CliqueClack TV

Nominate CliqueClack TV for the 2009 Bloggies (pretty please?)

2009 Bloggies

It’s 2009 and, as is traditionally started January 1st every year, the annual Weblog Awards have opened up for nominations for the 2009 Bloggies. Interestingly, this year they’ve removed categories for Best American Weblog, Best Art or Craft Weblog and Best GLBT Weblog, adding Best Art, Craft, or Design Weblog, Best Travel Weblog and Best Microblog categories. Microblog … makes me think of Microbrew. Mmmm … microbrew beeeer.

Typically I don’t like to solicit for nominations or votes, but we’re new kids on the block and could really use your help in getting more people to find us. Winning a Bloggie gets us nothing more than $20.09 and maybe a little more notoriety in the blogosphere. I promise that if we win, I’ll use that $20.09 to buy something and put it up as a giveaway here.

When filling out the nominations, make sure you nominate at least three different websites in any of the categories. Might I recommend WordPress for Best Web Application and Engadget for Lifetime Achievement. Oh, and little ol’ CliqueClack TV for Best Entertainment and Best New Weblog. Gracias!

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4 Responses to “Nominate CliqueClack TV for the 2009 Bloggies (pretty please?)”

January 2, 2009 at 12:27 PM

Do you want “best kept secret” and “community” ?

January 2, 2009 at 12:33 PM

If you’d like, we wouldn’t say no. :)

January 2, 2009 at 1:45 PM

I nominated you, of course!! Fingers crossed!!

January 2, 2009 at 4:15 PM

Good Luck Keith!

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