

But remember … after Patrick tried (and failed) to kill Ellen, Patty got a phone call saying, “It’s done.” So even if Uncle Pete was the one who engineered the deed, Patty was certainly in on it. Right?

So my questions for you, Clackers, are: 1) Would Patty have thrown Uncle Pete under the bus to save herself? Or would she have figured out how to save both of them? 2) And how deep into Ellen’s failed killing do you think Patty is? My theory is that she knew about it, but left the details up to Uncle Pete.

Photo Credit: FX

Categories: | Clack | Damages | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Damages: I was wrong about Patty Hewes”

February 28, 2009 at 12:55 PM

I’m beginning to think more and more that the hit on Ellen was more Pete’s idea than Patty’s. Like he went over her head to protect her and called her to say its done, its too late to stop me, this is for your own good. That is why Patty was so shaken up after getting the call. Patty may be a bitch but Ellen is the daughter she never had, she probably has a soft spot for her.

And no Uncle Pete she wouldn’t kill either. Patrick however is fucked if she finds out.

February 28, 2009 at 1:54 PM

nothing in this show is what it seems to be, but i too begin to suspect uncle pete was the mastermind in offing ellen, although i refuse to believe patty is that innocent in all this. remember she’s the most manipulative character on the show.
i was so worry they were going to end this episode on that sentimental scene with patty and pete when they were young, thank god they cut to the present to that hotel room, totally got me on track again.

March 5, 2009 at 2:11 PM

I thought Patty was talking to Ellen and Patrick was talking to someone else. I must have mistaken that.

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