CliqueClack TV

Real World: Brooklyn – I’m officially sick and tired of seeing Scott’s abs


I finally figured out why most people can’t stomach The Real World. It has nothing to do with watching empty-headed brats masquerading as adults while receiving free room and board. Well, that may have something to do with it, but I surmise the real crunch has more to do with the producers’ fear of getting too serious. They just can’t commit to ridding the show of inane nonsense and sticking with actual problems.

Last night’s episode of Real World: Brooklyn is a perfect example. Rather than focus entirely on Ryan’s struggles with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, we had to endure repeated glimpses of alpha-male Scott’s six-pack abs. I understand the series has to juggle eight cast members and wants to jump around as much as possible to mask favoritism, but when a compelling storyline surfaces, the petty bullshit needs to be shelved.

It was obvious as far back as San Francisco’s season 3 that the Real World creators loved the freak factor. While Pedro was dying of AIDS, the cameras couldn’t resist capturing the juvenile escapades of a tattooed lunatic named Puck. Hey, I’ll admit, the guy made a great reality TV villain. However, his disgusting, insensitive behavior came at the expense of Pedro’s inspiring last days.

Back to Brooklyn. Ryan’s life as a soldier in Iraq takes center stage in episode 5. Boiling beneath his carefree exterior is a mountain of hurt. He claims to be dealing with his baggage just fine, but that’s clearly not the case. Reminders of the horrors of war consume his daily life. He reveals the following: “Garbage on the side of the road still scares me.” Seeing fellow soldiers blown-up by Improvised Explosive Devices concealed in trash is not something easily forgotten.

Ryan wears a KIA (Killed In Action) bracelet to honor a friend shot to death by a sniper. He also gets a phone call informing him that another friend back home recently committed suicide. Add repressed rage to issues in need of attention. Listen to the description of what he’d like to do to JD for spraying shaving cream on his bed: “I’d tape his eyes shut, jam a sock in his mouth, and tie him to his own bed.” Gulp! I suggest therapy.

While Ryan makes plans to attend the 9/11 commemoration ceremonies in New York City, Scott is bringing home model chicks and showing them picture albums of himself. Am I supposed to give two shits about this self-indulgent bore? Are MTV producers attempting to contrast Ryan and Scott? One has witnessed the evil that men do; the other enjoys seeing himself naked. I’d like to give the series’ brain trust credit for being clever, but I can’t.

I have a request for the behind-the-scenes decision makers at The Real World. If by chance a worthwhile subject matter develops, dump the pedestrian sideshows and dedicate a whole episode to what’s important. You might gain something severely lacking at your network: Respect. Wait … I’m kidding myself. This is the same channel that airs A Double Shot At Love and Paris Hilton’s My New BFF. Respect has nothing to do with it.

Photo Credit: MTV

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Real World: Brooklyn – I’m officially sick and tired of seeing Scott’s abs”

February 5, 2009 at 6:24 PM

Last night’s episode was very strange. Honestly, they could drop Devyn and Scott and I would barely notice. They have such a good soul in Sarah, a nice bit of political intrigue with Ryan, a sweet and friendly perspective on transgender issues with Katelynn and the most metrosexual Mormon ever in Chet, so what do I care about some BS abs/dating crap and an “actress” who is far too full of herself to pursue an acting career in any reasonable form.

February 5, 2009 at 7:58 PM

I couldn’t agree more. Ryan and Chet are carrying the season right now. More Sarah and Katelynn will help. But enough of the Devyn/Scott flirtation. It’s been done countless times before.

February 6, 2009 at 9:41 AM

I’m sorry, I didn’t read your post because I was distracted by Scott’s abs.

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