CliqueClack TV

Chuck in 3D – Advancing technology, or cheesy gimmick?


We’ve all had a look at Chuck in 3D now, and it has left me pondering a question. Is this latest 3D excursion an advancement in our TV technology, or just a cheesy gimmick? Truth be told, I started thinking about this post during the Super Bowl. And the answer I arrived at then was something different than where I’m at now. The fine folks down at Chuck HQ won me over with their presentation. That’s not to say there aren’t issues with 3D television, which we’ll get to in a moment, but overall I have come away from the episode rather impressed.

OK, now, to the problems. First up is what I call the HD trade-off. Yes, the technology actually works really well, and the 3D effect is fun. But if you are like me, you watch the vast majority of your television in HD now. And unfortunately, one of the prices paid for all of that 3D wonder is a drop in clarity and definition. The picture quality of a regular Chuck is just better. Enough so that, at this point, I wouldn’t want 3D to be a regular thing. It’s fun as a special event, but good old fashioned HD is still where it’s at. I don’t actually have a standard def set anymore, so I’m not sure how those two compare. I’m assuming it’s a similar trade-off.

Chuck actually did quite a bit to lessen my second complaint. I ran through the 3D presentation from the Super Bowl a couple times during half time, and what I noticed was that without the glasses it really looked like ass. That worried me, because TV doesn’t have the luxury that the theatres enjoy. They can just hand you your glasses as you walk in the door. Here, the onus is on the viewer to track them down. And given that the vast majority of the people I work with never bothered to pick them up, despite shopping at the same grocery store that I do, I worried that a jacked up episode could turn away those viewers without the proper goggles. Fortunately, the crazy outlines were relatively minor. The screencap from the top of the post was about as bad as it got. It didn’t look as good as a regular episode, but was still watchable.

The third issue may just be me, but one hour long episode of 3D was about all I could take. My eyes were a bit wigged out at the end of the show, and there was the sneaking suspicion of a headache coming on. If this became more widespread, I think I would have to pick and choose my 3D poisons. Of course, that could just be a matter of getting used to it. I do manage to stare at computer screens for approximately 37 hours a day (or so it seems), so I may be able to adjust.

At the end of the day, I’m going to side with advancing technology. What we saw with the Chuck episode was impressive enough that it warrants more exploration. For the moment, 3D still feels like it is at home in the theatres, or as the rare special event on TV. With a few more improvements though, I could see it being a bigger part of our television landscape. What say you?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Chuck | Clack | General | TV Shows |

11 Responses to “Chuck in 3D – Advancing technology, or cheesy gimmick?”

February 3, 2009 at 11:25 AM

I forgot to get glasses and didnt think about about till they advertised the episode during the Superbowl. So I got to look at really annoying to the eyes images the whole hour. Yay.

February 3, 2009 at 11:41 AM

I don’t get it… this technology can’t work and still every five years they pretend it’s been re-invented. It’s just silly.

Focusing on the episode: every time I watch Chuck it makes me get my Firefly DVDs. Or buy the “Men from U.N.C.L.E.” DVDs. This show’s just so darn cheesy… *sigh*

February 3, 2009 at 1:53 PM

The 3D was wasted on us. We refused to get the glasses just to see a single episode or commercials that we FF’d past with our Tivo. I knew that NBC would make the regular 2D episode available at their website and it was there waiting for me this morning. I wasn’t willing to risk a migraine for a single episode of Chuck no matter how good it might be.

February 3, 2009 at 2:51 PM

My family unanimously agreed the 3D Chuck was nothing more than a headache-inducing gimmick. Unless and until an impressive 3D display hits the marked that doesn’t require the acquisition and wearing of headgear this stuff’s going nowhere.

February 3, 2009 at 3:06 PM

This had to be the dumbest stunt ever.

This is not what I have an HDTV for.

February 3, 2009 at 4:19 PM

I love Chuck, but I really thought this just took away from the episode since my glasses got thrown away with all the Super Bowl trash.

February 3, 2009 at 9:08 PM

I really hope this is the first and last episode using this “tecnology”.. come on that’s chuck.. Does anyone at nbc rellay think I watch Chuck looking for super-stunnig-special-effects??? I followed all the twenty-something episodes for the plot..
this “3d” it’s just nuisance

February 4, 2009 at 10:43 AM

I’m late to the party, but let me add that this was craptacular for me…

Even if I had gotten the glasses, the fact that I only have one good eye (nerve damage on the other one, ~20% sight maybe), the two-coloured glasses wouldn’t have worked for me! So I had to watch without glasses, but I couldn’t make it through the episode as I got a headache from the crappy picture quality.

I have the first season of Chuck on DVD, but if they don’t put the 2D version of this episode on their Season 2 DVD, I’m refusing to buy it and will torrent the other “normal” episodes in HD instead, without any feelings of guilt…

February 4, 2009 at 7:37 PM

The killer app for 3D might be video dating! Some people out of Silicon Valley are launching and have hot bikini clad chicks with 3D WebCams. Much better than Chuck and worth the headache!

February 4, 2009 at 10:29 PM

I personaly din’t have 3D glasses, but it was still watchable. If the show kept this up though I would be turned away to it and watch something else

February 9, 2009 at 5:27 PM

Nevermind the glasses, it was a lame episode. Maybe it’s just me?

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