CliqueClack TV

CliqueClack’s top posts of 2008

dr-horrible-singalong-blogIt wouldn’t be the last day of the year if we didn’t somehow mark the top something, now would it? Sure, we could write a bunch of posts highlighting subjective lists about the best on TV this year, but that sure wouldn’t be original. We wanted to do something a bit different here.

So why not throw ourselves a little love? I mean really, it’s our site, after all.

We thought it would be fun to revisit the top traffic-getting posts for CliqueClack this year. It’s a fun mix, too: from Halloween to other things Supernatural and Horrible; David Cook to David Lawrence, there’s a little bit of everything reflected in our hot traffic-getters for the year. So here are the top ten CliqueClack posts for 2008:

10. Nathan Fillion and Aria Giovanni in a porn movie? – Nathan Fillion and porn in the same title? ‘Nuff said.

9. Saturday Night Live – John Malkovich; T.I. – What’s the draw of SNL? Perhaps that it is one of the longest running shows in history? It’s topical and irreverent? It’s sometimes funny, always controversial? To be continued …

8. Saturday Night Live – Hugh Laurie; Kanye West – Is it the masterful impressions? The hip musical guests? the good-sport hosts? I’ll never know, but the fans love to read about it.

7. Wil Wheaton – CliqueClack interview – Probably the creepiest role ever for Wil Wheaton was his Wesley Crusher character on ST: TNG, right? No, you think it’s the killer on Criminal Minds? You’re probably right, because that’s what this traffic-monster of an interview was about.

6. CliqueClack Presidential Nominations: Rupert Giles for president – If you write it, they will come …”they” being the ever-loyal Buffy fans, of course.

5. David H. Lawrence XVII of Heroes – CliqueClack Interview – A new character introduced on Heroes? That never happens … David Lawrence has friends in high places, though, and gives a great interview.

4. Is Supernatural as good as Buffy? – Combine the ever-loyal Buffy fans mentioned in #6 with the emphatic Supernatural groupies, and you’ve got a recipe for traffic! This post actually was the impetus for this Buffy fan becoming a Supernatural groupie too, so it’s a dear one to my heart….

3. Saturday Night Live – Ben Affleck; David Cook – Pretty sure David Cook’s crazy fans had something to do with this, but it is always fun to see Ben Affleck hosting SNL, so this post was a shoe-in.

2. Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog DVD – CliqueClack Review – All things Whedon … a spoiler or two … a hidden giveaway … did I mention Whedon? I thought so.

1. Trick-or-treating in TV Town – Halloween? Huge. TV? Huger. Funny? Hugest. Combine them all, with TV characters answering their door for trick-or-treaters and you’ve got a real winner, one that’s worth another read. So go!

That’s our best of the best from 2008, according to readers all over the internet. Did you have a favorite post that didn’t make the top ten?

Photo Credit: Mutant Enemy

One Response to “CliqueClack’s top posts of 2008”

December 31, 2008 at 6:50 PM

I like to think the draw to the SNL reviews is the witty, accessible, and dashingly handsome reviewer. ;-)

Seriously, though, I think it’s a great show to spout opinions about.

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