CliqueClack TV

The best new shows of the fall – Guest Clack

Good comments once again don’t go unnoticed. Brookie Crawford, a frequent commenter (using the pseudo name ‘vacelts’), divides her time between her children and her love for good TV.  She writes reviews for Napping at Redlights and Newsvine. We asked her if she’d like to contribute something this week and she was nice enough to respond. Here’s Brookie’s report on the best shows so far this fall.

It’s hard to believe that it’s already November and that we are two months into the fall TV season.  Sweeps will be starting soon and it’s time to see how this fall’s new shows measured up.

I have to admit that overall – with a few exceptions – it’s not been a very impressive freshman crop.  I’m guessing it’s a result of last season’s writers strike and can only hope that we can expect better in the future.

Without further ado, here’s my report card for this season’s new shows:

Best New Shows

Only two freshman shows have made a lasting enough impression to be added to my list of favorites.

Fringe has been a pleasant surprise in a sea of mediocre freshman series. While it’s another cop drama with a serialized mystery, it’s the humor that makes it stand out. The off the wall, matter-of-fact wit of Walter Bishop, the scientist brought out of a mental hospital to help solve cases related to the Pattern, is what makes this show worthwhile. Add to the mix the sarcastic drollness of his son Peter and the intriguing mysteries involved in the cases they work and this show is a keeper. My only complaint is Agent Olivia Dunham.  Somebody please make this woman smile! Fringe airs on Fox on Tuesdays at 9 p.m.

True Blood, a dark vampire tale set in the bayous of Louisiana, is raw, but oddly entertaining and very addictive. I never expected to laugh so much at such a sinister story, but this show knows how to subtly weave in the freaky. However, be forewarned that this show is aptly placed on HBO for its raw nature – nudity, sex, language and violence. But this show is worth sending my kids to bed early. True Blood airs on HBOs at 10 p.m. on Sundays.

Showing Potential

A few other shows have piqued my interest. They haven’t struck me as hits per se, but they are definitely worth a second look. I’m still a few episodes behind on these series (thank goodness for DVRs; now if only I had more hours in a day), so I’m not willing to pass judgment yet.

Sanctuary is a Sci Fi Channel series that has handled the transition from Internet to TV better than that failed attempt from NBC last year (see, it was so bad, I can’t remember the name). I love the idea of a cool sci fi show on Friday nights again. And who doesn’t love a show that’s full of all kinds of bizarre creatures.  It’s Hellboy meets Torchwood. Sanctuary airs on the Sci Fi Channel on Fridays at 10 p.m.

Eleventh Hour is another cop drama dealing with freaky science. Apparently that’s the new breed this season. However, unlike Fringe, this show is mostly about weekly cases. The concept is interesting, but my complaint is that neither of the main characters -– Dr. Hood nor Agent Rachel Young -– really interest me and I they have much chemistry either; maybe it’s still to come. Eleventh Hour airs on CBS on Thursdays at 10 p.m.

Life on Mars is one of those shows that I’m still wondering what the heck is going on. I’ve watched all but the very last episode and I’m still feeling lost. But curiosity is winning out. Sam, a cop in pursuit of his partner’s (and girlfriend) kidnapper in 2008, gets struck by a car and wakes up in 1973 where cops are a little less ethical. Did he time travel? Is he in a coma? Who knows?  But I want to find out. Life on Mars airs on ABC on Thursdays at 10 p.m.

Mediocre, But I’m Still Hooked

90210 got me to tune in for nostalgia’s sake. I even watched the pilot and the series finale (now I remember why I stopped watching) of the original series in preparation. The pilot was a bit racier than its predecessor, but the show settled down into routine teen drama. But what I was surprised to see -– and the part that sucked me in –- was the drama of the adults in the show. Dillon still ruffles Kelly and Brenda’s feathers and for some reason I want to know why. 90210 airs on The CW on Tuesdays at 8 p.m.

Privileged, a show about a want-to-be writer who takes on a job tutoring rich twin teens, had me ready to turn the channel after the first episode. But I promised myself that I wouldn’t judge a show by its pilot alone this season and tuned in for a second week. Sage and Rose and their rich girlfriends need a reality check, but I really liked Megan’s character. She talks too much, is driven in pursuit of a successful writing career and is a bit of a novice in the romance department. Plus she has a cute best friend crushing on her. Privileged airs on The CW on Tuesdays at 9 p.m.

