CliqueClack TV

30 Rock – Liz is a telenovella villain

30 RockTo say that Liz Lemon is a loser in love would be akin to saying that the current economy is a little shaky. Let’s face it, that’s half the schtick of the show, but this episode demonstrated her uncanny ability to sabotage a relationship before it even starts.

We saw it already this season with Stewart, the little person who worked at the UN, as well as in seasons past with Floyd and even Dennis. This week it was her relationship with her neighbor, Dr. Drew Baird that was in the crosshairs.

I thought this was a great performance by Tina Fey. For all those who claim that she is a great writer, but doesn’t deserve any acting accolades, I would like to point you to this installment. The generalissimo face that she made to the camera before showing up at Baird’s apartment with a phony lost dog advertisement was pure gold.

I loved all the parallels that were drawn in this episode between the generalissimo in the telenovella and Liz. She truly was a scheming, lying villain. She made up a fake lost dog, wore a tee shirt for a charity that she didn’t care about, and pretended to like all the things that Baird liked just to get a date with him. I thought it was great that by the end of the episode, she had accidentally slipped him a mickey.

The scene with Jon Hamm on the floor, about to pass out from the drugs, realizing that Liz was a crazy person was one of the better moments of the whole season in my opinion. I was definitely laughing out loud. The fact that he’s going to give Liz another chance floors me a bit, but it’s 30 Rock, it’s not a shown known for it’s realism. Plus, it means we get some more Jon Hamm, and he has really proven his comedic chops in this episode and his hosting of SNL earlier in the season.

Some quote-y goodness for you:

  • “In Puerto Rico elderly women are held in very high esteem. You should go there Lemon, they would love you.” – Jack
  • “He has a golf magazine, so you know he’s not gay or poor.” – Jenna, on going through Dr. Baird’s mail
  • “Here’s today’s script. I translated it and removed the Star Wars references.” – Elisa, on Liz’s telenovella script
  • “Only the special tours get to see Conan O’Brien without his wig.” – Jack to Elisa and her grandmother.
  • “You haven’t seen Dr. Baird. He looks like a cartoon pilot.” – Liz

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | 30 Rock | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “30 Rock – Liz is a telenovella villain”

February 6, 2009 at 1:50 PM

Yeah, it was another funny episode, but it also felt a little disjointed with too many plots. The whole thing with Tracy really went nowhere except to get the drugs in Liz’s possession. And poor Jenna didn’t have much to do either. But I did like the Liz/generalissimo parallels!

February 6, 2009 at 7:56 PM

I loved the throwback to “Reunion” when Jon Hamm said he loves to bake and Liz said “I want to go to there…” :)

February 6, 2009 at 8:01 PM

I loved it too. I happened to catch her acceptance speech at the SAG awards and she said she stole the line from her daughter. That makes is so much better.

February 6, 2009 at 8:18 PM

Heheheh, I did not know that. That does make it even better.

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