CliqueClack TV

Real World: Brooklyn – Sarah’s dark past surfaces; Chet dates a model

real-world-ep4(Season 21, Episode 4 – “Daddy Dearest and the Dueling Divas”)

One of those deep, dark secrets I wrote about last week finally reared its ugly head during last night’s episode of Real World: Brooklyn. More on that later. We also got to see Devyn pursue her theatrical ambitions. Up until this point, all she did was drool over hunky lady killer Scott. Devyn showed her hard side as well after JD dissed her singing ability. A whale trainer should know better than to go there.

In addition, Chet once again took center stage. It’s obvious the producers are lovin’ this sexually naive Mormon with hair of gold. I trashed his pathetic attempts to pick-up teen model Alex in episode 3, but apparently Alex was taken by his bumbling charm. Either that or she’s looking to use the MTV cameras to help further her modeling career. Perish the thought. Whatever the case, she gave ‘ol Chet a second chance and agreed to go on a date with him. Three cheers for Chet!

Time to dive headfirst into the festivities.

Before I get to the real drama, let’s chat a bit about JD. This dude loves to get hammered drunk. Some drunks are happy; others are sad; JD is a brutally honest drunk. Not only did he rip Devyn’s voice, but he also “outed” Katelynn in the middle of a club. JD isn’t on the same level as Joey from Real World: Hollywood, but his after-hours antics are beginning to rub the housemates the wrong way.

Back to Devyn. She had a busy episode. First, she lost a sing-off to JD’s transgendered friend Angelique, then she showed-up thirty minutes late to an audition due to an impromptu trip to New Jersey. Oh no, not New Jersey! Don’t worry, she didn’t run into Tony Soprano, but she did anger a New York City casting director. Not good. By the way, her acting is crap. However, she can carry a tune.

Nothing against the other roomies, but episode four belonged to Sarah. I sensed there was more to her than just a cute, bubbly persona. A surprising phone call from her estranged father knocked her for an emotional loop. The revelation that she was sexually abused at a day-care center at age eight, then again by her father, brought the happy-go-lucky proceedings to a thud. To her credit, she seems to have kept her life together despite a horrific childhood. I’m still wondering how her father – whom she hadn’t spoken to in two years – got the phone number to the Real World house? Do you think the producers slipped it to him to get her reaction on camera? They wouldn’t sink that low… right?

A few other observations: Baya and Katelynn were not featured; JD seems to be a catalyst for controversy; Scott has done nothing so far; Ryan wore an awful brown suit and donned a 1920s style mustache to attend a private party; Sarah chastised Katelynn for dressing too trampy; Devyn’s breasts looked amazing.

Best line: “Who plans to go to New Jersey?” Devyn, after taking a wrong turn into the Holland Tunnel.

Well, the honeymoon in the house is over. The dark side is starting to make its presence known. Next week, Ryan’s personal Darth Vader makes an appearance. I’ll be back to tell you all about it. Until then….

Photo Credit: MTV

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Real World: Brooklyn – Sarah’s dark past surfaces; Chet dates a model”

January 30, 2009 at 2:34 PM

I definitely agree that Alex is just using the cameras to further her career. She looks just like one of the castmembers from RW Paris… the one who liked Ace???

January 30, 2009 at 2:48 PM

You’re right. I think her name was Mallory. Ironically, she went on to become a SI swimsuit model.

January 31, 2009 at 12:56 PM

hi im ally, im 16 and i was sexually assaulted when i was about 14 or 15. it happened when my older sister met this man who was too old for her to begin with she was only 18 and he was 32 when they got together. needless to say i stayed at there house in which she moved onto quite quickly. and so i stayed the night there and i trusted this person because everyone else around me has always left me and there was something so nice about him, being he was already a father to 3 little girls who i love so much and also has another son and daughter that he gave up, so i trusted him and stayed the night and it was him me and my sister laying in their bed and we layed watching a movie together and eventually my sister fell asleep and he thought i was asleep to and my sister rolls down to the end of the bed asleep. and not too long after that, is when he touched me all over i didnt know what to do so i just layed there until i thought just move so i did, i acted as if i was asleep and rolled over and he stopped then i layed there thinking what the hell just happened this person i trusted soooooo much did this well maybe he thought it was my sister i told myself but i knew deeep down he knew she was at the end of the bed because he was awake the whole time. so i layed there and then a little while after i acted as if i woke up and stretched and looked around as if i didnt know what was going on and then left and ran up stairs to the little girls room and they were all 3 asleep in one big bed so i ran across the hall to the other bed room and shut the door hoping he wouldnt come up here and do it all over again. so i shut the door with no lock and put a chair in front of it hoping if he came up i would here the door hit the chair he never did but i stayed up that night all alone thinking if i told someone no one would believe me being as he is this highly well respected cop so i never did till i told my friend and as i was telling her he was at my house and came in my room and smiled and smacked my ass and she was astounded. she never told anyone. then i told my other friend who was the best firend i ever have had he said when i told him he didnt know what to think. and my other best friend she still dosent know and i dont want to tell her. and now u know. i wish i could tell everyone all at once and have proof but i know if i did either no one would believe me or someone will and take him away and my sister has a newborn baby with him and his 3 beautiful little girls and my family would think there is something wrong with me and i would need help, so i am not going to tell them. and even after all that happened i feel like he still looks at me like he wants to do it all over again he doesnt know i know so i just smile and turn away when he got drunk the other night he looked at the same way he always does and grabs me and hugs me and ugh i just want to kill this guy he is a pathetic piece of work god sent my way along with all the other hell i have to go through. i wish i could just get away and never look back at any of this life we call now, but i know even if i dont ever tell anyone but i will when his girls are grown up im outta of this hell whole and my brand new angel nephew i know god sent me for a reason grows up, just not now. i was told this isnt my life this is just a test. so i will tell just…not now.

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