CliqueClack TV

Did Orson go too far drugging Bree?

In this week’s episode of Desperate Housewives, things ventured into cartoon-land when Orson drugged Bree to get her to sleep. Well, he meant to drug her, but she ended up taking it in the morning, right before her cooking demonstration at the mall where she channeled Lucy Ricardo doing the Vitametavegamin commercial.

Seems like Orson might have gone a little too far, though, don’t you think? I just thought, wow, that’s bold. Then again, he’s a selfish prick, so it’s no surprise that he was only thinking of himself when she tossed him out of their bed because of his snoring. Grow up, Orson.

In other selfish person news, I totally didn’t get why Susan would be miffed at Katherine for not mentioning the fact that she and Mike were seeing each other. Hello?! Susan’s been seeing Jackson for ages, and yet she’s put-out because Mike has moved on to someone else? I guess Bree kind of set her straight when she said that maybe Susan really hadn’t moved on, and that’s why she was ticked over it.

Any thoughts on these DH storylines?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | Desperate Housewives | General | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Did Orson go too far drugging Bree?”

December 5, 2008 at 4:28 PM

I think you need to let someone else write their viewpoint on Desperate Housewives. You’re always too harsh. It’s a tv show, lighten up.

December 5, 2008 at 8:03 PM

^i don’t find the comment harsh at all, it’s soft on the show if you ask me. so far, this season has been a HUGE disappointment.
the plot with Dave is uninterested and moving at glacial pace. the writers had officially lost their mind on writing Orson, remember he was this sinister dentist who was an accused wife killer? this year, he turned into a selfish and pathetic crybaby, frankly, i don’t understand why he is still around. just the fact that Bree is even putting up with him made she looks pathetic as well.
the only bright spot of the show that i’m rooting for is the Solis couple, at least they’re finally turning into real characters with some emotional depth.

December 5, 2008 at 8:23 PM

TVJunkie – That’s pretty much how I feel about it, too.

Sylvia – I’m curious to know what you’re *liking about this season so far. Anything, in particular?

December 5, 2008 at 9:00 PM

I’m loving this season so far, which is remarkable seeing as I was ready to write of this show a few years ago. Season 4 brought me back after I heard Nathan Filion was joining the cast, and while I enjoyed it I feel that this season has been the best since the show started. The 5 year jump allowed the show to return to it’s roots, mystery. The characters have been able to grow up slightly since we last saw them, and I feel the creators are really using the 5 year gap. Finally Lynnet, Susan and Bree can deal with some adult problems when it comes to her kids. Can you imagine them tackling Andrew wanting to get married last year. It also allowed them to skip a pregnant Gaby and skip to the interesting stuff, her dealing with her kids. I’m also fascinated with Dave, and his storyline. It finally gets the husbands involved, something the show has been struggling to do for ages, and I’m genuinely interested in what is happening. I never thought I’d say that during the shows 2nd or 3rd year run. I gave up half way though season 2, and watched the start of season 3 with some friends and wasn’t impressed.

Also, I do think Orson went too far drugging Bree, but for some reason it didn’t seem too unrealistic considering their strange relationship.

December 5, 2008 at 9:49 PM

The mystery always moves as slowly as the Dave one.

As for if Orson was being selfish, I would say you have to consider that locking your husband out of your bedroom as a result of snoring is pretty selfish in and of itself.

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