CliqueClack TV

Boston Legal – Next week is the finale … BOO!

(Season 5, Episode 11 – “Juiced”) Boston Legal - Boston Legal, Season 5 - Juiced

It’s all coming to an end so quickly. Why couldn’t ABC have just given us a full season of Boston Legal this season instead of this truncated half-season? Did I really just use the word “season” three times in one sentence? I want a season six! There, said it again.

In one respect, it looks like David E. Kelley is looking to have some fun as he goes out, with Carl enabling Catherine Piper’s craziness by taking a case against the television networks to court for … wait for it … not programming for people over 50. Why, the only show on television brave enough to have stars over 50 is Bo– Well, that would break the fourth wall, wouldn’t it Carl?

Fun stuff indeed, as well as raising a lot of valid points. Why isn’t television that skews older allowed to thrive on television? They do have more money than those of us under 50. They certainly have more money than I do (he said while scraping remnants from the bottom of a can of potato soup). Kelley balanced his direct attack against ABC with the somber revelation that Denny’s Alzheimer’s is no longer something that is coming, but is in fact here. Now.

Beyond that, we got a somewhat silly case for Jerry and Katie. Considering that the drugs that Margie was taking were not prescribed to her, how could they have expected to win such a case? They’re not Alan, for chrissakes! I guess the case was a tool so that Jerry could wax poetic about his daily struggle with Asperger’s, which in turn would serve to bring him and Katie closer together. Time’s a-tickin’ here. There’s only one two hour blowout left before this whole thing is over. We’ve got to get Jerry to the point where he’s with a real live normal girl, and Katie’s our choice.

Hell, other than Candice Bergen, Katie’s the only woman left on the show. And Bergin is marrying Carl Sack. So what does that leave us for the finale? Alan and Denny get to go back to the Supreme Court and argue that Denny should be allowed to take a non-FDA approved drug that might help him if he’s willing to assume all the risks. Otherwise, he could die awaiting their approval. We’ve got a wedding to probably get through and a romance to confirm.

That about sums things up for our remaining six cast members, though it looks like Paul Lewiston will be back for the finale as well. Still, it’s bittersweet. When we get that final scene on the balcony, I may just get misty-eyed. No more Alan Shore closings, no more mad cow. No more “DENNY CRANE!” No more Boston Legal.

But that’s lamentation for next week. For now, I’ve got two more hours to look forward to. And so do you. See you there?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

8 Responses to “Boston Legal – Next week is the finale … BOO!”

December 2, 2008 at 1:00 PM

Seriously… Does ABC have any shows left?!?

December 2, 2008 at 2:15 PM

“Why, the only show on television brave enough to have stars over 50 is Bo– Well, that would break the fourth wall, wouldn’t it Carl.”

Don’t forget the final scene where Alan says something about a special 9 o’clock start time (I don’t remember the exact wording).

I haven’t watched BL much this season – last season left a bad taste in my mouth. But I’m glad I caught this episode.

December 2, 2008 at 2:46 PM

ABC is canceling most of it’s scripted show to make room for trash. There was an article (or 5) about it a few days ago.

I love the fact that this episode was just to make fun of Boston Legal getting canceled to make room for some piece of shit “reality” show.

December 2, 2008 at 3:04 PM

What a great episode. So many references to the underserved end of a great series. Did you notice Candice Bergen had no screen time other than her “dummy” and the scene from an old movie?

I can’t believe you’re waiting to get misty eyed…I was misty eyed last night knowing I had only one balcony scene left to look forward to.

Jerry’s case was crap. How can she expect to make an argument that its okay even if illegal cause everyone else does it but doesn’t get caught? Hello! Drunk driving, pot smoking, cheating on exams; hell, murder, rape…they are all done by others but it sure as hell doesn’t give you a right to do it. Dumb.

I do wonder if all of those stats Sack threw out were true. And if so, WHY are 18 year olds such a coveted demographic? These days they get all of their money from their parents anyway, and if parents get balls and start to let their kids make their own way without the everyday essentials like I-pods and SUVs, then they will be one sorry-ass demographic.

December 2, 2008 at 4:07 PM

As someone who has watched every episode I say it’s time to put this show to the gallows.

December 2, 2008 at 4:54 PM

There was another inside joke when Betty White’s cell phone had a ringtone of ‘The Practice’ theme song.

Good episode, but the lawsuit against the network was a bit heavy-handed.

December 2, 2008 at 5:04 PM

There will probably be at least two balcony scenes left. I don’t think the episode is two hours long, I think it’s two separate episodes shoved together. So we will be out there at least two more times.

December 2, 2008 at 8:33 PM

at least David E Kelley is getting his frustration with ABC (and TV biz in general) out of the way in this episode.
the show made a good point though, it’s sad that most shows geared toward my age are crap. I’m embarrassed for my friends that are watching crap on MTV/VH1…sigh…evolution is apparently going backward on human IQ. I’m gonna miss this show~

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