CliqueClack TV

Bill Adama spends too much time in Galactica’s belly

Battlestar Galactica hull cracks

I think I need to stop watching Dollhouse before I watch Battlestar Galactica. I get pissed off at having to hear baby Jesus cry at what Fox made Joss do to what just had to be a better show than it is, so then I carry that anger into watching this. So, my apologies if I tend to get ornery at this episode.

That said, I was really getting sick of watching scene after scene of Bill Adama in the dark, watching the ship getting Cylon mud painted on it. Many big-time fans of the show will definitely find these scenes touching and symbolic, as we’re watching Bill nurse his ailing baby while Tigh and Caprica watch after their own. I just found it overkill and obvious filler for an episode that I hoped to be a lot more fulfilling.

While I’m on the subject of disappointment, let’s talk about Ellen. Her reaction to Saul’s infidelity (which it wasn’t; she was dead) was baffling to me, especially for someone who was supposed to be a great mind of long-ago Earth. Why did she so quickly forget that Saul’s mind was wiped? And why make it such a big deal when there are clearly much more critical issues at stake to consider? Even Baltar, of all people, had more important concerns in mind. Will Tori get pissy with Tyrol when their memories are returned, for being married to Callie? Gods, I hope not.

Thankfully, in the end, it seems Ellen made a return to reason. The biggest news of the episode seems to be Baltar’s harem getting fitted with some serious weaponry. Will that be a major part of the final battle we’ve heard so much about? I’d say it’s likely, just from the look on Paula’s face as she held that hand cannon in her hand; she looked like she was liking that a bit too much.

12 Responses to “Bill Adama spends too much time in Galactica’s belly”

February 21, 2009 at 12:07 AM

There were a lot of things going on with Ellen. One of which was that the “final five” made the seven other cylons and she looks on them as her children. Her husband had sex with one of their children. whether he remembers his life back on earth or not, that’s still pretty sick and I imagine it would be hard for Ellen to get past.

The other thing is that cylons need love in order to procreate and Ellen and Tigh had been trying without result for years which means he loves Caprica and not her. Also another valid reason to be upset. I bed she would be more ok with it if it was a meaningless fling. she said as much when she asked him who he had fraked before they got busy on the desk.

February 21, 2009 at 12:10 AM

Remember, Ellen screwed around with Cavil back on New Caprica. Sure, it was to save Saul’s life, but she didn’t seem to be hating it all that much at times.

February 21, 2009 at 12:20 AM

True, though that had less to do with any choice on her part and more with Cavil forcing her into it to work out his own little oedipal issues, and Ellen paid for that by drinking poison. Who knows, she may still blame herself and feel guilty about it. She seems together but we have no idea what’s going on in her head. she had a nice little freak out when she woke up in the goo bath before her memories came back. Those feelings may still be there just under the surface, but she is repressing them because she has work to do. we shall see.

February 21, 2009 at 2:30 AM

Just a little nitpick, but the “final five” (which is a bit of a misnomer, isn’t it, since they came first?) made eight Cylons, not seven. Remember, Boomer/Sharon is an 8. Daniel, whom we’ve never seen (or have we?), was a 7.

February 21, 2009 at 12:25 AM

Kind of a boring episode.

Yes, lets do talk about Ellen. First of all, I would give my eye teeth if women in Hollywood would stop with the lip collagen. WTF is that about, anyway? But, back to Ellen. She’s a bitch. I wish she had stayed dead. Of course, I have a Six fixation. I can’t believe Caprica’s baby died. I was really hoping to have an all Cylon birth before the show ended.

Giaus is annoying, and how did they manage to get Cate Blanchette’s sister to play one of his gang girls? Did you notice how much that Paula chick looked like her?

Bill wandering around in the dark playing with the Cylon mud made perfect sense. He had to be drunk off his ass with the size of those snifters filled to the rim with whiskey. Drunks always get all weepy and melancholy when they’re wasted.

I think my expectations are just too high. There are four episodes left. That’s it. I expected more from the fifth out than what we saw tonight.

February 21, 2009 at 1:13 AM

IIRC, Cavil said that they had based the final fives imprints with personalities similar to the original. Ellen probably had some of the crazy drama Ellen that we had come to know and love. I also agree that the distinction had a lot to do with the Love factor.

I will say this: I loved the call back to Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down in the arrival of Ellen to Galactica in both instances. I really appreciate this little tidbits thrown out there for long time fans. I really REALLY hope to hear Adama and Kara share the “Grab your gun and bring in the cat” exchange just one more time.

Boom, boom, boom

February 21, 2009 at 10:57 AM

I admit I don’t have much experience with multi millennial year old beings, but I was really expecting more maturity from Ellen. Especially after her exchanges with Cavil. Wise Ellen did not return to the fleet, Junior High Ellen did.

Adama reviewing the damage to the Galactica over and over – for me, it took away the emotional punch to watch repeats.

Baby Liam, that was so very sad. Liam would have given Tigh so much joy. I was really moved by the scene between Tigh and Adama.

I really don’t understand why the weapons were given to Baltar’s people…..

February 21, 2009 at 10:04 PM

Adama is running low on Marines. He knows he is gonna need some kind of a force to help keep order on the ship. Especially among the civilian population. Arming Baltars “angels” was a logical choice.

It’s too bad Adama doesn’t realize SixInTheHead is behind it all (not unlike getting the warhead in season 1) and I am sure that is going to come back at some point.

February 26, 2009 at 11:33 AM

Here’s the answer to the weapons question if anyone else was curious.

February 21, 2009 at 11:04 AM

And will the baseship Cylons say, “Hey we want to stay, you can’t speak for us, we are just starting to get to know the humans.”

February 22, 2009 at 11:20 PM

When, exactly did Tigh fall in love with Capricorn 6? One episode he’s interrogating her, later on he sleeps with her, just exactly when did he fall deeply in love with her? I haven’t seen anything on the show that’s led me down that path.

Dulsville episode. No great performances, no interesting story movements and nothing else of value. Nada…let’s hope this is their last budget episode.

February 23, 2009 at 11:24 AM

Perhaps the Tori/Tyrol backstory explains Tori’s glee in killing Callie last season? Just a thought.

A lot of mention is made about Hera being the future, but nothing about Tyrol’s child. I don’t even know its name. Who is raising this child now?

If it takes love for a Cylon to reproduce, then Addama should be knocked up with Tigh’s child because Tigh loves him more than either Ellen or Caprica. (Didn’t Caprica see the head Baltar? Why doesn’t she see him anymore?)

I think one of the biggest disappointments for me from this series is that the Centurions have never really been a part of the story. They waltz in here and there and shoot things up, but I believe they could have been incorporated a little better and given a voice.

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