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Lost – Nice to meet you too

Lost(Season 5, Episode 3 – “Jughead”)

This season just keeps getting better and better doesn’t it? I suppose if I wasn’t into the sci fi aspects of the show, I wouldn’t be loving this season at all, but luckily that doesn’t describe me.

This was a curious episode, as it didn’t feature Ben or any of the Oceanic Six, focusing instead on Desmond and the crew back on the island. Speaking of the island, it was nice to see that the jumping through time seems to have slowed down a little bit. I think it would have been daunting to keep up the pace that was set in the premiere, so it’s nice to see a more manageable pace.

Let’s get right to it: the coolest thing in this episode had to be young Charles Widmore popping up on the island. Looks like Penny’s dad used to be an Other back in the day. This opens up so many possibilities, and raises so many new questions. Did Widmore get kicked off the island? If so, what did he do to deserve it? Was Ben involved?

That was just a small part of the episode, however. When Ellie, the highly militant female other, popped up on screen I thought for sure that she was going to be a young Danielle Rousseau. Some may be convinced that Ellie is short for Danielle, but the accent definitely isn’t right. I don’t think the age of the character is right either.

I thought all the Dan/Charlotte stuff in this episode felt a little forced. We still barely know these characters, so we know nothing about the history between them. As such, it seems completely out of place for Daniel to be confessing his love for Charlotte. Perhaps he was driven to do it, knowing that she wasn’t long for this world. I’m still holding out hope that she will pull through her time traveling sickness, but it doesn’t like good for the island’s resident redhead.

We also learned some interesting things about Daniel Faraday in this episode. Turns out the mild-mannered scientist has a bit of a shady past: sending his girlfriend into a coma and working for Charles Widmore. I’m sure we’ll learn more about the nature of their relationship as the season progresses, but I’m intrigued. Are you?

Some final quick-hit thoughts on the episode:

  • I guess we found out what was behind the concrete wall in the swan hatch. We were supposed to assume it was the H-bomb, right?
  • Juliet knows so much more than she has told the other castaways. I would demand some answers if I were them.
  • I love Desmond and Penny together, and their cute little boy (named Charlie!).
  • Where the heck were Rose and Bernard in this episode? Did they get separated from everyone else? I hope they have Vincent with them….

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Lost | TV Shows |

21 Responses to “Lost – Nice to meet you too”

January 28, 2009 at 10:13 PM

Loved this episode. Started to answer some questions. One of the biggest…why Richard showed up to see John when he was a child.

Young Widmore, what did he do indeed? I thought the girl might have been Danielle at first too, but the accent was not right and she was not an other. I think was probably Penny’s mother. That is why Faraday thought she looked familiar.

I have thought there was something between Charlotte and Faraday since the end of last season. When they were on the beach and taking people to the freighter they were very concerned for each other and I thought it was the start of a deeper relationship.

I did love that old Widmore was looking out for his daughter and let go of his grudge of Desmond. He wanted Desmond to keep his daughter safe.

I may have to watch this one again.

January 28, 2009 at 10:51 PM

I’m pretty sure Alpert showed up when Locke was a child because of what he said in this episode, that leaders are chosen at a very young age. Explains why he was upset that young Locke picked the wrong items at the time.

January 28, 2009 at 11:52 PM

I like the Desmond/Faraday episodes. The time travel is getting exciting. I hope that the numbers don’t start falling off because of it.

I wonder how they will deal with past Danielle?

January 28, 2009 at 11:55 PM

I love time traveling islands! The show is amazing this seaosn!

January 29, 2009 at 12:37 AM

Maybe Ellie is Daniel’s mother! Young Charles Widmore and young “Mrs. Hawking” on the island together, Widmore funds Daniel’s work…connect the dots? Could Widmore be Daniel’s father too???

January 29, 2009 at 1:19 AM

I just thought it was so damn cool that Desmond and Penny’s son is named Charlie.

I’m fine with the pace of the Daniel/Charlotte relationship. He’s probably been pining for her for quite some time.

Great episode. How they are weaving the all of the timelines together is so incredibly interesting. I’m curious if, as an example, the writers knew that there was an H-Bomb behind the concrete, or this is just a bit of retconning (Akbar won’t like it).

Widmore being an other is a pretty interesting twist as well. Have we known about the US Army being on the island in the 50’s before? Doing experiments? I don’t remember.

Also, unless I totally misunderstood the scene, didn’t Ellie seem to know Faraday in the beginning (“You just couldn’t stay away, could you?”) and try to show him some deference (by saying they could fess up before getting back to camp)? Perhaps she sees Faraday when he’s in the (Orchard?) station that we saw in the first episode back?

