CliqueClack TV

The Amazing Race – The unexpected final three revealed

(Season 13, Episode 10 – “You’re Gonna Get Me Killed”)

I’ll give credit to those dumb frat boys because they didn’t have the week’s dumbest move. That would be reserved for Dallas. We’ve known pretty much all season that Dallas is a bit of a dim bulb at times. Sure, Starr thinks he’s cute and he’s nice and all and loves his mother, but he never came across as NASA material. Now, tonight’s bonehead move could have just been an honest mistake, but man what a costly one … literally.

With Nick & Starr, Toni & Dallas, Ken & Tina and Dan & Andrew as the final four, it really came down to whether or not someone would screw up in the Top Three and allow Dan & Andrew to sneak in. Or, to give them the benefit of the doubt, maybe they’d do something amazing on their own. Tonight, the action stayed in Moscow leading to all kinds of communication problems, but let’s get after the jump so we can talk properly.

The frat boys really stepped up their game, finishing not only all the tasks before them, but even squeezing in a Speed Bump that required physical coordination. I think the instructor took pity on them because they were about as awful as I expected after last week’s marching debacle.

I’m not sure why Toni let Dallas do the Lenin/Stalin challenge other than that she seems to be letting him do 90% of them throughout the race. He was about as clueless as expected and this time Tina was absolutely right in saying that she helped him and he owed her. Of course, after leaving his money in the cab and ultimately getting eliminated I guess it doesn’t matter.

It’s a shame, though, because Toni & Dallas have been a strong team and it would have been kind of sweet to be able to see Dallas and Starr on that final leg together. Had Dallas not left the money in the cab, I think they would have easily swept onto the mat head of at least Ken & Tina.

Still, who knew those frat boys had it in them to make it to the final leg. I can’t imagine them pulling off the major upset victory they’re hoping for. Honestly, it looks like Nick & Starr have this one in the bag, but you can’t rule out Ken & Tina. If they can keep the bitching to a minimum, they’ve proven a really strong team. Maybe Ken & Tina and Nick & Starr will get into a bitchslapping fight and those dumb, dumb frat boys will stumble over the finish line first and take home the million bucks. And spend at least some of it on coordination lessons for Dan.

Photo Credit: CBS

4 Responses to “The Amazing Race – The unexpected final three revealed”

December 1, 2008 at 5:59 PM

I really hated that Dallas made that big mistake. I agree with you that Nick and Star probably will win.

December 1, 2008 at 6:51 PM

Nick and Star have really only had one “bad” leg, so unless something totally unexpected happens(like a cabbie who takes them to the wrong landmark), I don’t think it’ll be too hard for them to take the prize.

Here’s hoping that this race won’t end with yet another “Asia->Alaska->Lower 48″ final leg…how many times do they need to send folks up into the snow anyway?

December 1, 2008 at 9:32 PM

You don’t have to worry about them going to Alaska. It looks like they will head directly to Portland and handle all the tasks there.

December 3, 2008 at 9:33 AM

I think it was completely ridiculous that the frat boys were allowed to pass the speed bump given the performance they turned in. If another team had done such a crappy job would they have just been allowed to move on? I doubt it. They took pity on the frat boys and it may have changed the outcome of the race. Either way, for how rude, obnoxious and whiny the frat boys have been all season I don’t think they deserved that freebie on the speed bump.

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