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Who’s the best Saturday Night Live host with ten or more appearances?

Steve MartinThe last few weeks on Saturday Night Live have seen a couple of the most experienced hosts in SNL history take their turn leading the skit program. Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin have hosted SNL the most times, with fifteen and fourteen appearances respectively. They are not alone with the impressively long resume of hosting experience, however. John Goodman is not far behind with twelve appearances, and Buck Henry has ten.

Looking over this list, an obvious question jumps to mind: Who is the best long time SNL host?

For me, the answer is pretty easy, even if he doesn’t make this list. It has to Christopher Walken. I know he only has seven appearances, but he’s so great. He really just stands there, looks creepy, and reads cue cards, but isn’t that why we love him? I also think he’s been in some truly epic sketches. Let’s address the field, though:

  • Steve Martin (fifteen appearances): Back in my review of his hosting job this season, I mentioned that he used to be a cast member. As one of the commenters pointed out, I was wrong. I had always assumed that Martin had been a regular back in the day. Between “wild and crazy guys” and his awesome “King Tut” musical number, I was surprised to learn he only ever hosted. I’ve embedded the “King Tut” skit along with an infomercial for Steve Martin’s Penis Beauty Creme, and my favorite monologue of all time. Check out this link for even more Steve Martin clips.

  • Alec Baldwin (fourteen appearances): Alec Baldwin (who hosted this past Saturday), has had some very memorable appearances on the show. Who can forget his two appearances as Pete Schweddy on the NPR show “The Delicious Dish?” I still chuckle when I think about his Schweddy balls or his Schweddy wiener. I’ve embedded one of these skits below, along with a very special Canteen Boy. Click this link for more videos of Alec Baldwin on SNL.

  • John Goodman (twelve appearances): I think Goodman should get extra credit for his many appearances as Linda Tripp during the Monica Lewinsky scandal. He was also one of the Chicago Bears’ superfans. Well, he took over for Mike Myers after he left the show, but he was in a few of the classic skits.
  • Buck Henry (ten appearances): Seeing as how his last hosting appearance was two years before I was born, I don’t think I’m really qualified to reflect back on his hosting history. I will say that he did a good job on 30 Rock as Liz Lemon’s father last season.
  • Christopher Walken (seven appearances): Alright, so this is a little unfair, but I’m writing the post, so I’m throwing Walken in here too. Can he really be ignored? He’s been in some of the best sketches in recent history, like the Colonel Angus skit (embedded below). Let’s not forget that he was also the man who demanded more cowbell! Visit this link for more Walken clips.

So, who do you think is the best multiple time host on SNL?

Photo Credit: NBC

4 Responses to “Who’s the best Saturday Night Live host with ten or more appearances?”

February 17, 2009 at 10:17 PM

John Goodman as Linda Tripp is one of the best SNL skits/impersinations ever.

February 18, 2009 at 7:45 AM

So many good skits in the list of “10 or more” hosts. Canteen Boy, The Continental, Goodman’s Linda Tripp (with Molly Shannon’s Monica Lewinski), etc, etc.

On the initial look I thought I’d vote for Steve Martin, but then I thought that the vast majority of my favorite Martin skits were from MANY, MANY years ago. (Tut, The Festrunk Bro’s, Theodorik of York, etc) It seems that for quite a while he has been “Phoning it in tonight”.

Baldwin has some good skits too. Canteen Boy and the Scoutmaster is as funny as it is disturbing.

Goodman for his many hosting appearances as well as his many, many guest shots appearing in a single skit in an episode.

However I think I’ll vote for Christopher Walken. The Continental cracks me up every time I see it. There are so many other skits he’s been in that just get to me (“We need more cowbell!”). Consistently funny with a wide variety of characters.

February 23, 2009 at 12:41 PM

That’s not your favorite monologue, and you know it.

February 23, 2009 at 9:19 PM

Yes, John Malkovich and the baseball bat was pretty epic…

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