CliqueClack TV

Real World: Brooklyn – Devyn sleeps with a rat

real-world-ep7Those rambunctious boys of the Real World: Brooklyn house were up to no good on last night’s rodent-filled episode. What began as a few tiny mice scurrying about turned into a man vs woman brouhaha involving a giant white rat. This season is really becoming a battle of the sexes. Maybe it’s the even one-to-one guy/girl ratio, or maybe they just don’t like each other. Whatever the case, I predict a female revenge plot will surface very soon.

Chet and Ryan are normally the masterminds behind the dastardly household pranks, but this time out it was JD donning the black hat. I’ve already explained JD is kind of a dick, so it should come as no surprise that he decided to buy a sizable white rat from a local pet store for the sole purpose of unleashing all its wickedness upon Devyn and Sarah. This is the same JD that did a pee-pee dance on the kitchen counter after spotting an itty-bitty mouse. I guess buying a pet rat is a great way to overcome your fear.

The rat in question ends up in Devyn’s bed first. Ever the devil, Ryan, with support from JD, Scott and Chet, planted the creature during the wee hours of the night. Naturally, Devyn freaked. The reason behind this vicious nocturnal attack was payback for Devyn dating two guys at once. For shame! How could a young, attractive woman do such a thing? One of her conquests — a sap named David — is kinda sorta her fiance. The lovesick cuckold sends her money and pays for her every desire. Us guys can be fools when it comes to matters of the heart. Poor, poor David.

Devyn stringing along David offends the boys. In their minds, Devyn is breaking “guy code” by using David. What the fuck is guy code? Does this secretive maxim include not having sex with the ex-girlfriends of your pals? If so, I’m in trouble. The bottom line is when it comes to women, there is no code. Douchebag David should know this. If he can’t tell when a girl is playing him, then chalk it up to a lesson learned the hard way.

Back to the rat. Sarah got it next and went spaz. All the while, the gals were oblivious to being victims of shenanigans. Yeah, they were a bit slow on the uptake, but in the end they discovered the evidence and pieced together the mystery of the white rat. It was those darn boys playing immature games. Just another week in the Real World house.

Photo Credit: MTV

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3 Responses to “Real World: Brooklyn – Devyn sleeps with a rat”

February 20, 2009 at 1:18 PM

I’m curious as to why there was a pie just sitting on the floor for the mice? Gross!

February 20, 2009 at 2:42 PM

I think the issue is that Devyn is completely clueless that she has two boyfriends, and yet thinks that making out with them and hanging out with them regularly is not a relationship when it is. As usual, she needs to get a clue. Sure, she has a right to do things the way she wants to, but she has to at least be aware of the potential ramifications. But as usual, she thinks the rules do not apply to her.

February 20, 2009 at 3:22 PM

Devyn is what, 23? She has no idea what a real relationship is.

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