Not Worth Your Time

Knight Rider is a show I loved as a kid. C’mon it was a very cool car -– in the ’80s. Nostalgia won out again as I tuned into the two-hour pilot of this second generation show last spring. Unfortunately, it’s not enough to keep me watching this canned remake week after week. I tuned it for the first few weeks, but I couldn’t garner any enthusiasm for Mike, Sarah or any of the other characters, let alone the weak plots. KITT is still a pretty car and I love Val Kilmer’s voice, but they aren’t enough for me to continue to watch the show. Knight Rider airs on Wednesdays on NBC at 8 p.m.

My Own Worst Enemy had my hopes high with the return of Christian Slater. But even his dual personalities couldn’t keep me interested in this new show. I think my biggest problem is that I liked Edward (the heartless spy) better than Henry (the office drone/husband/father). I’d rather have more scenes with Edward when I should be feeling sympathy for Henry. The BBC series Jekyll did a much better job of handling the whole double personality concept. My Own Worst Enemy airs on NBC on Mondays at 10 p.m.

The Ex List has already been canceled and I can understand why. How desperate could they make Belle?  According to a psychic (because that’s how we should all base our life decisions), she has one year to marry or remain single (because that would be the worst thing ever) so she must re-date all her exes (she discarded them for a reason).

I’m very interested to see what’s in store for us midseason.  What is your favorite new show of the season?  Which one do you think is a complete waste of time?

Photo Credit: FOX

26 Responses to “The best new shows of the fall – Guest Clack”

November 9, 2008 at 2:45 PM

Brookie – Great post! True Blood and Fringe are at the top of my list, too.

November 9, 2008 at 7:41 PM

Thanks Jane. I was amazed at how quickly True Blood sucked (no pun intended) me in.

November 9, 2008 at 3:29 PM

I agree with everything on your list, but Knight Rider should have been filed under “please donate to the Ben Silverman cocaine fund so he can miss more meetings and not have a chance to put crap like this on the air.” That is if you believe the rumors about Mr. Wunderkind.

November 9, 2008 at 3:37 PM

Because of the strike, I am still counting last year’s shows as “new”. What amazes me is that “Chuck” and “Life” are my two favorite holdovers from last year – I haven’t been interested in renewing my interest in ABC’s Wednesday lineup. I think “Chuck” has done a wonderful job in marrying geekdom, action, comedy and some real character development. “Life” is just so unique in the richness of the camera work and Damian Lewis is mesmerizing. When it is at its best it is art – well above the typical procedural.

When I said that it amazed me that these two shows are my best new shows, I meant because they were from NBC. NBC is putting out such drivel this year with show such as Kath and Kim, My Own Worst Enemy, Knight Rider – the shows at the bottom of Brookie’s list. How can they be from the same development group? It is good to know that both have been given full seasons.

November 9, 2008 at 6:40 PM

marenamoo… If you’re using that metric, then we should certianly include Journeyman. I especially like the part on this season, where the main character told the doctors to fix the pigs. I really don’t understand how that saved anyone, but if it gets him home to be with his kid, I’m all for it.

November 9, 2008 at 7:45 PM

Chuck is one of my favorite shows. Chuck and Reaper were probably my two favorites from last year. My husband is a big fan of Life. But to be honest, because of the long break between the first season and this one I’m feeling a little lost. I forgot much of what happened towards the end of the first season.

November 9, 2008 at 6:39 PM

Wow, no mention of the Mentalist? Its probably the only new network show that I really like (Fringe, as strong as it started, hasn’t been able to keep me interested).

I second True Blood. I thought I’d “kinda like it” but it has really knocked my sox off with never giving you what you expect.

November 9, 2008 at 7:43 PM

I couldn’t honestly rate Mentalist. I watched the first 15 minutes and got bored. But I didn’t think I could pass judgement based on those 15 minutes.

November 9, 2008 at 8:16 PM

Well there it is… If you can’t get into the show, you can’t get I to it. But seriously, those first 15 minutes had Larry Poindexter.

November 10, 2008 at 9:47 AM

Guess I’m the minority because Poindexter doesn’t do anything for me. Now Jensen Ackles — I could watch him in anything. :-)

November 9, 2008 at 7:19 PM

Best New Shows: I liked Fringe at the beginning, but now I have to force myself to watch it. I like the relationships on the show and the science is interesting. It is some ways similar to Eleventh Hour except with a conspiracy theory. Maybe without that it would be better.

