CliqueClack TV

Desperate Housewives: Do we even care if Dave seeks revenge on Mike?


We’re well into the Desperate Housewives saga this season, and the show really hasn’t grabbed me like it did at the beginning of the series. There have been some interesting moments, but they’ve mostly been little ones, like Bree and Alex making a connection in last week’s episode, and the little adventures that Mrs. McCluskey and her sister go on in pursuit of the truth about Dave. Even the storyline about Porter hasn’t seemed that huge, for some reason.

But the major mystery-storyline — Dave seeking revenge on Mike for the death of his family — doesn’t really grab me at all. In fact, I couldn’t care less! So I’ve been trying to figure out why that is, and I’ve hit on a few points:

I don’t know Dave’s family. Sure, it’s always hard to lose loved ones. But I didn’t know Dave’s family, so I don’t really care about them.

I don’t know or care about Dave. While Dave started out being ultra-creepy and, as I described in my early reviews, like a perverted Ken doll, now he’s just more sad than anything. He lost his family, ended up in a psych ward, and married Edie so he could live on Wisteria Lane and seek revenge on Mike. Him breaking into Mrs. McCluskey’s house and stealing her cat was the turning point. Then he started seeing and talking to his dead wife, and now he’s an anxious mess surviving on a briefcase full of meds. Sad, not creepy.

The housewives don’t care about Dave. During the first season, the mystery revolved around Mary Alice, a beloved friend and neighbor of the housewives. We went on a journey with them to figure out how their friend died and what the circumstances were. Nothing added up ’til the end episodes. There’s not much mystery involved with Dave. The housewives don’t know what’s going on, and don’t really care. Except for Mrs. McCluskey and her sister, that is, but that story seems to be dying.

The housewives aren’t affected by it. Mike and Susan aren’t together, so Dave seeking revenge on Mike doesn’t really impact the housewives in any way. Katherine’s too new to care about at this point. And none of the housewives really like Edie anyway, though they have their moments — like last week when Edie told Susan about her dad leaving and stealing her horse collection for his girlfriend’s daughter.

So what do you think? Are you interested in the Dave-Mike storyline at all? What could Desperate Housewives have done better to grab our attention this season?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | Desperate Housewives | General | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Desperate Housewives: Do we even care if Dave seeks revenge on Mike?”

January 15, 2009 at 10:54 AM

I think they’ve just turned away from the “big mystery” seasons and are a more classic, yet humorous, nighttime soap in the traditional sense.

Personally, I don’t need the mystery aspect. I like the stories, the family dynamics and friendships. That’s why I tune in, but I am sure others will disagree.

January 15, 2009 at 11:19 AM

I assumed Dave was there to get revenge on Susan and Mike for the accident that killed his family in the first episode of the season. But after that big setup, it didn’t seem to have any impact on the mystery at all. Dave should have been trying to go after Susan, then when mysterious things started happening to her, the rest of the housewives would have been more invested in the story. But making Mike a peripheral character now has kind of diminished his importance.

January 15, 2009 at 3:03 PM

I think you’re looking at this in the wrong way. The show may be called Desperate HOUSEWIVES, but this mystery is finally involving the men of Westeria Lane. It was a great idea showing Mike befriend the husbands, and it finally showed us a different side of the characters. I really enjoyed watching Dave form his band. And also, Susan and Mike may not be together, but he clearly cares about her. Dave going after Mike not only affects Katherine, who I do care about, but also Susan. And remember, Dave is going to go after their kid aswell! Not to mention it being heartbreaking for Eddie. And lastly, we’re only half way though. If I’m not mistaken, this is the first time Desperate Housewives have revealed a major part of their mystery this early in the season, which makes me believe that we’ve still got a lot in store for us before this season is over. I’m sure there are many more layers to Dave’s storyline still to come.

January 22, 2009 at 9:19 AM

i agree but just one thing i beleive dave will take away woither kath r susan vecuase he said i want to make you lose what i lost and i agree that we will have much more in stall as far as suproses go and also there is a more definate reason for the divorce of mike and susan

January 22, 2009 at 9:17 AM

well i think by giving it time it will impact the housewives because if no one was listening dave said and i quote i want him to lose what i lose so he is not targeting mike but infact susan becuase he lost a wife/lover and child. but as we go on he finds out mike loves katherine so i think there will either be a murder or attempteded murder on katherine see so it impact the ousewoives after all just give it time and knowing desperate houseiwves there will be a more underlying reason why mike and susan broke up or another story because a car accident is not a logical reason

February 23, 2009 at 2:38 PM


I think that Mike killed the wife and child when him and susan were in that accident and when they go on the camping trip Katherine will get hurt or killed but mike won’t he is just too important

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