CliqueClack TV

Lost – My fantasy team is screwed

LostFor those of you who are not regular visitors to Dark UFO, you may not know that they are hosting a Lost Fantasy League. It is a non-violent league, and as such, you lose points when your characters participate in any violence. This includes getting injured, injuring other people, and, of course, dying. Last season this absolutely crushed me, as I had John Locke on my team, and he wound up in the coffin at the the end of season four. This year, it looks like my crappy luck has continued….

Oh, and if you haven’t watched this week’s episode yet, I should warn you that there are significant plot points discussed below, but you knew that already, didn’t you?

By this point, you’ve probably already guessed that I have Charlotte on my fantasy team. Damn it! It certainly looks like the carrot top is dead and gone. It’s too bad, because she had a really interesting story and it probably deserved more than a couple sentences on her death bed. Lucky for me though, I have a feeling that we’ll be seeing her again. Well, probably not Rebbeca Mader, but maybe Charlotte. If she was correct in that she had a visit from Daniel when she was growing up on the island, I imagine we’ll get to see that play out soon.

But seriously, Charlotte couldn’t have hung on for, like, 20 more minutes for John to get the wheel back on its axis? What a pain! Anyway, It looks like things are coming to a head for the Oceanic Six. With John jumping off the island after his brief meeting with Christian (acting as Jacob’s envoy), or was it Jacob (appearing as Christian), things are kicking into gear. Hopefully everyone will be back on the island in a week or two. After that happens I have no idea what to expect.

All in all, this was a great episode. I was really happy with it. It was great to see some of Rousseau and her crew in this episode, but it was very, very brief. I’m not sure if we’ll get more, but I think there are still a lot of questions open there.

Check back Monday for my Lost in Lost column as I pick apart some of the fun mythological bits in this episode: some great monster material, Rousseau’s back story, and Jacob!

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Lost | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Lost – My fantasy team is screwed”

February 12, 2009 at 10:09 AM

A particularly fast paced week which again answered a few questions…and then threw twice as many more back at us. I love how Ben seemed surprised when Desmond announced that Eloise Hawking was Dan Farraday’s mother. Has Ben been deceived or was he surprised at how “connected” Desmond seems to be?

February 12, 2009 at 2:17 PM

Good point re: Ben’s reaction. I definitely took it to mean he was surprised that this woman was Faraday’s mother.

I know this show’s crazy, but what the heck are the odds that Desmond would be walking up to the church at the same moment as the others?!

February 12, 2009 at 2:53 PM

I stopped thinking about odds a long time ago. My sanity is already on the brink after 4+ seasons of this show.

February 12, 2009 at 3:36 PM

The odds were pretty even on that actually.

As soon as Widmore told Desmond he needed to go to LA it was pretty clear Des would be hooking up with the 06ers.

February 12, 2009 at 5:35 PM

Yeah, but what the “TV Odds” vs. the “Real Life” odds of them walking up at the same time probably deviate quite a bit ;)

February 12, 2009 at 3:03 PM

Anyone else find it funny all this time jumping is because Ben broke the fucking donkey wheel on the finale?

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