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Fringe – John Scott is more than even Walter understands

(Season 1, Episode 9 – “The Dreamscape”) Fringe - Fringe, Season 1 - The Dreamscape

Kind of brings new meaning to the phrase “the butterfly effect” doesn’t it? This was another solid episode in the growing Fringe landscape, bringing Massive Dynamic back into the fold. An aspect that I really enjoyed was that we finally got to see fringe science go beyond even what Walter Bishop knows or believes is possible.

Since the pilot, we’ve known that Olivia has portions of John Scott’s memories trapped inside her mind now due to the “tank” treatment she underwent. But is that truly all they are? She’s interacted with him in ways that have implied that there’s more going on here than just passive reviewing of his memories. And then tonight, things took another turn.

The moment in the restaurant when John Scott turned and looked at her was one of the creepiest moments of the season. Mark Valley has been a whole variety of characters in his career, but I’m really enjoying his turn here. That one penetrating glance before she was shunted away to another memory was chilling.

And I know the frog goo induces your worst fears come to life and that’s what kills you, but I don’t know if I’m completely sold on the idea that the John Scott that slashed Michael Kelly’s throat in front of that nurse was only his worst fears come to life. Somehow, John Scott has managed to transcend death and I can bet you he has some form of sentience in that other realm.

Which brings us to the point that we’re beyond even what Walter is ready to accept. He has adamantly, to this point, refused to believe that John has seen and been aware of Olivia in these memory visits, and yet he has. But what does that mean? Is John working independently of Massive Dynamics? Is he really trying to help Olivia?

Beyond that, Olivia has now learned more than even Agent Broyles is willing to accept about Massive Dynamic and their possible involvement with The Pattern. I’m not sure why Broyles is so insistent that MD is on the level with them about everything, considering all that he’s learned and knows. Didn’t he hire Olivia for her investigative skills? I know it had to be more than just her pained pouting expressions. Trust your man on this one, dude.

Or maybe I’m on crack and it was just Michael’s worst fear come to life. We’ve seen that John was some kind of assassin, so maybe all those who knew this feared him coming for them at any moment. It would make sense. Dude is an imposing figure. But still, I think he has some larger role to play in this yet. He is, after all, a main star of the series.

The only part of this installment that didn’t fit, at least as of yet, was the Peter storyline. We’ve known that people have been after Peter for a while now, and now I guess they know he’s in Boston. I think Tess was setting him up and is probably in on whoever’s after him, but then again I’m paranoid. I watch Chuck. One would guess, since this is television, that whoever is after Peter and why will have some connection to the Pattern or something, but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see for sure.

Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Fringe | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Fringe – John Scott is more than even Walter understands”

November 26, 2008 at 5:51 PM

I know I’m beating a dead horse, and I know that she’s not going away, but I cannot post anything about Fringe without reiterating how much I despise the character of Olivia. Dear God please make an incident in the tank cure her whispering. Does NOTHING excite this woman??? She’s seeing her dead lover – my behavior would not mirror her seemed indifference to everything that goes on around her.

I found it interesting that Walter treats her with regard to John as everyone else treats him about, well, everything. You’re right – there are some things he just cannot accept. Perhaps it is anything he himself did not create.

Peter’s ex was obviously brought in to throw some sort of monkeywrench into the storyline, but I’m not sure what it could be. Of course, the reveal on Sarah Connor Chronicles caught me offguard, as well, so I’ll be looking forward to it.

I really loved the killer butterflies. They should stick around. LOL

November 26, 2008 at 7:51 PM

I wasn’t big on Olivia at first, but since the Chris Eigeman episode they have transformed her into a tough, no-nonsense chick, and definitely one of the best FBI agents on television.

November 27, 2008 at 3:45 PM

the scientist who jumped to his death was screwed as soon as he bought his ticket on Oceanic Airlines.

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