CliqueClack TV

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – With lots of deaths comes lots of funerals

TerminatorAfter Weaver went nuts, killing everyone in the warehouse/factory and then blowing it up for good measure, it’s only natural that there would be several funerals. I just wasn’t expecting to see any of these funerals.

Loss was a huge theme this week, being paralleled with the many services for all the murdered workers, along with the anniversary of Weaver’s husband’s death. Shirley Manson continues to do a pretty good job in her role as a Terminator. She’s got the creepy, emotionless robot thing down pat, as was evidenced when she was trying to comfort her grieving daughter. I think it can all be summed up when she asked her assistant to “find her daughter and her bring her” to her. It implied that she had no idea where her daughter even was. Creepy.

Meanwhile, the Connor’s were busy trying to get some information on exactly what was going on in the factory before it turned into a huge fireball. I thought it was a decent episode overall, but I’m not really all that intrigued with the flying saucer from the factory. I’m much more interested this season in the goings on with Riley and Jesse, as well as Weaver and John Henry. This diversion with the factory and drone over the last few episodes has seemed like just that — a diversion.

I’m hoping that we can get back to some of the more interesting plot lines on the show now that the drone has flown the coop, hopefully for a while. What did you think? Have you enjoyed this plot line with the drone and the factory?

Finally, one small piece of nitpicking: who has a candlelight vigil in the middle of the day? Does it strike anyone else as odd that people would be lighting candles outside under the blaring light of the sun? Seems to defeat the purpose. Certainly not a big thing, but it made me chuckle.

Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – With lots of deaths comes lots of funerals”

February 20, 2009 at 10:23 PM

I agree, the drones are not floating my boat either. I’m looking forward to dealing with Jesse, Riley, John Henry and Weaver.

And some action would be nice too ;)

February 20, 2009 at 11:05 PM

I tried very hard, but I couldn’t pay attention at all this week. This show runs so hot and cold…

February 20, 2009 at 11:42 PM

God this week’s episode was so boring. It would have worked better as a webisode. There was about 5 minutes of interesting and useful story. They better wrap it up quick because with eps like this its dead in the water.

February 20, 2009 at 11:56 PM

I also thought this episode was boring. The last 15 minutes had about 7 minutes of good stuff.

The only other good part was the 2 minutes with Weaver and her daughter.

Too much boring filler stuff that didn’t drive the story.

February 21, 2009 at 9:17 AM

I am also one of those who did not like the episode at all. It was slow, boring and I am not thrilled with the flying saucer thing either. In the last episodes Cameron has been reduced to staring creepily, which is a shame.
At least Weaver is entertaining. Gotta hand it to Shirley Manson, I didn’t think she could do it. But she does robot pretty good.
Hopefully we can go back now to move on with more interesting storylines…

February 24, 2009 at 8:10 AM

I guess I’m the only one who actually enjoyed part 3 of Sarah “Wanderings in the Desert.” Loved that all four of the Connor Clan were investigating this week, and all of Weaver and Ellison’s scenes. Found the Skynet work camp very disturbing, as well as the idea that all ZeiraCorp needed to do to set it up was pay the humans enough money (which will be worthless in three years anyway).

Although I liked the drone storyline, I don’t think it’s been a diversion at all. I think it’s the trail they will need to find Weaver and John Henry, as Weaver’s salt-the-earth rampage last week was meant to eliminate any possibility of exposure.

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