CliqueClack TV

Lost in Lost – Jin: dead or alive?

We all saw it. At the end of last season Jin was left behind on the freighter as it exploded, leaving poor Sun wailing for her husband and father of her unborn child. It was one of the more powerful moments we have ever seen on Lost. At the time I thought for sure that Jin was a goner. There’s no way he could survive an explosion like that, right?  Right?

Well, there are a large number of people who refuse to believe that Jin is actually dead. He is missing from the regular cast for next season and he doesn’t appear in the super-creepy cast photo for the new season. Seriously, this photo is so bizarre. It doesn’t even look like it’s an actual photograph — it looks more like someone’s thesis project for a Master’s Degree in Photoshopping. I digress…

I don’t know whether Jin is dead or not, but I do know one thing (*mild spoiler alert*):

Daniel Dae Kim, the actor who portrays Jin (but will always be Gavin from Angel in my heart), is going to be appearing in the upcoming season (old news, I know). In what capacity he’ll be appearing is still unclear. The more I think about it, the more unsure I become about how I feel about the situation.

I feel like if Jin really did somehow get blasted off the freighter onto some cushy cloud of life-saving material I would feel a little robbed. First we got the big reveal last year that he was dead in the future, with Sun and Hurley going to visit his grave. Then, we saw him explode. I think it would be a bit of a betrayal on the part of the writers to just erase all of that and say, “Just kidding! He’s all better now!” Also, it would cheapen the drama and emotion that we saw from Sun in the helicopter, as well as the angry, jaded Sun we saw in the future.

At the same time, however, if he’s alive it would set up an epic reunion between Jin and Sun when the Oceanic 6 return to the island (assuming they will, of course). Plus, I think I’ve had my fill of dead people crawling around the island. We’ve got Christian popping up all over the island (not to mention Jack’s office), Libby visiting Michael, Horace chopping down trees, Hurley playing chess with Ecko and palling around with Charlie, rumors of Ana Lucia coming back next season, and now we might have ghost Jin too? Enough is enough! Oh, who am I kidding? I love seeing the old dead characters come back.

What do you think? You hoping for a dead Jin or a live Jin? Do you even care?

Photo Credit: ABC

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7 Responses to “Lost in Lost – Jin: dead or alive?”

December 11, 2008 at 12:28 PM

I kinda hope they just leave him dead and move on. We only have 34 eps left and I would rather see more about Richard Alpert, Ben Vs. Widmore, Desmond & Penny, how Locke dies, and answers to the other 347,526 questions they have made me ask. Plus I like Sun better now as a revenge-seeking widow.

December 11, 2008 at 2:06 PM

I’m sure he is alive, but as a clone! :)

December 11, 2008 at 4:06 PM


Daniel Dae Kim (star of the hit U.S. series “Lost”) and Maria Friedman (currently reprising her one-woman show Maria Friedman: Re-Arranged at the Trafalgar Studios) will play the title roles in a new, fully-staged arena production of The King and I, which will be performed in-the-round at the Royal Albert Hall.

Performances will begin June 12, 2009, for a run of 20 performances only to June 28.

December 13, 2008 at 5:48 AM

And this is relevant because?

Matthew Fox was in “Speed Racer”. Half the cast was in “Command & Conquer 3″.

You have to explain how this interferes with filming schedules otherwise this is just you pretending to know something you actually don’t.

December 11, 2008 at 8:32 PM

Jin may be dead in the future, but maybe he didn’t died on the freighter. I think that he is probably dead. It is possible, not likely, that he made it back to the island and Faraday picked him up on his dinghy.

December 13, 2008 at 5:51 AM

You know maybe he died to save the universe…

December 20, 2008 at 5:38 AM

They’re just setting up the stage for the Zombie Army.

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