CliqueClack TV

Frakkin’ Clack – Caprica starts on DVD, a promo video and podcast delays

CapricaEver since hearing about the premise for the Battlestar Galactica prequel series, Caprica, I’ve been rather uninterested in it. From what I can tell so far, and from the few short promos I’ve seen, Caprica‘s aiming at a different audience than BSG‘s. Sure, they hope to pull in as many die-hards as they can, but even Moore himself has said you can go into this show without having ever seen Galactica and not get lost. A smart move at attracting new viewers, but it remains to be seen if it’ll retain the loyalty of current BSG fans.

To possibly help ease BSG fans into the idea of Caprica, the pilot “movie” will be released on DVD before airs on TV. Clearly this move isn’t meant to attract newcomers to the BSG universe — who not familiar with Battlestar Galactica would grab this DVD? It comes out this April, well before the series is set to debut next year. I’ll be sure to get a copy to check out and post about here.

Several people have pointed out the Canadian promo that’s been circulating around the ‘net, which gives a more revealing look at what to expect in this Friday’s episode. I know at least a few of you don’t like to see promos for Galactica, especially since Sci Fi has been notorious for spoiling big plot points in them. With that said, I’ll let you see the spot below (or not) and discuss in the comments.

This season I was happy to see that Ron D. Moore had each episode’s podcasts ready to roll within a few days of the episode’s airing. Unfortunately, it looks like he’s gone back to delaying them again since, as of this writing, last Friday’s episode’s podcast is nowhere to be found. Hopefully it’s a temporary delay and possibly not Moore’s fault. When this happened a season or two ago, he had a backlog of podcasts at one point, which made it difficult to convince myself to bother going back to listen.

Let us know in the comments if the latest gets posted!

Photo Credit: SciFi

8 Responses to “Frakkin’ Clack – Caprica starts on DVD, a promo video and podcast delays”

February 10, 2009 at 2:41 PM

Mighty clever to release Caprica on DVD directly after BSG ends. I won’t be able to pass that up. If I had to wait for 2010, I might have forgotten all about the SCI FI channel.

Re: No Exit – I hope Ellen’s return comes off well. This episode and Islanded in a Stream of Stars, I’m kind of worried about.

February 11, 2009 at 12:29 AM

We’d have reminded you, BSG… In fact, Clique Clack ran a great (cough cough) script review of it a while back :)

February 11, 2009 at 8:53 AM

Oh that script review of Caprica! Such a beautiful piece of work, I wish I knew who had written it so I could send a perfumed appreciation letter! ;)

February 10, 2009 at 5:57 PM

akbar: Figures… The reason it was delayed had to do with the Caprica writers retreat.

February 11, 2009 at 12:28 AM

Keith: I largely stayed out of this argument before, but I thought of you instantly listening to the podcast.

While a flashbang is technically a grenade, its kinda like calling a square a rectangle… Yes, its a rectangle, but no one calls it that.

That being said, RDM DEFINITELY called it a ‘flash grenade’ on the podcast, so vindication is yours, buddy! :)

February 11, 2009 at 1:28 AM

I keep seeing these stories about the movie coming out on DVD. Given that this is 2009, it might be nice if there was a Blu-ray version as well.

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