CliqueClack TV

Survivor – Best. Tribal. Council. Ever!

(Season 17, Episode 10 – “Nothing Tastes Better Than Five Hundred Dollars”)

Who knew that after seventeen seasons, Survivor would still be able to be this entertaining? I won’t spoil anything before the jump, which means I won’t say much before the jump. That’s mainly because all the fun to be had in this episode revolved around Tribal Council.

I will go ahead and say here that tonight featured the “Survivor Auction,” and Randy reaffirmed to everyone that he is one of the most immature and childish people to ever play the game. Every second that Randy’s cockiness and babyish chatter filled up my screen this season I had two thoughts. Either this guy is going to somehow win this whole thing or he needs to go tonight! And coming into tonight, for nine episodes straight he didn’t go home. Maybe he’ll win the whole thing?

Hell no, he won’t. Blah blah auction blah blah bitch about cookies blah blah immunity challenge blah blah– You know what, it all came down to that Tribal Council. I’ve liked Sugar from the beginning, but tonight she has officially become one of my favorite players. And that chick is a lot more shrewd than she would have you believe.

It is kind of funny that even Jeff seemed a lot more eager to believe that maybe Bob found the Idol after spending two stints on Exile Island. Never mind that Sugar spent twenty-nine and a half of the first thirty days out there. I mean, look at her with that cute little smile and that blonde hair. She’s adorable. Which means she’s dumb, right?

But how hilarious is it that it wasn’t good enough for her to just get Randy voted out, because she clearly had the numbers to do so, but to make an ass of him before he left? How awesome was that? I’ll give Bob credit for jumping on board the plan with his fake idol. Considering he’s likely on the chopping block soon and the idol sure as hell wasn’t going to do anything for him, his best bet is to start building a rapport with the power players, and with her real idol intact (even though he doesn’t know it), Sugar is a great choice to chummy up with.

Photo Credit: CBS

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Survivor | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Survivor – Best. Tribal. Council. Ever!”

November 20, 2008 at 10:06 PM

I feel sorry for ol Bob, cause he goes out there each week,plays hard and contributes to the tribe and it seems he is not going to have a chance at winning the game.

November 20, 2008 at 10:12 PM

What can I say – that was glorious satisfaction!

From the previews for next week Bob has a great explanation. I think he will fair just fine.

November 21, 2008 at 10:26 AM

The cookie thing was insane. Even if you’re trying to be an ass, it was the stuff of seven-year-olds.

November 21, 2008 at 1:19 PM

Don’t you know that all of Randy’s ex-wives (and I’m sure there are many) are sitting at home feeling fully vindicated that the whole world now knows what a complete and utter asshole Randy is.

November 22, 2008 at 11:44 PM

Emland, Randy said that after years of being a wedding videographer, he will never, ever get married. I’m not sure if this was in the first few episodes of the season or the pre-season special I saw on the TVGuide channel, but that’s what he said.

I was a wedding video editor for only six weeks and nearly lost my mind, so I cannot even fathom what it can do for somebody over 20 years. Oh wait…I CAN fathom it. It turns you into Randy.

Good riddance.

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