CliqueClack TV

How I Met Your Mother – Read a magazine; everybody does it

HIMYM Benefits

(Season 4, Episode 12 – “Benefits” How I Met Your Mother - How I Met Your Mother, Season 4 - Benefits)

Ah, friends with benefits … roommates with benefits … the ol’ college days are coming back to me now. This was the hot topic when you were in your early 20s, but I was a little nervous that this episode would be a bit too immature for the older gang on HIMYM.

They handled it in a fresh way, though, with the reason for the “benefits” not being simply having sex, but making it bearable to live with a member of the opposite sex and all of their quirks. I mean, who wouldn’t rather be having sex than fighting about replacing the toilet paper roll?

I think my favorite joke of the episode was the fact that Marshall was standing in the doorway both times Ted and Robin struck a deal to tell no one of their “benefits.” What a stalker! HIMYM has a knack for using their funny to the maximum, without overdoing it, yet they rarely underuse a joke as well. They’ve perfected the balance and it’s a big part of why HIMYM is the funniest sitcom on TV right now.

I know my favorite joke was a seemingly small part of the show tonight, but I think we often overlook the subtle on HIMYM because Barney’s riotous jokes are so in-your-face. World peace, for instance:

“Every single international conflict essentially boils down to sexual tension.”

From Gaza strippers, to apart-thighs, to “Mrs. Gorbachev, take down those pants,” Barney has practically earned himself an advisory position with the government.

The poignant part of the episode, though, I could have done without. I don’t like Barney pining away for Robin; I like Barney being a disgusting gigolo. I need every off-color pick-up line he uses on the women in the bar, and his general disregard for women keeps me going. Please, Barney, don’t show us your sensitive side!

Other jokes worth mentioning:

  • Ted calls Robin “Ogre from Revenge of the Nerds” because she’s such a slob.
  • Following the ground rules is like “telling The Fonz to be cool.”
  • All the TVs in the dumpster had to be a dig at the new digital law coming up next month.
  • Barney’s “therapy” with Lily’s Kindergarten class. Have I mentioned before that Lily’s got to be the worst teacher ever?
  • All along, Barney had a bathroom in his office that Marshall could have been using.
  • There was a general consensus on what “reading a magazine” is, with everyone but Barney, who thought they were talking about masturbating. That’s the disgusting Barney that I love!

All in all, this was a fairly funny episode of HIMYM. I just hope that now that they’ve addressed Barney’s love for Robin (again!) and Ted has figured it out, that we can all move on and … I don’t know, get to the goat or something….

Photo Credit: CBS

13 Responses to “How I Met Your Mother – Read a magazine; everybody does it”

January 13, 2009 at 12:33 AM

so Barney is not allowed to grow as a person? Glad you like to keep characters so one dimensional.

I think you are forgetting the fact that Robin is in many ways very similar to Barney. They can both be disgusting together.

January 13, 2009 at 7:31 AM

No Akbar, Barney isn’t. He’s basically growing out of his character and I guess it has been mentioned often enough here that and elsewhere that the only reason people watch HIMYM seems to be the pig that Barney is and how NPH plays him.

Or to use an analogy from this show: it’s like telling the Fonz to be vanilla.

January 13, 2009 at 11:01 AM

The only reason? How very sad your life must be if that is the only reason you watch the show. If you like your characters so one dimensional, why don’t you go watch any of the other sitcoms out there that offer this. I think you will find you are in the minority of people who don’t want Barney to change.

And like I said, if he and Robin hook up officially, they can be disgusting together. Have themselves a nice open relationship and the same old Barney can still exist and be with Robin.

January 13, 2009 at 11:07 AM

Well Akbar I’m sorry to tell you that I didn’t read past your first sentence because you got personal. Which is especially funny since I told you that the opinion that Barney has to stay the way he is is shared by many not just me.

January 13, 2009 at 7:31 AM

My little highlight of the episode: Major thing *salute* :-)

January 13, 2009 at 11:02 AM

How can that be your highlight of the show when you got the quote wrong. It was “private thing”

January 13, 2009 at 11:09 AM

Oh I’m sorry I forgot that this was a test and my life depends on it that I get the military rank right

*rolls eyes*

How ’bout a nice hot cup of …

January 13, 2009 at 11:53 AM

I just found it interesting that your favorite bit from the episode was incorrectly quoted.

And to your other comment, who exactly are all these majority of people who want Barney to stay one dimensional? One reviewer and handful of internet trolls does not make “many.”

January 13, 2009 at 12:35 PM

Calm down there, gentleman.

It really isn’t a major deal (Major Deal).

I’m interested to see Barney’s growth, because I think that Bays/Thomas will take an interesting twist on things. I think Barney will continue to retain much of his personality. I enjoy watching Barney go through all of this, but that’s just me.

January 13, 2009 at 1:17 PM

Thank you Dorv, I am glad there is at least one other here with an appreciation for character growth.

January 13, 2009 at 9:44 AM

I was right with Barney on what “reading a magazine” meant.

The “friends with benefits” thing was not uniquely entertaining enough in this epi to distinguish it from any other show where that plot device has been used.

January 14, 2009 at 5:56 PM

I saw the TV thing as a dig at the “uselessness” of older TVS — otherwise it was a very, very weird item to have Barney finding in the trash in such quantities. I wonder if the whole “reading a magazine” euphemism was a dig at the fact that under the current FCC rules, you can say bastard, bitch, etc. in primetime, but you can’t use words for fecal matter. Similar to how Seinfeld had a whole episode about “master of my domain” but Carter and Bays put it in the B storyline instead of the A.

January 15, 2009 at 10:12 AM

I love Barney and i’m really glad that they won’t keep him as a one layer tool, love what they have done with him, plus he is still a disgusting pig… (a funny one :)

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