CliqueClack TV

The Wire virgin’s diary – Hard times in Hamsterdam

The Wire(Season 3, Episodes 5-7)

Yes, it’s been a while since my last diary installment, but don’t worry, I’m still watching and I’m still loving The Wire. I’m well into season three now and the plot is definitely moving. It looks like Hamsterdam is going to be the predominant story this season.

One thing I didn’t expect was how much I would miss the characters from season two. The best part about season two was that even though the focus of the series shifted to the docks, the show still featured all the drug trade characters that we grew attached to in season one. This season, all the port characters have just disappeared, and I miss them. Oh, well, it’s just a small thing.

“Straight and True”

Colvin’s Hamsterdam project really came together in this episode. Even from the start, it is really clear that this idea is not going to end well for the major. I’m actually a little surprised that the rest of his team is going along with the plan. I don’t know that I could have been so easily convinced that it was the right decision.

There were a few other interesting things going on in this episode. We got to see the large meeting of all the local drug bosses. I think it will be fascinating to see how Avon, who got released from prison in this episode, will react to Stringer’s changes.

Cutty’s story continues to capture my interest as well, and it was a little sad to see him sink right back into the drug dealer’s life style.


I’m not quite sure about this relationship between Daniels and Pearlman. I think my confusion has less to do with them, and more to do with McNulty. I still think of Rhonda and Jimmy together, even if they were never really together. It just seems odd to see her with someone else.

Poor Colvin. He’s trying to do the right thing. He obviously wants what is best for the people of the city, but the Hamsterdam experiment is never going to work. In this episode, Colvin tried to relocate a poor old woman who was caught in the Hamsterdam area.

The big scene in this episode involved Daniels chewing out McNulty and Greggs because they were going behind his back to make Stringer the target of their investigation. While McNulty is a likable character, I can understand why so many other characters have a problem with him.

“Back Burners”

The Wire has posed a very interesting moral dilemma this season in Hamsterdam. Do the ends really justify the means? The scene with Bubbles walking through Hamsterdam at night, surveying the misery in the free zone was difficult to even watch. It’s certainly difficult to justify the clean corners when that is the result. All the children tossed aside doesn’t help the matter either.

It was nice to see Cutty finally decide to leave the drug trade. It looks like it’s going to stick this time.

The relationship between McNulty and Theresa D’Agostino seems doomed. It was a little sad seeing how uncomfortable McNulty was when he tracked D’Agostino down to her fancy party filled with rich elite. I’m curious to see if the relationship just peters out or goes down in a blaze of glory.

Photo Credit: HBO

7 Responses to “The Wire virgin’s diary – Hard times in Hamsterdam”

February 3, 2009 at 2:24 PM

*tapes his mouth firmly shut so as not to spoil anything*

I love reading these posts (even if they are written by Bob). Keep on enjoying, Bob — we’re with you every step of the way enjoying you enjoying our favorite TV series of all-time.

February 3, 2009 at 3:11 PM

Ouch, low blow, David. :-)

Glad you’re enjoying them in spite of the writer.

February 3, 2009 at 3:07 PM

I just started season four.

To be honest season three has been my least favorite after LOVING 1 and 2. It’s hard to see McNulty be so self destructive.

And after being terrified of Omar; he’s started to grow on me, maybe that’s not the right words, but I look forward to his story. Strange? Anyone else feel that way?

February 3, 2009 at 3:13 PM

I’ve always loved Omar. In particular the episode with him testifying in court was EPIC. It does seem that there is a tremendous amount of humanizing going on with him during season 3 though. I’m thinking about the death of one of his gang hitting him so hard, as well as his conversation with Bunk and delivery of the missing handgun.

I can’t believe you’ve lapped me at this point! I need to get busy watching.

February 3, 2009 at 6:11 PM

There is a hilarious Omar moment early in season four. When the blue satin pj’s come out, it’ll be time to laugh.

February 3, 2009 at 3:41 PM

Keep ‘em coming, Bob.

February 4, 2009 at 5:42 AM

I can’t wait until the ep review just consists of “F***!” LOL

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