CliqueClack TV

Real World: Brooklyn – Penis vs. vagina

real-world-ep8The brewing battle of the sexes finally boiled over in the recent edition of Real World: Brooklyn. After weeks of poking and prodding from both sides, a late night clear the air session turned ugly. Fingers were pointed, voices were raised and furniture was smashed. What exactly precipitated this rampage? Try dirty dishes. To think the whole blow-up could have been avoided with a sponge and a bottle of Dawn.

Apparently, the gals don’t like to wash dishes or take out trash. The guys are sick and tired of doing all the housework. To alleviate the problem, JD constructs a chore list. This way everyone can assign their name beside a specific chore. Makes sense, right? Well, the girls spurn the idea and get annoyed that the boys are attempting to lay down the law. Katelynn deploys the “you’re not my daddy” defense when Scott asks her to take a turn on sink duty. Then she whines about the guys being babies. So, Scott hides the car keys. It’s go time!

The great dish controversy isn’t the only issue causing tension within the household. Devyn sleeps until noon everyday and spends most of her waking hours on the phone. Baya never removes the garbage from the kitchen. Katelynn continues to prance around in her undies. Sarah enjoys talking smack about the dudes behind their backs. Other than that, things are fine and dandy.

An after-hours trip to retrieve Ryan from film school culminates in a good old-fashioned Real World verbal throw-down. The boys return fuming that the gas gauge was on empty. JD calls an impromptu house meeting. Katelynn and Devyn don’t want to participate. Sarah ends up getting it from all four guys. She accuses the gang of showing no interest in her life, but contradicts herself by saying she “doesn’t care” about getting to know the boys.

At long last, JD loses his shit. He screams at Sarah and destroys a coffee table. Then he rips the phone out of Devyn’s hands and tosses it in the drink. Gee, I wonder if he uses similar techniques when training whales? The girls seem to have gotten the message; the next morning they did a little cleaning. I’m sure they’ll be at each other’s throats by next week.

JD appears to be a candidate for an early exit this season. His hopes of gaining a new family are being dashed with every passing day. The fact that he’s brutally honest and can’t keep a secret isn’t helping his cause. I think he means well, but he’s his own worst enemy. The girls can’t stand him and the guys don’t fully trust him. Every season needs a villain and JD fits the profile. Can he do an about-face? Time will tell on Real World: Brooklyn.

Photo Credit: MTV

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4 Responses to “Real World: Brooklyn – Penis vs. vagina”

February 26, 2009 at 4:52 PM

I like this season even though they are all pretty annoying. Baya seems like the most rational in the house.
Here’s the thing, I’ve had room mates. I’ve had mostly female room mates. Some have been clean, but two weren’t. At one point I lived with three others (2 female/1 male besides me). The girls were filthy. They never watched their dishes, never took care of their cats litter box. It was awful, us two guys took out the trash and had to do all the dishes. It’s hard to just wash your dishes when the sink is overflowing. Everyone has things to do, no ones time is more valuable. For a period of time, us guys used paper plates. It was so frustrating. To top it off we would buy cases of beer regularly and the girls would bring people back to the house and it be gone. We finally had it out, cause after we stopped changing the litter box (cause it’s just wrong to treat an animal poorly)
the girls hadn’t noticed for over a week. I don’t care what some ones bedroom looks like -that’s their business, unless it has food, smelling up the house and bringing in animals, but other than that who cares. But common places should be treated with respect .
I didn’t think the “chore chart” was that bad of an idea. I think JD went about it the wrong way – but really the girls didn’t want a house meeting. Katelynn kept talking about how she’s grown and does things in her own time. Ummm what makes her so important
You live with other people, everyone has to adapt someway. Pick up in a reasonable time. Takes 30/60 seconds to wash a dish. If you don’t have that time a note would be considerate. And for the guys maybe give it a few hours (but really, you have time to eat, you have time to wash a dish)

Of course the boys don’t act grown up most of the time– they are always pullin those pranks

Maybe living somewhere free creates a different attitude — but when I pay for rent I expect the house treated respectfully.

Up to this episode I had liked katelynn, and sarah s little but da-n they annoyed me last night. So far Baya and Scott are the most likable (for me).
I loved Scott hiding the keys

just my thoughts

February 26, 2009 at 6:43 PM

BH – I think you nailed it. People living rent free don’t really care as much about their surroundings. And I agree, Baya is nice.

February 26, 2009 at 6:59 PM

“JD Loses His Shit!” That was hilarious but spot on take on his behavior. He just power bomb that poor fake fruit basket through the table.

I’m sorry but I agree with the guys about the girls not helping out ,but they came off as crybabies also to me.

February 26, 2009 at 7:26 PM

“Power bomb” is a perfect description for what he did, Christopher. Very nice. You’re right, they are all a bunch of babies, but then again, it is The Real World ;o)

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