January 30, 2009 at 3:25 PM

I was fine with the bomb and kinda figured once Faraday said to bury it in concrete that is what is what was in the hatch. Didn’t bother me at all.

January 29, 2009 at 1:36 AM

I was also left with a couple of other thoughts:

– Naming the bomb Jughead just made me think that there’s another bomb out there named Archie.
– They haven’t outright said that Hawking is Faraday’s mother, but everyone is just assuming that, right?
– Eloise was the name of the mouse, and Hawking’s first name?
– Ellie/Eloise is a very easy leap to make.
– I got the impression that everyone else on the beach (and thus all of the other original 815ers) didn’t survive the attack :( No Rose and Bernard?
– Why Charlotte is sick doesn’t really matter to me as much as can she be saved? I like the interesting chemistry between her and Faraday (and am mesmerized by her eyes).

January 29, 2009 at 7:03 AM

-If I remember correctly the lettering for Jughead, written on the bomb was also very similar to that used for the comics. What a strange reference…but amusing. :)
-Since Widmore said Faraday’s mother is in LA it seems pretty likely that it’s Mrs. Hawking.
-I’m not worried about Rose and Bernard because Lost is too thorough to just have people assume they’re dead…we’d see it and there’d probably be some kind of mourning among the losties.

January 29, 2009 at 8:57 AM

I’ve been expecting Mrs. Faraday to be Mrs. Hawking since last week. I was almost pleased that it didn’t get resolved this week so I could come here and tell you all so I can be “right” later on *sigh*. I hate myself ^^;

The army girl who looks like Charloote’s sister is Charlotte’s sister’s mother most definitely.

Rose and Bernard? There are about three dozen other tailies that didn’t die. They didn’t get captured by the others, so they must be off somewhere else.

What we DO know is that these people are not US Army, they are others. What I’m wondering is why the Army never came back to get their H-Bomb.

What I was wondering is this: the station where the “axle” Ben pushed out of it’s suspension (god I hope these are the right words in english) hasn’t been built in 1954.

So they have to build the Orchid station to access that axle (it was already there on that scan that was shown in episode 5×02 that it was there in that cave).

So why has John to get off the Island? Does he need to get somebody back who’s able to built the Orchid? Arent’t they already “there”? Don’t they just have to jump to a point in time where the Orchid has already been built and push the axle (that wheel) back in the other direction?

Won’t Locke then simply be transported off the island like Ben was when he pushed the wheel clockwise? Will John be the reason why Ben knows that people are transported off the island if they touch the wheel?

January 29, 2009 at 8:59 AM

Argh damn it strike sentence two that was something I thought at the beginning of the episode which contradicts sentence one.

Grr. I want an edit-function :-)

January 29, 2009 at 5:12 PM

Er… The tailies are pretty much all gone now, right? Except for Bernard?

January 30, 2009 at 3:54 PM

Did anyone indicate that they thought the Others were US Army? An Army unit has been on the island, and I’m just curious if we knew that fact before?

January 29, 2009 at 1:39 AM

I’m with Chuck. Why else would Widmore fund Faraday’s experiments? Plus, Widmore knew where his mother was. Does this mean Penny is Faraday’s half sister? Gotta love Lost!

February 4, 2009 at 3:50 PM

“Does this mean Penny is Faraday’s half sister?”

It could be possible that Penny is Faraday’s true sister. Unless I’m just forgetting it, do we really know anything about Penny’s mom? Penny & Daniel are roughly the same age so Widmore could be father to both and Mrs. Hawking could be mother to both.

January 29, 2009 at 10:35 AM

I think I’m getting a headache…and a nosebleed!

January 29, 2009 at 10:49 AM

On that note, I think I saw Charlotte in the previews for next week’s episode. There’s hope!

January 29, 2009 at 11:34 AM

I really doubt that Charlotte is dead. There is just too much of her story left to be told. We still don’t know why she was hunting down signs of Dharma when she found the Dharma medallion by the dead polar bear in the desert.

As far as Charles Widmore being Daniel’s father, it is an interesting theory and I never thought of it before. I think the theory makes sense and how Lost likes to connect their characters (Jack and Claire for example) I think there is actually a pretty good chance that Daniel could be Charles Widmore’s son. It would explain how he knows where Mrs. Hawking is since I believe she is Daniel’s mother.

Finally I thought the revelation of Charles Widmore being an Other was huge. This opens up so many storyline possibilities and could also help explain why Charles Widmore wants to get back to the island so badly.

January 29, 2009 at 12:13 PM

I forgot to mention: who saw that crazy painting in Widmore’s office that said NAMASTE across the top and a huge polar bear in the middle?

January 29, 2009 at 8:45 PM

IIRC, that painting has been in his office before. But, now knowing that Widmore was an “Other” (another? HA!), it has some meaning.

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