CliqueClack TV

Private Practice – Cooper moves in with Violet


(Season 2, Episode 14 – “Second Chances”)

Yeah, I put a big giant spoiler in the title. Got a problem with that?

And speaking of the title … There are friends. And then there are friends like Cooper. I’m not sure if he’s moving in with Violet JUST to help her through the pregnancy, or if he’s moving in with her because he got the power shun from Charlotte on his marriage proposal. I think a little of both.

And speaking of Charlotte, I’m getting more and more tired of her whiny ass. Her hot and cold behavior is driving me batty. A while back, she was mad at Cooper for … something … it couldn’t have been too important. So then Cooper follows her to her hometown to help her get through the death of her dad. Suddenly, she’s all lovey-dovey again and asks Cooper to marry her! Moving kinda fast there, aren’t we? So he thinks she’s just doing it make up for losing her dad and says no, but he still wants to be with her. Then she rebuffs him and decides not to be his girlfriend anymore.

OK, so Cooper moves on and decides to help his best friend Violet (does this guy have no life of his own?), and suddenly, Charlotte is back at his door bringing baked goods and saying OK, she wants to move in with him. Make up your mind!

And what the hell happened to Wyatt? Suddenly he’s off chasing some big pharmaceutical cash (guess his and Addison’s kiss isn’t going anywhere), so Addison’s brother Archer just swoops in and takes his job?! That kind of thing just doesn’t happen.

And then for Addison to get all sanctimonious and tell Archer he has to leave because she wants her own life, her own city, her own practice, and he’s sleeping with her best friend, to boot. You know what, Addison? Get a life!

Most of the rest of this episode involved Ethical Dilemmas of the Week:

– Pete helping a buddy through his addiction with a needle sharing program. And oh, by the way, the economy is in shambles! Real estate agents are shooting up!

– Noami dealing with a woman who wants to carry her dead daughter’s embryo. So she’d be carrying her own granddaughter.  And she’s 52 years old. Should she be allowed to or not? And does a doctor really have a say in this matter? If they don’t go for it, she’ll just find some other doctor who’ll do it.

Any thoughts on this episode? Are you as irritated with it as me?

Photo Credit: ABC

4 Responses to “Private Practice – Cooper moves in with Violet”

January 31, 2009 at 12:59 PM

What happened to the site-wide spoiler policy that was mentioned a little while back? I’d sure like to know what it is. It would help me decide whether I’ll be reading this site or not. (There, I fell for the bait which I what I assume you wanted.)

January 31, 2009 at 6:05 PM

I think, between this post, and Keith’s latest review of BSG, they might be letting us know their spoiler policy.

As far as the episode goes? Shonda seems to be going out of her way to write a show I don’t want to watch :)

January 31, 2009 at 1:21 PM

Woah there Jane! LOL Me thinks you were quite distressed at this episode!

I like Charlotte. I like her goofy wishy washy behavior. She seems real to me (or maybe like me…oops).

Violet doesn’t want a baby, and I’m sick of television shows backing away from women choosing abortion. WTF is that all about? Hollywood is the most liberal place on the planet, but they cannot write one good “I chose abortion” storyline. Really?

Cooper moving in with her makes sense as they were both feeling sorry for themselves, and I think in their own minds, after the recent defeats, they are wondering why they never thought to be more. I don’t think they will go there, but I think it plays into the rash decision.

Addison obviously has some sibling rivalry with Archer, but I need more family history before I am willing to smack her down for not wanting him practicing one floor away. And for the competition. It is ODD. Can’t you imagine they would have been competing every step of the way growing up? And he’s the guy, so he probably got more support.

Pete needs to get a new clientele. He has all the riff raff from LA in his office. Even when they’re not bad people they are always making bad choices. I’d find having him as a partner in the practice a hindrance.

The woman having her grandchild was just stupid. She obviously didn’t like being a mother. They wondered if she was doing it out of guilt – hell yeah! Bad reason to have a child. Violet only gave it a green light because she has her own issues with her own pregnancy…good doctorin there! I can’t make a decision for myself, so I’ll make one for this poor bastard.

They should have picked an ugly man for Sam if they wanted him to be a wheezy when having sex with a beautiful woman. That man could not have had trouble in the dating world and yet that is his only storyline in months. I just don’t buy it.

Wyatt ran off when his series was picked up. I don’t have any hopes for a cross-over episode, however. :-)

February 10, 2009 at 10:03 AM

“And then for Addison to get all sanctimonious and tell Archer he has to leave because she wants her own life, her own city, her own practice, and he’s sleeping with her best friend, to boot. You know what, Addison? Get a life!”

Way to contradict yourself and completely miss the point! I think Addison’s point was SHE DOES HAVE A LIFE and Archer is trying to make it his own. He completely invaded every aspect of her life without even picking up the phone and letting her know he was coming. I think she’s completely justified in feeling smothered by him.

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