CliqueClack TV

Is Michael Sarver really your American Idol?

michael-sarverAlright people, I’m trying to wrap my head around last night’s American Idol results show. I really hate this format for choosing the top 12. At the same time, I realize there’s no use railing against it because we’re stuck with it for at least this season. It just sucks to see that based on one bad song choice, so many talented people are being weeded out of the bunch all in one shot.

But really, America, Michael Sarver? Out of all those talented guys you pick this one? Why? I don’t get it. Because he sang the same old Gavin DeGraw song so many other Idol wannabes sang before him? His was the worst rendition of that song I’ve heard yet. He was out of breath before he got halfway through the song!

Because he works on an oil rig? My cousin’s husband works on an oil rig too, let’s get him on the show. Being married with kids and having a sucky, yet stable job does not count as a heart-rending inspirational story in my book. If his job is hard because he has to spend a lot of time away from his family, being successful on Idol is not going to cure that in any way.

We all knew Danny Gokey and Alexis Grace were going to be the top girl and guy of the night. I’m not a fan of Alexis for turning herself all tarty just because the almighty judges told her to, but she does have a good voice. Danny nailed his performance like a pro. But can someone please explain to me why Michael Sarver is sailing through to the top 12, while the likes of Anoop Desai and Ricky Braddy are stuck hoping they get brought back as a wild card? I hate to say it, but even drama queen Tatiana Del Toro outsang Michael Sarver on Tuesday night.

So, since Danny and Alexis were obviously the top guy and girl, with Michael Sarver as the next top vote getter:

Photo Credit: FOX

8 Responses to “Is Michael Sarver really your American Idol?”

February 19, 2009 at 1:41 PM

Gotta disagree with you Cate.

(1) I *LOVE* this format for picking the top 12. It means we only have 3 weeks chock full of people who can’t win the competition. By the 4th week, we’re down to 8 or so people who might win, and a few leftovers who we at least like enough to have voted for once.

(2) I voted for Sarver (well, in the earlier CliqueClack post, if not by telephone or text message *chuckle*) because we know he can sign better than that, and he got so much face time during Hollywood Week, a lot of us connected with him. Being a star is more than just singing well (sorry Simon!). It’s about connecting with your audience. I think Sarver is more connected to the AI audience than the others from this past week.

I liked the Hollywood Week shows much better this year than past years. I really like the new format for whittling down the competition. I think the producers did a much better job picking a consistently higher level of talent than the last few years. So I guess I’m pretty high on AI this year. :)

February 19, 2009 at 4:49 PM

I agree, David — I love this new format. I really don’t want to see the likes of Carmen (is that the girl who makes the weird faces?) again. Buh-bye to those people who bombed so bad that they don’t deserve a second chance. Hopefully we’ll see Anoop or Ricky as the wildcard.

February 20, 2009 at 5:05 AM

I can’t help it, I’m a sucker for the underdogs…as soon as someone starts getting ridiculous amounts of praise from the judges, I usually jump ship.
I think you mean Casey, the weird face girl. I read one person’s description of it as “blow-up doll faces” and I couldn’t have agreed more.
If JoesPlace is right, all the 4th highest vote getters are coming back for the wildcard round which means Anoop will be back, then the judges are going to pick 3 more. How that will work with 4 judges is anyone’s guess…

February 19, 2009 at 2:06 PM

It’s been three weeks of people who can’t win for several years now.

This format sucks and I stopped watching because of it.

February 19, 2009 at 4:46 PM

I don’t understand why you’re here commenting then.

February 21, 2009 at 6:11 AM

Easy. It’s called freedom of speech, r-tard.

February 21, 2009 at 7:55 AM

Alright guys, play nice…take your anger out on the show, not eachother. ;)

February 22, 2009 at 11:49 PM

Danny Gokey seems like a solid guy, aside from the fact that he’s a great singer

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