CliqueClack TV

Shonda Rhimes’ new pilot and no blog for Rosie – News or Not?

rosie-o-donnellIt’s all over the cyber-news: Rosie O’Donnell has announced that she will no longer update her blog. Is this news?

To me, it’s not. Frankly, I didn’t even know she had a blog. I catch enough of her rantings through the little tidbits that make the news when she opens her mouth and sticks her foot in it publicly; I don’t need to read them every day. To her two or three fans, though, this is probably devastating, perhaps even life-altering.

Shonda Rhimes, the creator of Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice, has just had a new pilot picked up by ABC called Inside the Box. It’s about a TV news producer and the extra-curriculars that go on behind-the-scenes. Could this be Broadcast News meets Grey’s Anatomy? Is it news?

I think it’ll be news when the script is leaked and we found out it promises to either be spectacular or horrific, but right now, it’s less-than-exciting. I’m not pumped by the idea of another show of this style at the moment. Now, if the head reporter turns out to be a vampire hunter on her off days, sign me up….

Photo Credit: ABC

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3 Responses to “Shonda Rhimes’ new pilot and no blog for Rosie – News or Not?”

January 29, 2009 at 11:11 AM

Is Brittney driving with her kids on her lap news? Is Angelina Jolie going out for a jog news? I think it’s a matter of celebrity vs. the world that makes news. If someone has a following (and Rosie does) why shouldn’t something that they do make the news when there is so much asinine news out there anyway? I mean I could understand if the news was only the networks and newspapers as it was back in the 1970s or whatever, but in 2009 when media is everywhere, even a celebrity fart is news.

But for me, I’d rather just stick to the important stuff, like Michelle Obama possibly being pregnant!!!! /sarcasm.

January 29, 2009 at 11:23 AM

You’re completely right, which is why it’s fun to ponder these ideas. Funny on one level, b/c we can write tongue-in-cheek; making a statement on another level, b/c so many people rely on this stuff as their serious news for the day.I’m not saying if that’s right or wrong, but like you said, it is a sign of the times, with so much information available to us at our fingertips — literally!

January 29, 2009 at 5:08 PM

News, or good news? I think pilot pick ups are news worthy of this site. Good news? Not if Shonda keeps pumping stuff at the level Grey’s was last season :)

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