CliqueClack TV

Top ten shows to watch when you’re sick


I have no idea what day of the week this is. I have been so sick for the past three days, for all I know, it’s Sunday. Sure, I can look up the day (it’s Friday), but that doesn’t mean anything to me. I am completely disoriented.

Fortunately, television doesn’t care how disoriented you are. One of the things I love about being sick is watching television constantly (when I’m not asleep). But once your tivoed shows are watched, you are still sick and stuck there with cable TV. Or DVDs, or Online television… But let’s say you’re like me and stuck with cable TV. What are the best things to watch?

Here are my Top Ten:

10. Buffy The Vampire Slayer: I know Buffy isn’t really even on in re-runs anymore. But anybody worth their salt has the show on DVD. And when nothing else appeals, I’ll always have Buffy (and Angel– I’m a sucker for the first three seasons).

9. What Not to Wear: They are in marathons constantly, so you can see entire seasons in a day; you can pass out for 4 hours and wake up and  not really have missed that much.

8. America’s Next Top Model: They are in marathons constantly, so you can see entire seasons in a day; you can pass out for 4 hours and wake up and  not really have missed that much.

7. The Office: It’s funny, so it picks up your spirits. And it’s easy to relate to because everyone there is hating their life as much as you are hating yours there on the couch.

6. Southpark: There are so many of them, you could watch them all day. And you can get every episode online.

5. House: What is not to love, repeatedly? I would watch House in a box. I would watch House with a fox.

4. The Closer: I love the early seasons in particular, when the show was more focused on quirky Brenda and less on the whole quirky team. Kyra Sedgewick’s switcheroo from sweet Southern Belle to cold hard bitch gets me every time.

3. CSI: I would probably rank CSI even higher on the list except that having seen every episode many times now (thanks, SPIKE!), I am looking for other things to watch. Just a move to USA or TNT is a wise move.

2. NCIS: I am a recent convert to NCIS. I think it’s too-little known, and under-rated. Mark Harmon is almost a caricature in his role as the acerbic Agent Gibbs. But only almost. He just barely makes it work. My favorite part of the show is watching his agents flirt/fight with each other while on every case. That and the fact that nobody ever knows what NCIS is– just like in life.

1. Law and Order: It’s ubiquitous goodness sucks me in with the opening theme, every time. It has been on for so many years that it’s available virtually 24-hours a day. And the show’s formula never fails to both hook me… and deliver.

Everybody has their own list; put yours in the comments!

Photo Credit: Jen Creer

8 Responses to “Top ten shows to watch when you’re sick”

December 7, 2008 at 2:50 PM

When I am home watching daytime TV, I like watching talk shows and Judge Whomever court shows. They make me glad I can go back to work and not watch them.

December 7, 2008 at 4:30 PM

If I know I’m going to be on the couch for a couple of days kind of sick, I often pull out my DVD of Stephen King’s the Stand. I saw the made for TV movie long before I read the book, and while it doesn’t hold a candle to the original, its still good for very different reasons. And at six hours, you can watch some now, and some later.

Technically not a show, but it was TV.

December 7, 2008 at 7:33 PM

By the original, do you mean the book?

December 7, 2008 at 8:07 PM

Yeah, I don’t know why I didn’t say that.

I liked both (ok, loved the book), but they are very different.

December 7, 2008 at 7:03 PM

I like to watch the Hitler, er, History, Military channel or any of the other Discovery channels and watch anything about WWII, weapons, blowing shit up, building huge stuff, or Modern Marvels. Or if its July I’ll put it on Vs and watch the Tour De France all day long.

December 7, 2008 at 7:41 PM

NCIS too little known? Have you seen the numbers it’s been getting this season? I watch crap like Kitchen Nightmares when I’m sick. In fact, I’m watching an episode on YouTube right now!

December 8, 2008 at 12:45 AM

1. Stargate SG-1 — Ten years of scifiness, humor, Richard Dean Anderson, drama, special effects, Amanda Tapping, terrific music, and, oh, Richard Dean Anderson.

2. NCIS – Sigh.

3. Law & Order

4. Star Trek: The Original Series

5. Babylon 5

6. Judge Judy — my guilty pleasure.

7. Red Dwarf


9. Fawlty Towers

10. Angel

December 18, 2008 at 4:30 PM

I totally agree with you on #1. Waking up to an SG-1 marathon after a long night of praying to the porcelain goddess definitely made me feel better. I’m a Michael Shanks girl, though.

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