CliqueClack TV

Private Practice – Naomi has meaningless sex

(Season 2, Episode 7 – “Tempting Faith”) Private Practice - Private Practice, Season 2 - Tempting Faith

“You had meaningless sex? Congratulations!” – Violet to Naomi, on Naomi having sex with Addison’s brother

Wow, a lot happened in this episode, and I really enjoyed it. Let’s take things one by one:

Addison’s brother, Archer, shows up, and causes all KINDS of havoc. But what right does he have to tell Kevin (SWAT Guy) that he doesn’t belong in Addison’s world? Thank goodness Addison and Kevin are adults and can make their own decisions – even though Kevin was ready to bail after getting shot and saying he doesn’t fit into Addison’s world. I don’t get this at all. What’s wrong with being a cop? Isn’t that a respectable job?

Addison has a $25 million trust fund. Really? Did we know this previously? I guess I’ve been out of the loop on that one. Why didn’t she just offer to bail the clinic out of its financial troubles? They needed what, $80,000 or something like that to stay out of bankruptcy? That’s a drop in the bucket if Addison’s got that kind of cash.

Archer sleeps with Naomi and gets punched out by Sam. OK, this doesn’t make sense to me at all, but humans are weird with all their irrational emotions and stuff. Sam and Naomi are divorced. They’ve agreed to move on. So why would Sam go off and punch Archer in the middle of everything at Oceanside Wellness? Anger management issues? That doesn’t seem the least bit adult to me.

Meg returns from parts unknown with a nicotine patch. But she doesn’t want to be in L.A., which causes a few problems with Pete. I’m not really feeling these two as a couple. She can go back to Nigeria or wherever, as far as I’m concerned. But it looks like she’s sticking around … or something.

Violet testifies in a pedophile case and ends up treating the person. Hmmm … interesting storyline. We learn that Violet was raped in college, and that Del was abused as a kid, too. I guess we sort of knew that before, but now we know for sure. And the staff is nervous about having this guy in the office, but isn’t that what Violet does? Treats people with mental problems? The guy seems to really want to get better.

Cooper and the rest of the staff learn about Charlotte’s practice on the fourth floor. This doesn’t seem like as big a problem as they’re making it out to be. Don’t medical communities with lots of different practices exist all over the place? Seems like they could work together and help each other, but I’m the eternal optimist.

Cooper breaks up with Charlotte. But not before having sex with her covered in frosting. That’s about all I have to say on that.

Addison helps an IVF pregnancy with complications. The couple doesn’t want surgery because they think God will take care of them. But you know what? I’m with Addison on this one when she says, “God has lots of ways to help people.” Doctors being one of them.

Del wants custody of his daughter. That’s cool. He SHOULD have custody if her mom is a drug addict. I’m guessing we’ll get to meet her sometime. Heck, maybe Violet could help her.

Your thoughts on this episode?

Photo Credit: ABC

7 Responses to “Private Practice – Naomi has meaningless sex”

November 27, 2008 at 1:12 PM

This a one of the best episodes. Great character development and interesting stories. It moved along quickly also, some of th episodes seem to have a lot of filler, but not this one!

I think Sam punched Archer because it was Archer. It seems like they all have known each other for a while. Kinda like Addison not liking her brother sleeping with Naomi, Sam didn’t like that his ‘friend’ Archer slept with his ex-wife/friend that she still has feelings for Naomi. For her to move on with Archer was hurtful.

Not sure what to think about Meg. I like the direction so far and interested to see what happens next. The previews looked interesting.

One thing you didn’t mention that I thought was hilarious was how Archer kept saying how Addison and Pete would be a good match. That cracked me up each time!

I don’t think Coop is done with least I hope not. I really like them together, surprisingly, but I do.

Addison’s trust fund…no comment really, except it fits with her character from GA through PP.

Lastly, Del…I am so glad they are integrating his character into the show better. He is much more then a receptionist with a crush on Naomi now and I am enjoying that!

This show is definitely growing and expanding well. Hopefully it will get more viewers when it moves to Thursdays after GA

November 27, 2008 at 2:33 PM

It was mentioned on Grey’s some time ago that Addison is an heiress.

November 27, 2008 at 5:16 PM

I thought this was the best episode of Private Practice. As a Addison fan I really enjoyed learning more about her background and family. I love Addison and Archer. I think they should keep Archer. He brings something different. I loved the Dell and Violet stuff as well. This show is getting really good.

November 28, 2008 at 11:28 AM

we knew about both Violet and Del’s situation from previous episodes. Violet’s rape was a key point in the episode with the old college friend running for office.

the main objection to Violet’s new patient was stated explicitly by Cooper: “this is a pediatric practice.” and there’s a huge difference between counseling people and treating potentially violent and or sexual offenders.

Cooper also stated the main problem with Charlotte’s new practice — she had knowledge of the practice’s financial problems but chose to keep the new practice a secret. As Cooper stated — “You’re in my life, but I’m not part of yours” or something like that. The doctors in the practice stated the main problem quite explicitly — how many referrals will they get from the hospital when the former chief of staff now has a competing practice in the same building?

November 28, 2008 at 11:45 AM

This episode is one of my favorites along with last weeks.

I loved Archer and his relationship with Addie, we learned from Greys, that Addie was loaded. in fact theres a scene on Greys when Izzie gets all this money from denny, when she asks Addie whats it like to have all this money, cause she assumes Addie is rich because of her rich sounding name : Addison Forbes Motgomery.

When Addie divorces derek she says something like this: I have a trust fund and a sparkling personallity.

Ok back to the episode!
I loved how Addie defended her relationship with Kevin, her medical case was good, and Nae with Archer was hot!

Great epi! ;)

November 28, 2008 at 1:12 PM

Cops are often seen as underpaid, uneducated lunkheads. I’m not saying I agree, but they are not always “respected.”

November 28, 2008 at 10:09 PM

I like the introduction of Archer and the development in Dell/Violet. However, while I like that the PP people now act like adults relation-ship wise and while I like seeing Dell talk to people other than Naomi, his crush gave him a bit more screen time. Also, his office is way too huge for the midwife-in-training/office mgr.

I don’t quite understand how Charlotte has the time to spend all day at the competing practice, when she’s the hospital’s chief of staff. Also, why is she there all the time? Is she an architect? If not, I don’t understand the hands-on, unless the hospital itself is creating an outpatient office, which would make more sense.

Finally, it feels like the writers are re-writing PP’s past. In the pilot, PP primarily catered to upper-class clientele, had a yoga practice in the building and Charlotte hated that they were the ‘creme de la creme.’ So, why hasn’t PP brought back that old yoga studio and if PP’s the ‘cream of the crop’ why would someone hire Charlotte to open another? Also, PP’s clients suddenly became primarily middle class during season 1, which explains why they’re poor if they took only 1 middle class patient a day, but could they bring back some of what happened in the pilot?

Side comments: What is up with the female cast? Naomi is built and Charlotte has an amazing body. Man, I’m jealous ;)

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