CliqueClack TV

Why Bruce Springsteen was a good Super Bowl halftime show choice

the boss-superbowl-bruce springsteen

I just got finished watching a fantastic, no-nonsense, Super Bowl halftime show. It was actually all about the music; can you believe it?

Being a Patriots fan, I’ve seen a lot of Super Bowls over the years. Yep, I’m bragging about my team a bit — deal with it. I’ve seen halftime shows all about the sets, all about the lights and with several artists competing for the most attention.

Bruce Springsteen was a great choice for the halftime show this year, mostly because he entertained me, but probably you can appreciate the other reasons too:

  • People who were born before 1985 know who he is.
  • People who were born after 1985 probably know who he is too.
  • We didn’t have to worry about a wardrobe malfunction. Heck, there wasn’t even a wardrobe change.
  • In this economy, it was nice to highlight a down-home boy and not someone swathed in materialistic glitz.
  • Nothing can be worse than 1989’s Elvis impersonator who didn’t actually perform any Elvis songs.
  • Finally! An artist who is actually a live performer.
  • It was a simple, straightforward approach to honest entertainment: no “theme,” no tributes, not even — dare I say it — any lip-synching. Or half shirts.
  • He looked like he had a lot of fun. Um, ’cause he’s a performer.
  • The choir? Nice touch.
  • The next best thing to Paul McCartney. C’mon, even if you aren’t a huge fan, you gotta admit the 2005 halftime show made you weep just a little.

The only downside? There wasn’t time for the greatest epic song of all time. What do you mean Springsteen doesn’t sing “Bohemian Rhapsody??” People, I was speaking of “Rosalita.”

Photo Credit: NBC

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12 Responses to “Why Bruce Springsteen was a good Super Bowl halftime show choice”

February 1, 2009 at 9:54 PM

The only downside? He was terrible. Come on. He was too slow throughout freeze-out and the idiotic banter with Stevie at the end was painful. Average performance at best.

February 1, 2009 at 9:54 PM

I have to disagree, unfortunately. I know he’s a huge part of rock and roll history, and I appreciate that he’s really into performing…but, just not my generation. Not into Paul McCartney either. My boyfriend and I (born in ’83 and ’84 respectively) were talking during the half-time show about how we’ll probably have to wait until we’re middle-aged to see someone we want to see in the halftime show, as it always seems to be aimed at an older crowd.

February 1, 2009 at 10:14 PM

What a game – I was rooting for the Cardinals ’cause I like Underdogs and Tom Nütten (mind the Umlaut) won with Kurt Warner back in the St. Lois Rams days.

Anyway – the nicest thing about Springsteen was how his voice tumbled about 10 minutes into the performance. No other way to know that it was live and I liked it :-)

February 1, 2009 at 11:20 PM

Sorry – not one good thing about Springsteen at the Superbowl. I disliked him when I succumbed to peer pressure and bought The River in Jr. High and found nothing had changed as I watched his wheezing, seizure-like performance tonight. Yuck.

I don’t understand how networks cater to the 18-49 year old males and yet not one, seriously NOT ONE halftime show in the past 10 years has had someone who would cater to that audience. How about Nickelback, Coldplay, Daughtry (hello – he would appeal to the rockers AND the old Idol watchers…how perfect is that???)…these are bands that somehow all traverse both the hard rock and adult radio station.

Unlike Bruce Springsteen. Seriously – has anyone really heard his new album?

February 2, 2009 at 3:35 PM

Really… Daughtry, Nickelback… Really…?

February 1, 2009 at 11:27 PM

Bruce did a good job; I’d give him a solid B. No one can touch Prince from a few years back.

The choir … nice touch? Only if you like cliches!

February 2, 2009 at 12:59 AM

Well it wasnt a malfunction but when he did that slide his crotch went right into the camera. That made me laugh. I have to agree with you, the guy knows how to perform live and put on an entertaining show.

The commercials were even good this year surprisingly.

And the game was extremely entertaining. I’m not a fan of either team (I rooted for the Steelers cause the Cardinals ruined the Eagles climb up from the bottom), but wow. What a way to end the first half with a 100 yard touchdown! And the Steelers winning by scoring in the last minute! Only better game was when the Giants beat your team and ruined the streak in the last minute.

February 2, 2009 at 1:09 AM

Lisa I’ll give you the last few years swung older (Tom Petty08,Prince07,The Rolling Stones06, and Paul McCartney05) but those acts are pretty da-n good no matter the age. And call me crazy but Janet and Justin and Nelly and P.Diddy performed just back in 2004.In 2003 No Doubt was mixed in Shania Twain and Sting . 2002 had U2 which I’m pretty sure they are popular with a cross section of age groups -at least from what I’ve seen at their concerts. 2001 I remember was ‘N Sync, Britney, Aerosmith, Mary J. Blige and Nelly. In 2000 they had Christina Aguilera, Enrique Iglesias, Toni Braxton, along with Phil Collins. And in 1999 they had Gloria Estefan, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy and Stevie Wonder.
So it seems like they mix it up a bit overall. Yeah this year and last could have mixed in a younger act with them but even though I’m not a huge Bruce fan the man doesn’t need to share the stage. He’s a great performer.

Really they are never going to please everyone. If you just go with one artist people will complain they don’t like um, not in their demo — but for others it’s a nice treat, a mini concert they may never get to witness in person. Then if you have several artist perform some will always want the focus just on one – or others may just not be happy with anything.
I just think they try to do their best and getting legends is pretty good. Yeah Coldplay be good, but some people don’t like them (really the producers can’t win). I like some of Daughtry but will they be around for years who knows

My personal favs were Prince in 2007 and back in 2001 when N”Sync performed with Brit and Aerosmith

just my thoughts

February 2, 2009 at 1:38 AM

To be fair, I’ve only watched in the last couple of years. Even so, I probably would have only been into No Doubt, out of those. I guess because my tastes swing more to rock and of that list there’s only contemporary pop or hip hop, mixed with older rock, that would lend itself to my impression. I understand that they want someone who is a staple and will appeal to a broad audience, and that’s cool, I’m not demanding they cater to my whims, I just don’t think I’ll see anyone I’m into until I’m older. It’d be nice if they’d give some newer rock groups a chance again.

February 2, 2009 at 8:28 AM

I just wanted to add that if I (!) had the choice I’d hire Metallica and the Foo Fighters.

So why not turn this over to who you’d chose as halftime performer?

February 2, 2009 at 10:14 AM

This year’s SuperBowl was fascinating. It had a good, interesting game that went down to the wire. It had a halftime show that was entertaining. The big shocker though is that there was nothing in the commercials to write home about.

February 2, 2009 at 3:37 PM

Springsteen was awesome. I too was hoping for Rosie to come out last night but the song would have taken up 8 of the 12 min.

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