CliqueClack TV

House – Should Cuddy have given back the baby?

cuddy-and-babyThe way the writers of House handled Cuddy’s feelings for her new baby was uncomfortably great. It was so good, and Cuddy was so convincing in her misery. I was actually convinced that Cuddy was going to give her baby back. In fact, when Wilson revealed that he had faked translating a photo of the baby into what she would look like as a teenager, I thought we would find out that she had already given the baby back.

However. However. As both an adopted daughter AND a mother, every bone in my body has to reject the idea of her actually returning the baby. Thank God for Wilson! Sure, it’s easy and glib for House to tell Cuddy that because she is less than enamored she should quit. Cuddy is insecure enough in her role as a mother, let alone a mother and a hospital administrator. But I think what she was going through was very normal.

Even though it horrifies me to think of Cuddy giving up the baby she has been wanting for years, is it always a bad idea to decide that maybe adoption isn’t for you? Is that worse than a biological mother deciding that she may not be ready for motherhood? Isn’t it sort of denial on my part to think it never happens?

My dark little secret is this: If Cuddy had given the baby back, I think I would have been a little relieved on her behalf. She could have gone back to her life as it was before, empty as it was, and maybe House would have filled some gaps for her. It would have made her relationship with House less complicated. It would have been easier. However, there is a part of me that doesn’t want to admit that something like giving back a baby is okay, even for a fictional character. Because it seems … well, really bad, doesn’t it?

But when she bonded with the baby,  it became apparent that what she had been experiencing was probably a form of post-partum depression without a hormonal origin. Of course she would eventually bond with her baby, of course she would have an entire, rich life to look forward to as a mother.

But really, of course? Was that too easy, too pat of an ending? Do you think that Cuddy will be okay? Is there any part of you that thinks she should have given the baby back?

Photo Credit: Adam Taylor/FOX

Categories: | Clack | General | House | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “House – Should Cuddy have given back the baby?”

January 28, 2009 at 12:49 PM

Should Cuddy have given the baby back? That’s a tough one. I think it’s one of those decisions that is ultra personal, and I don’t think I’d judge her harshly either way. If she really didn’t feel like she was going to develop a bond, wouldn’t it make sense to give the baby up in the hopes that the child would find adoptive a parent or parents who did bond with her? As an infant, Rachel’s odds of being adopted swiftly are high (since her medical issues appear resolved).

I was more irritated with the storyline because it seemed like a non sequitur. There was no inkling that Cuddy was having trouble bonding in the previous episode. She was overwhelmed and hard on herself, but appeared to be doing fine with Rachel.

I feel like this is just the second in a long line of episodes in which we get a sampling of working mom stories. The previous episode was “Can a working mom have it all?”, this one was “What if you don’t bond with your adopted kid”. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with these storylines, it’s that they aren’t being selected because they make sense for the characters or the story. They’re being selected because the writers seem to want to do a little thesis on on being a single, adoptive, working mom. And they’re a bit cliche. IMHO.

January 28, 2009 at 1:10 PM

She should have given it back and then had sex with House and have his baby.

If we are going to jump the shark anyways, might as well go all out!

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