CliqueClack TV

House’s practical joke took the cake this week

I wrote earlier this week about how refreshing it was that House’s new team was finally getting some personality. A good part of this is due to Kutner’s foray into Internet medical advice; you know, his website giving second opinions as the famous Dr. House. As commenter Derek mentioned, Kutner is book smart but people dumb, which, although it makes us bang our heads against the wall watching him sometimes, surely worked in our favor this week, since he underestimated House.

Seriously, how could Kutner not even entertain the thought that House might find out about the website? We all know that House does have a personality, and that his retribution would be good. I wasn’t banking on how good, though.

House’s practical joke on Kutner was a masterpiece, and showed off all of the reasons why I love Greg House. Most of the time, his disdain for other humans is damn funny, and this was a showcase for that. House is smart and orchestrated the whole setup from the get-go.

What amazes me is that House counted on the fact that Kutner would not go to him for help; had Kutner ‘fessed up to House, the joke wouldn’t have worked. House is not people dumb.

When Kutner’s patient died and Kutner and Taub went to the morgue with House, I was beginning to suspect something. I didn’t anticipate House straddling the corpse and attempting CPR. We all know how this ended, and it was comedic perfection, highlighting the best of all the personalities in that room.

The piece de resistance? House sums it all up: “I think we may have an anal hygiene violation.”

What do you think? Was this one of the greatest TV practical jokes of all time?

Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Clack | General | House | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “House’s practical joke took the cake this week”

December 5, 2008 at 10:28 AM

Debbie, thanks for the love, and I totally agree. I can’t imagine that someone as self-involved as House hasn’t Googled his name a time or two and would find out about Kutner’s side business that way. LOL. Loved the practical joke and Kutner got put right back in his place.

December 5, 2008 at 2:44 PM

Not to take anything away from it, but I figured out what was going to happen by the second mention of the “patient”. I just know the show and the character of House, knowing that he probably googles his name every morning.

December 5, 2008 at 6:14 PM


Wilson faking his drug and sex addiction was better even though you could see it coming from a mile away. Simply because I like Wilson more than Kutner.

December 5, 2008 at 6:48 PM

OK, Sebastian — all true! That was pretty good, but also done in a different spirit, not necessarily as a practical joke per se. But I like Wilson so much better than Kutner; absolutely!

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