CliqueClack TV

The Amazing Race – In which Dan marches to no drummer at all

Of all the challenges The Amazing Race has thrown at teams over the years, who would have thought that marching would prove to be one of the toughest … for one person at least. My God, I honestly did not think anyone could prove so completely incapable of doing something as simple as marching, but Dan did it. If you hadn’t known that he was seriously having this big of a problem you would have insisted he was “having a laugh.”

It was bad enough that Andrew couldn’t handle putting the wraps on his feet to get their military boots on, but then couple that with Dan’s performance marching and think back to their skills at other challenges and it’s a wonder they’re still in this thing at all. This is final four material? At least Starr manages to be really hot in every episode. It helps that she’s wearing those skin tight black leggings; I’m sure that’s not a distraction to every male around her. It’s certainly been catching Dallas’ eye.

I’ll give Dallas credit, though. And Starr too, for that matter. Despite this burgeoning romance they’re developing, neither of them has let it stymie their competitive spirit, as proven by Toni & Dallas’ first place finish this week. All in all, I can’t complain so far about what’s looking like it will be our top three teams vying for the million.

What worries me is that Nick & Starr, who came in third tonight, fell 100% victim to the luck factor on this race. They performed every task admirably, but had bad taxi drivers and got lost more than anyone else. I’ll give some credit for their poor, for them, finish on Starr starting to freak out when things weren’t going well. That means that luck could take out one of the true top three teams and leave Dandrew a shot.

One couple that’s doing much better, as far as whether or not I want to kill them week after week, is Ken & Tina. They’re been a strong competitive team from Day One, but Tina has also been a psycho crazy woman pretty regularly. The last few legs, though, she’s settled down and she and Ken are actually getting stronger in this race, and I guess with one another, too. Maybe the Race will save one relationship while creating another in Dallas & Starr.

While Dan & Andrew were saved this week by a non-elimination leg, next week’s previews tell us they’re looking at another challenge that requires some physical coordination. Danny-boy could be in trouble. I hope they do go down because the most competitive finale would be the remaining three teams, as all have won legs of the race already, and all six have been consistently strong throughout this season.


  • Toni & Dallas
  • Ken & Tina
  • Nick & Starr
  • Dan & Andrew (NON-ELIMINATION LEG)
Photo Credit: CBS

5 Responses to “The Amazing Race – In which Dan marches to no drummer at all”

November 24, 2008 at 4:57 PM

Ken and Tina aren’t my favorite team, but for all her craziness, you’ve got to say that Tina has been great to the other teams. She’s always giving encouragement and even helped Dan and Andrew a few weeks back. For that I’ll cut her some slack.

But I still hope they come in 3rd.

November 24, 2008 at 4:59 PM

The Dandrew march had to five of the best minutes ever on TV. I was rolling on the floor laughing.

I hope these don’t make the final three but it looks like one team looses their passports next week so….

November 24, 2008 at 5:12 PM

God, Dandrew do not belong in the final three! I feel like the show should penalize teams some time when they run out of money and stiff a cab driver or something. Dandrew were lucky that the taxi driver didn’t want to get the cops involved, and dealing with cops in Russia wouldn’t be fun for anyone! Didn’t one team get a time penalty when they got a speeding ticket? It should be the same deal.

Anyway, I really hope that Toni and Dallas win, because their relationship seems great and they both seem like nice people. (Also, full disclosure, Dallas goes to my alma mater, so there’s an element of that too.) If not, Nick and Starr have been excellent competitors the whole way, and would also deserve the win.

November 25, 2008 at 8:53 AM

Personally, I think they should have stiffed the cab driver since they didn’t have the money and needed to go. I am sure that all cabbies, at one point or another, have been stiffed by a fare. It seemed to me, despite Dandrew buying airport shoes, that all of the competitors were going to be short of money. I wonder why they only had $175, if nothing involved taking a subway/train or something like that. Maybe the worsening economy has finally impacted the race! LOL.
I disagree, however, about the speeding ticket… you’ve already lost time getting pulled over and having the ticket written out and licenses checked, why do you need to have the show give a penalty on top of it?
Could someone clarify the TAR rulebook?

November 25, 2008 at 10:57 PM

Yeah, I’m sure all cabbies have been stiffed a fare, but its still breaking the law. I don’t necessarily think that a penalty should be given in either case, but if you’re going to give a penalty for a speeding ticket, then give a penalty here too! I think we’re both unclear on what exactly the rules are, and that makes the game a little less enjoyable to watch.

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