I have been watching Fringe live and The Mentalist online, but I am close to switching, because…

I think my favorite new show would have to be The Mentalist. I like Simon Baker. I was afraid it would be a rip off of Psych, but they are very different. The similarity ends with the “observant” trait.

Mediocre but hooked: That would be Knight Rider for me. I have to say I think it is a decent show that has been given an unearned poor rap. I haven’t watched it live much (unless Bones is not on), but have consistently watched online or Saturday if home. It is what it is…a popcorn tv show.

Other comments:

I watched the first episode of My Own Worst Enemy..may pick you more eps online, but probably not. It was just ok.

Eleventh Hour is enjoyable. I like the science in it more than Fringe.

One nice thing about the strike was that there seemed to be fewer new shows to try out. From last season, my favorites include Chuck & TSCC…both better every episode.

I’m not sure what it is but this tv season has seemed different. Maybe because more shows are being held to mid-season. But, overall, the season has been mediocre. I used to have a few shows that I just had to watch. This season, I do watch them, but I don’t feel the drive to watch them.

November 9, 2008 at 7:48 PM

I agree that Fringe and Eleventh Hour seem similar. The science might be more interesting in Eleventh Hour, but I definitely think the characters are more interesting in Fringe.

I really can comment much on Mentalist. I like Psych better. I was bored with what little I saw of Mentalist.

November 9, 2008 at 7:27 PM

I’m enjoying Sanctuary and Fringe. Also, The Mentalist is interesting, however, Robin Tunney is a distraction — completely unbelievable. I’m watching Eleventh Hour because of Rufus Sewell, and again, his partner is completely unbelievable. Geez…

November 10, 2008 at 9:49 AM

I was having a hard time buying Rachel Young as an agent. How much protecting can she do in spiked heels? At least Scully always wore sensible shoes.

November 9, 2008 at 8:05 PM

There are a few new shows I’ve been watching consistently –

Privileged. It’s funny. Really endearing. And full of male eye-candy. Seriously, if Mutant Enemy decided to do a straight forward comedy with no sci-fi, it would be this show.

True Blood. And I don’t know why. Besides the portrayal of Louisiana, which I’m currently living in, which is almost right, but not quite. But it’s a great engaging story.

Valentine. It’s highly formulaic. But it’s sucked me in.

Kat & Kim was just obnoxious. Fringe could have been great, but I don’t know, there’s something annoying about Joshua Jackson.

I’m looking forward to Dollhouse and The United States of Tara.

November 9, 2008 at 9:54 PM

I am looking forward to Dollhouse, though the trailer for it makes me wonder if I will like it. Plus, it is on Friday…is that a death sentence?!?!?

November 10, 2008 at 9:46 AM

Ann, I’m glad to hear I’m not the only who liked Privileged. I find the lead character, Megan, very funny.

Is True Blood’s portrayal of Louisiana (minus the vampires) acurate? I’ve never been there.

November 9, 2008 at 10:02 PM


November 10, 2008 at 9:43 AM

Is it really that good? My husband has been wanting to watch it.

November 10, 2008 at 1:50 AM

without a doubt, my favorite new show is “Life on Mars” for the very reason that it may not have made the top of your list, because i have no idea what’s going on. i love the fact that there are so many possibilities for what’s happening to the protagonist and it’s lack of predictability. i love that i’m lost. in fact i reminds me of the show Lost, which i also love, and in which i am also confused, lost and excited to learn more.

for that same reason, some of the shows you mentioned — especially Fringe — seem really dull to me. Fringe was better when it was called the X-Files. I’ve watched a few episodes in the hopes of something compelling, but i haven’t found it yet.

November 10, 2008 at 9:42 AM

I guess Life on Mars is just a little to unpredictable for me. I like it, it’s just not my most favorite.

November 10, 2008 at 6:14 AM


You should really give Life another chance. Where else can you get murder, conspiracy topped with Zen?

November 10, 2008 at 9:40 AM

Oh, I’m still watching Life. But every once in a while they make a reference about something from last season and I draw a blank. But I still like the show and I’m hoping the move to Wednesday will build the audience.

November 10, 2008 at 7:51 PM

Looks like they are making some changes to Knight Rider after the first 13 episodes.

Give it another chance. It really isn’t bad :)

The changes sound like an improvement.

November 11, 2008 at 12:03 PM

Then I’ll have to tune in to see if the changes are any good.

November 12, 2008 at 8:19 PM

With regard to Agent Dunham in Fringe, she was quite happy until her lover got blown up and then turned out to be a bad guy.

I guess I’d be a little morose after that as well.

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